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1、1 形容词 短语 副词练习题 1 2019 鞍山 7 What does Jim look like He is the second student in our class But I m than him A taller tallest B the tallest the taller C tallest taller D tallest the taller 2 2019 本溪 4 The Greens like the quietness in the countryside The city is too for them A comfortable B dangerous C

2、noisy D perfect 3 2019 本溪 6 Mr Liu watches TV He thinks watching TV is a waste of time A often B seldom C always D usually 4 2019 朝阳 4 John is a doctor but he is good at telling funny stories A kind B patient C serious D careful 5 2019 朝阳 5 His father showed him how to talk with others like a gentle

3、man A safely B bravely C happily D politely 6 2019 大连 4 My father is very busy He has spare time A always B usually C seldom D sometimes 7 2019 抚顺 3 Tom speaks Chinese quite well now Yes he has made progress in Chinese learning A common B simple C perfect D rapid 8 2019 抚顺 13 Intelligent house furni

4、shings 智能家居 are used in people s homes these days A widely B luckily C softly D loudly 9 2019 葫芦岛 12 What do you think of the TV program I m a singer Great I ve never watched a one A worse B better C bad D good 10 2019 辽阳 7 Although our plane met with a storm it landed A safely B suddenly C secretly

5、 D heavily 11 2019 盘锦 4 Lucy our father s birthday is coming Let s buy a card for him Why not make one by ourselves It will be than buying one A meaningful B much meaningful C more meaningful D the most meaningful 12 2019 沈阳 3 People who always do sports are in spirits than those who don t A high B

6、higher C tall D taller 13 2019 沈阳 4 You should walk in snowy weather so that you will not fall over A happily B slowly C sadly D quickly 14 2019 铁岭 3 His grandfather did his best to keep the tree but it died in the end A alive B asleep C absent D awake 15 2019 铁岭 6 Nelson exercises because he has to

7、o much work every day A usually B always C often D seldom 16 2019 营口 6 I feel a little about the coming English exam Take it easy The better you prepare the better grades you will get A nervous B disappointed C bored D cross 17 2019 营口 7 Are you going to have a picnic with me this weekend 2 not I ma

8、y look after my sister A Properly B Exactly C Probably D Especially 18 2019 营口 9 It s raining heavily The radio says it will be worse tomorrow A very B quite C too D much 19 2019 本溪 14 Simon has been school for 2 days What s wrong with him It s said that he has a cold A nervous about B thirsty for C

9、 absent from D worried about 20 2019 抚顺 7 Not only Chinese kids but also western kids Journey to the West A are famous for B are afraid of C are worried about D are interested in 21 2019 辽阳 10 The land is rain because it hasn t rained for several months A known forB useful to C harmful toD thirsty f

10、or 22 2018 抚顺 6 Youth 芳华 is a wonderful film I ve never seen a one before A worse B better C best D worst 23 2018 抚顺 9 The children in the poor area are a good school to learn more knowledge A thirsty for B thankful to C known for D harmful to 24 2018 抚顺 12 Your advice is very to me I m sure our act

11、ivity will be more meaningful A terrible B comfortable C impossible D valuable 25 2018 本溪 3 What news We ve never had such a long vacation before A missing B boring C worrying D exciting 26 2018 本溪 7 There are smiles everywhere on the faces of children A nearly B especially C finally D luckily 27 20

12、18 本溪 12 We should always the people who have helped us A be hard on B be thirsty for C be afraid of D be thankful to 28 2018 铁岭 3 To be a good listener you should be while listening to others A strict B nervous C afraid D patient 29 2018 铁岭 4 Philip who sang best in yesterdays singing competition O

13、f course Kevin did No one sings than him in our school A best B worst C better D worse 30 2018 辽阳 6 I had a trip to Dalian last year It s a nice city to visit A wonderful B terrible C dangerous D delicious 31 2018 辽阳 8 The gift from my friend is getting old but I still like it very much A usually B

14、suddenly C slowly D exactly 32 2018 辽阳 11 I feel after a night s good sleep Yeah sleeping is the best way to relax A very tired B more tired C less tired D the most tired 33 2018 葫芦岛 6 I have some trouble in learning math Take it easy because we can avoid meeting problems in study A always B usually

15、 C often D hardly 34 2018 葫芦岛 7 The artist is so He can make different changing pictures with sand A common B creative C brave D friendly 35 2018 葫芦岛 8 My father thinks writing is as as reading A interesting B interested C more interesting D more interested 36 2018 大连 10 Today with the Internet peop

16、le can communicate than ever 3 A easily B more easily C most easily D the most easily 37 2018 丹东 27 Your mother you That s what every body says We look like twins A is a little heavier than B looks as young as C doesn t look so lively as D is as tall as 38 2018 丹东 29 Let s buy some apples The apple box is empty Yes but there are still 3 apples left I think they re enough for you A nearly B really C truly D clearly 39 2018 丹东 35 Although Sarah always comes to school very early she didn t come as



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