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1、书面表达 2019 五 书面表达 计 15 分 66 请你根据所给写作要点和提示 以Advice for Good Manners为题写一篇短文 谈如何遵 守社会公德 做一个文明有礼的人 要求文中不得出现真实的人名 和地名 词数不少于80 个词 五 书面表达 15 分 One possible version Advice for Good Manners It s important to behave well at home and in public places We should get on well with our family is our duty to help wit

2、h homework We should also pay attention to the table manners Never eat first if there are older people at the table We should not behave badly in public either Always keep quiet in the library or cinema Give our seats to peop le in need when on the buses Often you thank you and please more when talk

3、 to others We should never litter everywhere Advice for Good Manners 写作要点提示词 Beginning what to talk about behave well Body Part how to behave at home be good to help with how to behave in public make noise litter Ending why to talk about it hope follow try to be Let s behave well both at home and in

4、 public and try to be a person with good manners 2018 五 书面表达 计 15 分 66 请根据所给思维导图和写作要求 联系生活实际 以 My Family Life 为题 用英语写一 篇不少于80 个词的短文 谈谈你的家庭生活 写作要求 1 短文必须包含思维导图中至少三个方面的内容 2 语句通顺 意思连贯 语法正确 书写规范 family members family rules family activities housework likes and dislikes about the family relationships My

5、Family Life 3 文中不得出现真实的人名 校名或地名 My Family Life 分 析 高 分 句 型 一 There are three members in my family my parents and I 我 家 里 有 三 个 人 我 父 母 和 我 这 是 there be 句 型 表 示 某 地 有 某 物 高 分 句 型 二 I believe we will have a better life in the future 我 相 信 我 们 将 来 会 过 上 更 好 的 生 活 这 是 一 个 宾 语 从 句 I believe是 主 句 后 面 的 是

6、宾 语 从 句 解 答 My Family Life I have a small family 开 头 点 明 主 题 There are three members in my family my parents and I 高 分 句 型 一 We have a very close relationship We like doing things together such as doi ng the housework and traveling together and sometimes we go out for dinner I n this way we can comm

7、unicate with each other well My parents are always busy but they try their best to help me They are very strict with me too So the y also make some rules for me For example I can t watch TV or play computer games until I finish my homework I love my parents 正 文 部 分 详 细 介 绍 家 人 I love my family I bel

8、ieve we will have a better life in the future 高 分 句 型 二 结 尾 紧 扣 主 题 点 评 能 够 根 据 提 示 进 行 书 面 表 达 能 够 围 绕 主 题 准 确 使 用 一 定 的 语 法 词 汇 短 语 和 句 型 等 清 楚 连 贯 地 表 达 自 己 的 思 想 进 而 完 成 写 作 任 务 2017 五 书面表达 计15 分 66 15 分 每个人的成长总是伴随着各种困难和烦恼 我们应该如何面对 请根据提示 结合自身实际 写一篇英语短文 谈谈遇到这些问题时 你是如何解决的 提示 困难和烦恼应对方式 课业负担重 考试压力大

9、被他嘲笑 与同学发生争吵 与父母沟通困难 向老师求助 与朋友交流 看书 写日记 运动 听音乐 要求 1 从表格中选择一到两困难或烦恼进行阐述 2 短文词数不得不于80 个 3 文中不得出现真实的人名 地名和校名 分析 高分句型一 It takes them five or six hours to finish the homework 他们花了五个或六个小时完成作业 It takes sb some time to do sth 某人做某事花费 时间 高分句型二 Reading books is another good way to solve the problems 读书是解决问题的另

10、一个好办法 Reading books 动名词作主语 动词用三单式 a good way to do sth 做某事的一个好办法 解答 Some students are stressed out and have trouble because of the learning pressure They have too much homework every day It takes them five or six hours to finish the homework 高 分句型一 They often quarrel with others and are laughed at T

11、he found it difficult to communicate with their parents 困难和烦恼 All these make them not sleep well and concentrate on their lessons Some of them even have a headache and can t go to school 导致的后果 I think they should ask help for the teachers and communicate with their friends Reading books is another g

12、ood way to solve the problems 高 分句型二 Besides they should exercise more and listen to the music They should be confident and try to relax themselves Plan the time carefully so that they can have more time to rest 解决 办法 点评 本篇写作需注意要求中所提供的要点 不可遗漏 需在平时积累相关的词汇 写作 中注意语义通顺 符合逻辑关系 上下文之间可以适当使用连接词 如but so then 等


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