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1、1 Unit 5 Theme parks 单词拼写 1 The date of the meeting has been 提前 from Friday to Monday 2 The 承认 of guilt is very hard 3 The boy 自愿 to buy some food 4 In my opinion I m not as 擅长运动的 as him 5 The writer has a 独特的 s tyle which makes him world famous 6 The shop has v clothes for women customers to choose

2、 from 7 Mount Tai has become a tourist a all over the world 8 I think these interesting old customs should be p 9 The room is 15 feet in l and 10 feet in width 10 One of his forefathers was an early s in America 答 案 1 advanced2 admission3 volunteered4 athletic5 unique 6 various 7 attraction 8 preser

3、ved 9 length 10 settler 完成句子 1 I often go hiking because I like 接近 nature close 2 When the old man was seeing the old film everything in the past 浮现 in his mind come 3 A part of the theme was 模仿 life in ancient China model 4 I hear Tom is ill 难 怪 he didn t come to school yesterday wonder 5 She loves

4、 acting and hopes to 以 出名 her acting famous 6 We had to pay the rent two weeks 提前 advance 7 She 消遣 by reading detective stories amuse 8 He 有 乐 趣 when he was living in the countryside fun 2 答案 1 getting close to 2 came to life 3 modelled after 4 No wonder 5 be famous for 6 in advance 7 amused herself

5、 8 had great fun 单项填空 1 I suggest not only to the meeting but also give a speech there A did he go B should he go C he should go D his going 答案 B 考查虚拟语气和倒装 句意 我建议他不仅参加会议 还要在会上发言 由 句意知 suggest 所接的从句应该用 should 动词原形 的虚拟语气 再由 not only but also 的用法知 not only所接分句应该用部分倒装 因此选B项 2 More and more people choose

6、 to shop in supermarkets for they are especially interested in the of goods on offer A price B variety C value D amount 答案 B price 价格 value 价值 amount 数量 这三个词均与supermarket 和 on offer在语义上有联系 而variety体现了超市的特点 句意 越来越多的人选择在 超市购物 因为他们对于种类繁多的出售商品很感兴趣 3 The Town Council spent a lot of money to the old castl

7、e and other places of historic interest A guard B reserve C arrange D preserve 答案 D 句意 镇议会 镇民代表会花了很多钱来维修那座古城堡和其他历史古迹 preserve 保护 维修 符合题意 guard 守卫 警戒 reserve 保留 预订 arrange 安排 均不符合语境 4 You played football the whole afternoon you are so tired A No problem B No way C No wonder D No doubt 答案 C 句意 你踢了一整个下

8、午的足球 难怪你那么累 踢足球是累的原因 故用 no wonder 其他三项不符合语境 5 He is interested in English He often works at it until into the night 3 A deep deeply B deep deep C deeply deep D deeply deeply 答案 C 句意 他对英语非常感兴趣 经常学习英语到深夜 deep 用于具体的深度 包括空间和时间 它不能修饰形容词 而deeply 用于抽象 比喻意义 与表达情感的动词 形容词或过去分词连用 6 To ride in an aeroplane you

9、have to book in A ahead B public C advance D presence 答案 C in advance 提前 句意 要乘飞机必须提前订票 in public 在公共场 合 in presence 出现 存在 7 In October the price of the to Mount Tai has risen by 50 yuan A permission B admission C introduction D instruction 答案 B permission 允许 admission 入场费 introduction 引入 介绍 instruct

10、ion 指导 根据the price和 to Mount Tai判断 此处指到泰山的 门票 所以用 admission 8 Not only China but also other countries trying to develop their own economy A is B are C has D be 答案 B 句意 不仅中国 还有其他国家也在尽力发展自己的经济 根据主谓一致中 的就近原则 此句中的谓语动词与other countries在人称和数上保持一致 因此用are 9 You are very cool with your brother but with your c

11、lassmates you A come to yourself B come to life C come to an end D come out 答案 B 句意 你对你弟弟冷冰冰的 但跟同学在一起却很活跃 come to life 活 跃起来 苏醒过来 符合语境 come to oneself 苏醒过来 come to an end 结束 come out 出现 显露 发表 均不符合语境 10 What is your favourite of sports clothing Nike 4 A brand B size C length D width 答案 A 由答语 Nike 可知

12、问句句意 你最喜欢的运动服的品牌是什么 brand意 思是 商标 牌子 11 We should try every effort to prevent violence happening at school more and more students would drop out of school their personal safety could not be guaranteed A for now that B for if C though so long as D though if only 答案 B 第一个空表示原因 第二个空表示条件 句意 我们应该竭尽全力阻止校园

13、暴力的发生 因为如果人身安全得不到保障的话 就会有越来越多的学生辍学 so long as 也可用在第二空中表示条件 12 Eat cake you like and leave the rest for comes late A any who B every whoever C whichever whoever D either whoever 答案 C whichever表示 无论哪一个 作cake 的定语 whoever 既作介词 for的 宾语 又充当comes的主语 13 Not just Tom but his brothers China twice A have been

14、to B has been to C have gone to D has gone to 答案 A 句意 汤姆和他的几个弟弟都来过中国两次了 not just A but also B 作主语时 谓语动词根据B来确定 have been to 曾经到过 have gone to 到某 地去了 还没有回来或在去某地的路上 14 We can produce shoes after the fashions of different markets or according to buyers samples A modelled B designed C requested D made 答案

15、 A 句意 我们按不同市场的流行款式或客户来样来制作鞋子 be modelled after 为固定搭配 意为 根据 模仿 制造 此处用过去分词作后置定语 design 设计 request 请求 要求 make 制造 make after 追逐 跟随 5 15 The flood of cheaper foreign cars has not made American auto workers lose their jobs as some experts A deserved B predicted C preserved D prohibited 答案 B deserve 值得 pre

16、serve 保留 prohibit 禁止 predict意为 预 言 预计 符合句意 句意 正如一些专家预言的那样 大量低廉的外国汽车的涌入并没 有使美国汽车工人失业 阅读理解 A Millions of people visit Yosemite National Park every year to see the tall waterfalls and mountains These mountains are a splendid sight when viewed from the valley floor Lots of stores hotels and restaurants are needed to handle the crowds Also water roads and other service systems are part of the infrastructure 基 础设施 that must be maintained Unfortunately these systems are starting to break down It s not


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