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1、Section Reading and Thinking Comprehending 重点单词 写作词汇 1 exchange Iks t eInd n 交换 交流 vt 交换 交流 交易 兑换 2 lecture lekt r n 讲座 讲课 教训 vi 开 讲座 讲课 vt 训斥 3 nationality n n l ti n 国籍 民族 4 campus k mp s n 校园 校区 5 senior si nI r adj 级别 或地位 高的 n 较年长的人 6 outgoing a t I adj 爱交际的 外向的 7 experiment Ik sperIm nt n 实验 试验

2、 8 awkward kw d adj 令人尴尬的 难对付的 9 junior d u nI r adj 地位 或职位 级别 低下的 n 职位较低者 体育运 动中 青少年 10 explore Ik spl r vt vi 探索 勘探 拓展词汇 11 register red Ist r vt vi 登记 注册 registration n 登记 注册 挂号 12 nation neI n n 民族 国家 国民 national adj 民族的 国家的 13 design dI zaIn n 设计 设计方案vt 设计 筹划 designer n 设计者 14 formal f ml adj 正

3、式的 正规的 informal adj 非正式的 15 anxious k s adj 焦虑的 不安的 anxiety n 担心 焦虑 渴望 16 annoy n I vt 使恼怒 打扰 annoyed adj 恼怒的 生气的 17 frightened fraItnd adj 惊吓的 害怕的 frightening adj 令人恐惧的 frighten vt 使惊 吓 吓唬 18 impress Im pres vt 使钦佩 给 留下深刻的好印象vi 留下印象 引人注目 impression n 印象 感想 19 concentrate k nsntreIt vi vt 集中 注意力 聚精会

4、神 concentration n 集中 20 confident k nfId nt adj 自信的 有把握的 confidence n 信心 信任 21 improve Im pru v vi vt 改进 改善 improvement n 改进 改善 阅读词汇 22 sex seks n 性别 23 guy aI n 小伙子 男人 家伙 24 female fi meIl adj 女 性 的 雌的 n 雌性动 植 物 女子 25 male meIl adj 男 性 的 雄的 n 雄性动 植 物 男子 重点短语 1 senior high school 美国 高中 2 at last 终于

5、最终 3 make an impression 留下好印象 4 concentrate on 集中精力于 5 leave alone 不打扰 不惊动 6 junior high school 美国 初级中学 7 make friends 交朋友 8 tell a story 讲故事 9 not at all 一点也不 10 next to 靠近 重点句型 1 What if 要是 将会怎么样 What if 要是 将会怎么样 no one talks to me 2 find sb sth adj 宾补 I found most of my classmates and teachers fr

6、iendly and helpful 友好和乐于助人 Read the text on Page 14 and then choose the best answer 1 What does the text mainly tell us A Han Jing s feelings on her first school day B Han Jing s math teacher made a deep impression on her C Han Jing was anxious and awkward at the first school day D Han Jing made new

7、 friends at Senior High School 2 How did Han Jing find his maths teacher A Strict B Kind and friendly C Difficult D Outgoing 3 It can be inferred from the passage that Han Jing will A feel awkward and frightened in senior high school B lose confidence about his future C get used to her new school li

8、fe D not get along well with her classmates and teachers 答案 1 3 ABC exchangen 交换vt 交换 交流 交易 兑换 教材 P2 I m an exchange student from the UK 我是来自英国的一名交换生 1 in exchange for交换 exchange student 交换生 2 exchange sth for sth 用 来交换 exchange sth with sb 与某人交换某物 He would like to work in the restaurant in exchange

9、 for a meal for free 他想在餐馆干活换取免费的一顿饭 We students should often exchange ideas with our parents who are rich in experience 我们学生应该经常和经验丰富的父母交换意见 I d like to exchange some pounds for dollars 我想把一些英镑兑换成美元 designn 设计 设计方案vt 筹划 佳句背诵 As far as I know the course is designed for beginners 据我所知 这门课是为初学者设计的 1 b

10、e designed for sb sth be designed to do sth 为某目的 用途 而制造 计算 2 by design on purpose有意地 故意地 3 designer n 设计者 The programme is designed to help people who have been out of work for a long time 这项活动的目的是帮助下岗很长时间的人 We must make it clear whether it happened by accident or by design 我们一定要搞清楚这件事到底是碰巧发生的还是人为的

11、It is said that the designer design of the high building is a woman engineer 据说这座高楼的设计者是一位女工程师 anxiousadj 焦虑的 不安的 教材 P4 I m not outgoing so I m a little anxious right now 我不外向 所以现在有点焦虑 1 be anxious about为 担心 担忧 be anxious for 渴望 be anxious to do sth 渴望做某事 2 anxiety n 担心 焦虑 渴望 with anxiety 焦虑地 3 anxi

12、ously adv 焦虑地 I was really anxious about you You shouldn t have left home without a word 我非常担心你 你不应该不打招呼就离开家 I was told the Learning Center provides help for students and I m anxious to get get help from you 有人告诉我学习中心为学生提供帮助 我渴望得到你的帮助 He was anxious to leave and he could not hide his anxiety anxious

13、 他急于离开 无法掩饰他的焦虑 We waited anxiously anxious for the news of her safe arrival 我们焦急地等待她平安到达的消息 annoyedadj 恼怒的 生气的 佳句背诵 The kids wouldn t stop talking and I was beginning to be annoyed with them 孩子们不停地说话 我对他们开始有点恼火了 1 be annoyed with sb 对某人生气 be annoyed at about sth 因某事而生气 2 annoy vt 使不悦 惹恼 It annoys s

14、b that when how 使某人恼怒 3 annoying adj 令人恼怒的 令人烦恼的 He was beginning to be very annoyed with me about my carelessness 他开始对我的粗心大意非常生气 We should keep a cool head and put ourselves in others shoes rather than get annoyed annoy 我们应该保持头脑冷静 换位思考 而不是恼羞成怒 What annoyed annoy him most was that he didn t keep his

15、 promise 最令他生气的是他没有遵守诺言 What is really annoying annoy is that we made the same mistake last time 真正让人恼火的是我们上次犯了同样的错 frightenedadj 惊吓的 害怕的 佳句背诵 The frightening news made all of them frightened to death 那个令人恐惧的消息使他们都害怕得要命 1 frighten vt 使惊吓 吓唬 frighten sb into out of doing sth 恐吓某人做 不做某事 be frightened

16、to death 吓死 2 frightening adj 令人恐惧的 She ll be frightened to death when she sees the way you drive 看到你那样开车 她会吓死的 With no one to turn to in such a frightening frighten situation she felt very helpless 在这么令人恐惧的情况下没人能求助 她感到很绝望 The man frightened the old lady into telling tell the truth 那个人恐吓那位老太太说出真相 The news was frightening and they were all frightened frighten 这则消息令人恐惧 他们都感到惊恐 impressionn 印象 感想 教材 P4 I want to make a good first impression 我想留下一个好的第一印象 1 have leave a n impression on sb 给某人留下一个 的印象



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