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1、第 1 页 共 20 页 中考英语音标专题复习 常考元音字母组合 1 ai train curtain captain paid wait certain rain 发音 i captain 发音 ei train paid wait rain 不发音 certain curtain 2 ar sugar liar warn far star war 发音 sugar liar 发音 far star 发音 warn war 3 au autumn aunt laughter fault caught 发音 aunt laughter 发音 autumn fault caught 4 ea a

2、rea breath beat breathe theater heavy break breakfast bread heat head breast steak beach 发音 i beat heat beach breathe 第 2 页 共 20 页 发音 e breath heavy breakfast bread head breast 发音 area theater 发音 ei break steak 5 ei veil receive height neither deceive leisure eight 发音 i receive deceive 发音 a height n

3、either 发音 ei veil eight 6 er term under dancer singer nervous 发音 term nervous 发音 under dancer singer 7 ey valley obey survey monkey key they convey money 发音 ei obey survey convey they 发音 i valley monkey money 发音 i key 8 oa soap goat broad toad goal board 发音 soap goat toad goal 发音 broad board 9 oo fo

4、od good mood foot boot stood blood root wood look cook shoot wool tool flood choose school 发音 u food mood boot root shoot tool choose school 发音 u good foot stood wood look cook wool 发音 blood flood 10 or world sailor creator worm doctor worse worth 发音 world worm worse worth 发音 sailor creator doctor 第

5、 3 页 共 20 页 11 ou found young south country about touch route group should could wound shoulder would count southern cousin couple 发音 a found south about count 发音 shoulder 发音 u young route group wound 发音 country touch southern cousin couple 发音 u should could 12 our sour journal hour flour journey jo

6、urnalist 发音 a sour flour 发音 journal journey journalist 13 ow owl bow show how slow now throw flower brown shower own 发音 a owl how flower brown shower 发音 bow show slow throw own 14 ough tough ought rough bough though through cough fought 发音 a bough 发音 ought fought 发音 u through 发音 f tough rough 发音 tho

7、ugh 发音 f cough 15 ui build biscuit suit guide quiz quite juice equip fruit 发音 i build biscuit quiz equip 发音 u suit juice fruit 发音 a guide quite 16 ue due true tongue cheque avenue glue 第 4 页 共 20 页 发音 ju due avenue 发音 u true glue 不发音 tongue cheque 例题精讲 例1 Which of the following underlined parts is d

8、ifferent in pronunciation with others A The free wifi is only av ailable in the lobby of the hotel e B There is something wrong with my watch ch ain e C Our captain asked us to attend the dinner party last night D Nowadays people can keep in touch by em ail e 例 2 Which of the following underlined pa

9、rts is different in pronunciation with others A The is special m arket in the town every month B In Britain young people under 18 are not allowed to enter the bar C You will make great progress if you work hard enough D Mo Yan was awarded the Nobel Prize in 2012 答案 C D 第 5 页 共 20 页 巩固练习 1 Which of t

10、he following underlined parts is different in pronunciation with others A The thief was c aught by the police yesterday B Miss Lu has t aught us English for almost 4 years C Don t l augh at others mistakes D In autumn leaves fall from trees 2 Which of the following underlined parts is different in p

11、ronunciation with others A The students will have a piano lesson every Thursd ay i B Oliver was so tired that he l ay on the bed and fell asleep e C We mustn t play computer games for too long e D Aunt Lucy asked us to st ay with her family for a few days in Sydney e 3 Which of the following underli

12、ned parts is different in pronunciation with others A What would you like for breakfast cereals or toast e B The little boy was very sorry for breaking the windows e C The doorman helped me carry my h eavy luggage e D Last week I r ead a book called The Sword Bird e 4 Which of the following underlin

13、ed parts is different in pronunciation with others A On my way to the hall I h eard someone singing in the classroom building B The art museum is quite near the square 第 6 页 共 20 页 C The boys ran away because of the fear of the darkness D Too loud music is bad for you ears 5 Which of the following u

14、nderlined parts is different in pronunciation with others A We can see some farmers working hard in the f ields i B A friend in need is a fr iend indeed e C Tom was so hungry that he ate several pieces of bread i D Do you bel ieve what he has said i 6 Which of the following underlined parts is diffe

15、rent in pronunciation with others A Eddic is always p olite and helpful to others B The river is fr ozen C The local police is not helpful at all D He drove home safely 7 Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation with others A Jane is looking for a h ouse with a big garde

16、n a B My father f ound some coins on the ground a C She had a bad cold and coughed a lot D The soldier answered l oudly a 8 Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation with others 第 7 页 共 20 页 A I was b orn in Shanghai B Mom is preparing f or my birthday part C Some tourists from the n orth of China D Visit ors are not allowed to enter this area 9 Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation with others A In autumn some leaves turn yell ow and r



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