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1、1 必修五Units 3 5 质量过关检测 分值 150 分时间 120 分钟 第一部分 听力 共两节 满分30 分 略 第二部分 基础知识运用 共两节 满分45 分 第一节 单项填空 共 15 小题 每小题1 分 满分15 分 从 A B C D 四个选项中 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项 并在答题卡上将该选 项涂黑 21 2012 河北省普高质检 China held ceremony to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Xinhai Revolution at Great Hall of the People in Beijing A a 不填B

2、 a the C the the D the 不填 答案 B 考查冠词 句意 中国在北京人民大会堂召开了纪念辛亥革命一百周年的纪 念仪式 第一空表泛指 第二空the Great Hall of the People是由普通名词构成的专有 名词 需加定冠词 22 2012 自贡二诊 She was tired and wanted to find a bench to sit on for a while but they were all A given away B kept away C taken up D used up 答案 C 考查动词短语的含义 此处take up意为 占用 句意

3、 她累了 想找 个凳子坐一会儿 可是所有的凳子都被占用了 23 2012 万州区一诊 Tom behaved properly before his new boss he knew he could never have second chance to change first impression A a a B the a C a the D the the 答案 C 考查冠词 句意 汤姆在新老板面前表现得体 他知道他再没机会改变老板 对他的第一印象 由句意可知 第一空填不定冠词 a second表示 再一 又一 第二 空表示特指新老板对他的第一印象 24 2012 万州区一诊 You

4、r can t start the machine directed by a skilled operator A since B until C as D unless 答案 D 考查连词 句意 除非有有经验的老师指导 否则你不能开动机器 由句意 可知 选unless 意为 除非 如果不 25 2012 四川眉山一诊 An iPhone 4s most useful and fashionable is 2 popular among teenagers A consider B considering C considered D to consider 答案 C 考查非谓语动词 此处用

5、过去分词作定语相当于一个定语从句 其逻辑主语 为主句主语 它们构成逻辑上的动宾关系 故用过去分词形式 26 2012 广西老牌高中一调 real face to face communication nowadays we communicate by telephone cell phone and through the Internet more and more instead A Lacked B To lack C Lacking D Having been lacked 答案 C 考查非谓语动词 句意 如今由于缺乏真实的面对面的交流 我们越来越多 的通过电话 手机以及网络来交流

6、lack 本身为及物动词 分析题干可知其与句子主语we 存在逻辑上的主谓关系 且与句子的谓语动词communicate 几乎同时发生 故应该用现在分 词的一般式 27 2012 太 原 调 研 PE will be part of the high school graduation examinations you will have to be strong and healthy to graduate A In need B In case C In no time D In other words 答案 D 考查介词短语 句意 体育将会成为高中毕业考试的内容 也就是说 你必 须健康强

7、壮才能毕业 由句意可知 选D项 意为 换句话说 也就是说 in need 需 要 in case 以防 in no time 立刻 马上 28 2012 自 贡 二 诊 me the key Jenkins you can t drive after drinking A Giving B To give C Given D Give 答案 D 考查祈使句的用法 句意 给我钥匙 Jenkins 你不能酒后驾车 29 2012 石 家 庄 市 质 检 一 Have you his parents of his recent performance at school No but I will

8、A consulted B accused C suspected D informed 答案 D 考查动词 句意 你通知他的父母他最近的在校表现了吗 还没 有 我会告诉的 由句意可知 选inform意为 通知 30 2012 河北省普高质检 About l 62 million Chinese students went abroad to 3 study between l978 and 2009 only 497 400 have come back A who B among whom C among which D in whom 答案 B 考查定语从句 句意 从1978 年到 20

9、09 年 大约162 万中国学生到国外学 习 其中497400 人回国了 由句意可知 选among whom 31 2012 沈阳四校协作体月考 We want someone to design the art museum for us the young fellow have a try A May B Shall C Will D Need 答案 B 考查情态动词 答语句意 能不能让那个年轻人试一下 由句意可知 此 处选 shall 用在第一 三人称中 表请求对方同意 此时 will用在第二人称中表请求 32 2012 桂林 防城港一调 Don t you feel cold Jac

10、k You wear such a thin coat in a day at 5 I m boiling A No problem B Not in the least C That s OK D Take it easy 答案 B 考查交际英语 由答语 我热得要命 可知 应该选not in the least 意 为 一点也不 冷 33 2012 宝鸡质检一 Suddenly an idea flashed into her mind and she wanted to put it down immediately but she couldn t find any paper A wr

11、iting on B to write C writing D to write on 答案 D 考查非谓语动词 句意 她突然有了一个想法 她想把它记下来 但是她找 不到纸来记 由句意可知 选不定式表目的 排除A C项 此处介词on 应该保留 再如 He had only a small room to live in 34 2012 万州区一诊 Why not ask Tom for his suggestion No I won t You ll never know strange idea will come out of his mind A how B which C what D

12、 if 答案 C 考查名词性从句 答语句意 我绝不会向汤姆征求意见 你不知道他会想出 多么奇怪的念头 由句意可知 选what 此处是感叹句式 中心词是idea 所以用 what 35 2012 北京西城区期末统考 No one can walk the wire in the air without a bit of fear unless very young 4 A having trained B trained C to be trained D being trained 答案 B 考查非谓语动词 unless 后省略了句子的主语they 和动词 be 的形式 are 所以选过去分词

13、形式 第二节 完形填空 共 20 小题 每小题1 5 分 满分30 分 阅读下面短文 从短文后各题所给的四个选项 A B C和 D 中 选出可以填入空白处 的最佳选项 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑 2012 稳派教育新课改质检 A 36 year old man stormed into the Ramona post office yelling 嚷叫 at everyone to get out of his way 36 a shotgun he climbed up onto the countertop and told 37 to lie on the floor Then he pul

14、led the trigger 扳手 and 38 a round into the ceiling Plaster fell onto the floor and the 39 The man 40 all the customers and employees to sit up and look at him He said Repeat after me I hate the post office Everyone 41 the words He fired another round but this time he 42 the front plate glass window

15、Broken glass went everywhere Three minutes later five police cars 43 in front of the post office lights flashing and alarms going off Using a 44 a police officer told the man to walk out 45 with his hands up The man fired towards the broken window The police officer and his loud speaker were 46 Howe

16、ver one police car had three little small 47 in it The man yelled I m not coming out 48 the post office pays me for pain and suffering A postal truck 49 my car two years ago My back is killing me I can t work anymore My wife left me I can t 50 it anymore After a while the man 51 He released all the people inside At 700 p m the man walked out backwards with his hands up The police got the handcuffs on him put him in the back seat of the car and drove him to the 52 station A post office official s


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