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1、第 1 页 共 58 页 2019 年广西河池市中考英语试卷 第一部分听力 情景反应 共10 分 A 听句子 选画面 你将听到5 个句子 每个句子读 一遍 请选出与录音内容相符的画面 1 5分 1 2 3 4 5 B 听句子 选答语 你将听到5 个句子 每个句子读一遍 请从备选答案中选出恰当的答语 2 1 分 A Good morning B Good afternoon C Good evening 3 1 分 A Come here B Yes please C You re welcome 4 1 分 A I ve won the first prize B I lost my wall

2、et C Thanks a lot 5 1 分 A Hold on please B What a pity C Have a good time 6 1 分 A Walk straight B Near the hospital C 4395758 对话理解 每题 1 分 共 10 分 听五段短对话 每段对话读两遍 请根据你所听到的对话 内容选择正确答案 7 1 分 What is Julie doing A Watching TV B Washing her clothes 第 2 页 共 58 页 C Doing her homework 8 1 分 What does the man

3、want A Beef B Noodle C Chicken 9 1 分 How often does Tom swim A Once a week B Twice a week C Every day 10 1 分 Who made the telephone call just now A Lily s mother B Lily s sister C Lily s father 11 1 分 What season might it be A Spring B Summer C Winter 12 2 分 听第一段长对话 回答下列小题 对话读两遍 请根据你所听到的对话内容选 择正确答案

4、1 What does Li Ning do A A student B An actor C A taxi driver 2 Li Ning comes here for A a meeting B a dinner C a party 13 3 分 听第二段长对话 回答下列小题 对话读两遍 请根据你所听到的对话内容选 择正确答案 1 Where is Mr Wang 第 3 页 共 58 页 A At school B At home C At the doctor s 2 How old is Mr Wang now A 22 B 25 C 47 3 The doctor advised

5、 Mr Wangto give up smoking A to play computer games B to join a group C to read books 短文理解 每小题 10 分 共 10 分 你将听到一篇短文 短文读三遍 请根据短文内容 选择 正确答案 14 10 分 1 When my sister saw Snoopy for the first time he was A ill B dead C hungry 2 Snoopy has lived with my sister and my family foryears A five B Fifteen C fi

6、fty 3 When Snoopy wanted to eat he would cry A How are you B Hello C Help 4 Tworushed to the house withguns A policemen B neighbors C thieves 5 Snoopy was 第 4 页 共 58 页 A a dog B a cat C a bird 单项选择 每小题 1 分 共 15 分 从各小题所给的四个备选项中选出最佳答案 15 1 分 June 1st is Day My sister is happy on that day every year A

7、Women sB Fathers C Teachers D Children s 16 1 分 We often have three meals day And we usually have breakfast at 8 00 every morning A a theB a aC a D the 17 1 分 Please pass me book on the right A fourB fourthC the fourD the fourth 18 1 分 Look The boys are making the model boat by A himselfB themselves

8、C ourselvesD yourselves 19 1 分 I know her face I can t remember her name A andB butC soD or 20 1 分 Linda is of the three girls but she is the tallest A youngB Younger C youngestD the youngest 21 1 分 Tina close the door Your brother is studying for the exam A clearlyB easilyC widelyD quietly 22 1 分 M

9、y parents don t allow me TV on school nights A to watchB watchC watchesD watching 23 1 分 My English teacher always comes into the classroom a smile A byB forC onD with 24 1分 We wonder if our parents will come to our graduating party next weekend If they we ll be very glad A comeB comesC are comingD

10、will come 25 1 分 Is that red schoolbag Mary s It be hers She hates that color A mayB mustC can tD might 第 5 页 共 58 页 26 1 分 Look at the flowers on both sides of the streets They last month A were plantedB are planted C are plantingD were planting 27 1 分 My cousin hasn t decided this weekend A how wi

11、ll he go to Shanghai B how he will go to Shanghai C how has he gone to Shanghai D how he has gone to Shanghai 28 1 分 Zhang Lan usually looks after her little brother at home when her mother is away A looks upB looks out C looks overD takes care of 29 1 分 We have won the first prize in the singing co

12、mpetition A Have a good tripB Wait a moment C Never mindD Congratulations V 完形填空 每空 1 分 共 10 分 阅读下面的短文 从各题所给的四个备选项中选出最佳答案 30 10 分 One day a man saw an old lady standing by her car on the side of the road He could see that she need help 1 he stopped his car in front of her and got out Even though the

13、 man had a smile on his face the old lady was worried 2 had stopped to help for the last hour Was he going to hurt 3 He didn t look safe he looked poor and hungry the old lady thought He could see that she was worried So he said I am here 4 you madam It seems that you have a flat tire 车胎漏气 5 don t y

14、ou wait in the car where it s warm while I change the tire for you By the way my name is Bryant Anderson Though feeling doubtful the old lady 6 her car About 20 minutes later he was done the old lady asked Bryant 7 she should pay Bryant 8 thought about being paid He told her that if she 9 wanted to

15、pay him back the next time she saw someone who needed help she could give that person her help 第 6 页 共 58 页 The man waited until the lady started her car and drove off It was a cold day but he felt 10 as he went on his way home 1 A AndB ButC OrD So 2 A EveryoneB SomeoneC AnyoneD No one 3 A himB HerC

16、 meD us 4 A to hurtB to helpC to troubleD to visit 5 A WhyB WhatC WhichD When 6 A got outB got awayC got intoD got off 7 A how muchB how farC how longD how soon 8 A everB neverC seldomD always 9 A clearlyB carefullyC reallyD completely 10 A goodB sadC aloneD angry 阅读理解 共 30 分 阅读短文 判断短文后句子的意思是否与短文内容相符 用 T 表示相 符 F 表示不相符 31 5 分 Many people believe that tea was first drunk nearly 5 000 years ago It is said that a Chinese ruler called Shen Nong was the first to discover tea as a drink More than 4 000


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