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1、1 Unit 4 Astronomy the science of the stars 话题 神舟8 号 体裁 记叙文 写作思路 发射时间 任务 感想 On November 1st 2011 I watched the live launch of the unmanned spacecraft Shenzhou 8 on CCTV At 5 in the early morning Shenzhou 8 was launched perfectly into the air After being launched Shenzhou 8 would be docked with Tiang

2、ong 1 which had already been launched on September 20th 2011 The journey of Shenzhou 8 will be followed by the launches of Shenzhou 9 and Shenzhou 10 and the three will together form China s first space laboratory I m so proud of the achievements our country has made in space technology 2 写出下列必考单词 1

3、 大气层n 2 人造卫星n 3 不同 不像prep 4 气候n 5 地心引力 重力n 6 理论n 7 碰撞 坠落v 8 宇宙飞船n 9 链子 锁链n 10 碳n 答案 1 atmosphere 2 satellite 3 unlike 4 climate 5 gravity 6 theory 7 crash 8 spaceship 9 chain 10 carbon 写出下列单词的变化形式 1 暴力的 猛烈的adj 暴力n 暴力地 猛烈地adv 2 生存v 生存n 3 害处n 3 有害的adj 无害的adj 4 生物学n 生物学家n 5 宗教n 宗教的adj 答案 1 violent viol

4、ence violently 2 exist existence 3 harm harmful harmless 4 biology biologist 5 religion religious 用所给单词的适当形式填空 1 The treatment they gave him did him more than good though the doctor insisted it was harm 2 Air everywhere and its makes it possible for us to live on exist 3 He is very For example the l

5、ifting device he made is a of ropes and pulleys system 4 A tour means traveling all around the globe 5 The use of against the attackers led to more clashes violently 答案 1 harm harmless 2 exists existence 3 systematic system 4 global globe 4 5 violence violent 翻译下列必背短语 1 及时 终于 2 下蛋 3 高兴 振奋 4 轮到某人 5 爆

6、发 6 阻止 7 既然 8 以 为起点 9 四面八方 10 冷却 答案 1 in time 2 lay eggs 3 cheer up 4 in one s turn 5 break out 6 prevent from 7 now that 8 begin with 9 in all directions 10 cool down 根据括号里的解释 用适当的短语完成下列句子 1 We got to Washington sufficiently early so as not to be late for the cherry blossoms 2 He filled with gladne

7、ss hope at the thought of seeing his girl friend again 5 3 be on one s guard keep looking out for possible trouble There s a car coming 4 SARS happen suddenly in 2003 and quite a few people died of it 5 Marx s ideas produce young communism 答案 1 in time 2 cheered up 3 Watch out 4 broke out 5 gave bir

8、th to 重点句型 1 This made it possible for life to begin to develop p 26 这就使得生命开始进化成为可能 句型 用上述句型完成下列句子 1 他认为去前线是他的责任 2 我们规定 课内外都讲英语 6 答案 1 He considered it his duty to go to the front 2 We made it a rule to speak English in and out of class 2 So whether life will continue on the earth for millions of ye

9、ars to come will depend on whether this problem can be solved p 26 所以 在未来的数百万年中 生命能否在地球上延续取决于这个问题能否得到解决 句型 用上述句型完成下列句子 1 你能否取得进步取决于你是否努力学习 2 一个护士能否照顾好病人取决于她是否喜欢这个工作 答案 1 Whether you will make progress depends on whether you study hard 2 Whether a nurse can take good care of the patients depends on w

10、hether she 7 likes the job 3 But when I tried to step forward I found I was carried twice as far as on the earth and fell over p 31 而当我试着向前迈步的时候 我发觉我被送出去很远 步子的跨度竟是在地球上的两倍 因而我摔倒了 句型 请用三种方法翻译下列句子 8 我的房间是你房间的三倍大 1 2 3 答案 1 My room is three times as large as yours 2 My room is twice larger than yours 3

11、My room is three times the size of yours 用上述句型翻译下列小片段 当我们听说我们生产的粮食是上一年的两倍时 我们都高兴得跳起来 我们知道 是 每个人的努力工作才使得我们能生产这么多粮食 我们也知道 来年能否做得更好取决于我 们是否继续努力 答案 When we heard that we produced twice as much rice as we did the year before we were so glad that we jumped with great joy We knew that it was everybody s ha

12、rd work that made it possible for us to produce so much rice We also knew whether we could do better in the coming year depended on whether we would keep on trying our best 9 语篇领悟 根据课文 How Life Began on the Earth完成下列短文 At the very beginning the earth was just a cloud of 1 energy dust Then the dust c

13、ombined 2 a ball moving around the sun After that it exploded loudly with fire and rock 3 produce water vapour carbon dioxide and other gases 4 in the end made the earth s atmosphere Then the earth 5 down and water one of the earth s special 6 appeared and stayed on the earth which made 7 possible f

14、or life to begin 8 develop Some small plants 9 grow in the water appeared on the earth s surface 10 follow by land animals 11 insects amphibians reptiles and the 12 important animals called dinosaurs until finally dinosaurs disappeared 13 of a sudden and some small clever animals with hands and feet

15、 appeared and spread all 14 the earth and in place of dinosaurs they became 15 most important animals on the planet that is human beings 答案 1 energetic 2 into 3 producing 4 which 5 cooled 6 qualities 7 it 8 to develop 9 growing 10 followed 11 including like 12 most 13 all 14 over 15 the 考点活用 根据所给中文

16、用所学词组 句型完成英语短文 10 火星上有生命吗 不知道 我们能登陆 火星吗 这完全取决于科学技术的发展 人 类对火星有了一些了解 火星上几乎没有氧 气 火星上中午的温度可能在50 度左右 而 晚上则在零下100 度左右了 这样我们就不 能在那里生活 既然火星与地球完全不同 那么如果我们计划有朝一日去火星的话 我 们就要带上氧气 食品 衣服和住的地方 shelter 但可以肯定的是 人类迟早会登 陆火星的 1 We don t know Can we land on Mars It all depends on the development of science and technology 2 There is almost no oxygen on Mars It might be about 50 degrees above zero at noon and 100 degrees below zero at night which 3 Now that Mars 4 if we are to go to Mars one day we should have to take



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