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1、1 Unit 2 The United Kingdom 单词拼写 1 We are 感到激动 to hear the wonderful piece of news that the people living in the mainland can fly direct to Taiwan 2 The second Children s Palace of Guangzhou sits in a 极好的 location by the side of Pearl River 3 I hope that what I say will 澄清 the situation 4 I keep my

2、reference books near my desk for 方便 5 The Tower of London is a great 吸引 to tourists 6 We have 完成 all we set out to do 7 What he wrote isn t 一致 with what he told us 8 He 整理 the books on the shelf 9 Travelling is my chief 乐事 10 He seized the 机会 to invite her home for dinner 答案 1 thrilled 2 splendid 3

3、clarify 4 convenience 5 attraction 6 accomplished 7 consistent 8 arranged 9 delight 10 occasion 完成句子 1 Our class 由 组成 more than 48 students 被分成 6 groups consist divide 2 Nowadays many farmers want to 脱 离农村生活 and make a living in cities break 3 Please buy these books for me 在 你 方 便 的 时 候 convenience

4、4 I 很 高 兴 to be invited to her birthday party delight 5 Little Tom 是 那 么 得 激 动 at going to the movie thrill 答案 1 consisting of is divided into 2 break away from rural life 3 at your convenience 4 was very delighted 5 was so thrilled 单项填空 1 2012 石家庄市质检一 Children to difficult situations are better at

5、handling those tasks A exposing challenging B exposed challenged 2 C exposed challenging D exposing challenged 答案 C 考查非谓语动词 句意 暴露在困难处境中的孩子更容易处理那些富有挑战 性的工作 第一空选exposed 因为 expose 与前面的the children构成逻辑上的动宾关系 所以选过去分词 第二空challenging意为 挑战性的 2 We managed to two dogs that were fighting A split B separate C t

6、ear D divide 答案 B separate指将结合的东西 分开 拆散 符合语境 divide指把整体 分 成 几个部分 split 沿一条线 裂开 tear 撕开 3 Despite the language they soon became good friends A barrier B conflict C misunderstanding D dilemma 答案 A barrier 障碍 句意 尽管有语言障碍 他们很快成了好朋友 conflict 冲 突 misunderstanding 误会 dilemma 困难 进退两难 4 Would it be for you to

7、 pick me up at four o clock and take me to the airport A free B vacant C handy D convenient 答案 D 本题主要考查形容词的词义区别 句意 你四点钟开车来把我送到机场 这 方便吗 handy 意为 东西 使用方便的或近便 便利的 vacant意为 真空 空白 虚 的 free 的主语多为人 故均不适合此处 5 If you visited our school this month you would be amazed to see a modern stadium here A is construc

8、ting B were constructing C is being constructed D were being constructed 答案 C 考查动词的时态和语态 从整个句子结构来看 你来我们学校参观 是对 现在情况的虚拟 而运动场是正在被建设的 是客观存在的事实 所以用现在进行时的被动 语态 6 I have our guests to be driven to the church A arranged for B organize for C arranged D advocated 答案 A arranged for 为 作安排 句意 我已安排好用车把我们的客人送到 3

9、教堂 7 Let s move all the products into the hall and them in a proper order A design B decorate C develop D arrange 答案 D 考查动词 句意 让我们把所有的产品搬进大厅 以合理的顺序安排他们 arrange 安排 整理 符合句意 8 She a piece of chocolate and gave it to me A broke off B broke up C broke in D broke out 答案 A break off 使 断开 句意 她掰下一块巧克力给我 brea

10、k up 崩溃 分离 解散 break in 打断 break out 爆发 均与句意不符 9 2012 吉林市一模 Eating too much fat can to heart disease and high blood pressure A devote B attend C contribute D turn 答案 C 考查动词词义辨析 句意 摄入太多脂肪可能引起心脏病和高血压 contribute to 意为 有助于 促进 符合句意 devote to 把 贡献给 attend to 照 顾 turn to 转向 10 2012 桂林 防城港一调 The little boy w

11、as so careless with his spelling that he often letters from words A left off B left behind C left out D let alone 答案 C 考查动词短语 句意 那个小孩拼写如此粗心以至于他经常漏字母 leave out 遗漏 省略 符合句意 11 is no possibility Bob can win the first prize in the match A There that B It that C There whether D It whether 答案 A there is no

12、 possibility为固定用法 意义是 没有可能 that引 导的是同位语从句 用以解释possibility的内容 要注意的是whether 通常不与有 不可 能 之意的词连用 12 2012 潍坊期末 In a natural disaster minutes and even seconds of warning can make the between life and death A division B difference C separation D sense 4 答案 B 考查短语 句意 在自然灾害中 几分钟甚至是几秒钟的预警就能造成生与 死的差别 make a dif

13、ference 产生差别 造成影响 13 The purse found on the playground matches the by Mary so it must be hers A direction B expression C description D instruction 答案 C 考查名词 句意 在操场上捡到的钱包和玛丽描述的特征一致 因此这个钱 包一定是她的 description 描述 direction 方向 指导 expression 表达 表情 instruction 命令 指示 14 The Summer Olympics about two weeks an

14、d the summer athletic events are five categories A run for divided into B run for separated into C go for split into D go on for broken into 答案 A 第一个空可用run for 或 go on for 其后接时间段 表示 持续多长时间 第二个空可用divided into或 split into 指 被划分为 go for 努力获取 拥 护 break into 闯入 侵占 15 Born in 1976 in Taiwan Liu Qian found

15、 himself to a magic toy in a shop when he was seven years old A attracting B attracted C attract D to attract 答案 B 考查句式 句意 1976 年出生于台湾 在七岁时 刘谦发现自己被一家店铺 的一个魔术道具迷住了 himself与 attract之间构成逻辑上的被动关系 所以用过去分词 阅读理解 A Some of my earliest childhood memories are of the beach in the hot sun building sandcastles b

16、urying Dad in the sand Now the coast has a strangely pleasant and relaxing attraction I look forward to a windy clifftop 峭壁顶部 walk or a rainy day rockpicking just as much as those rare moments when I get to a short sleep in the sun But there s nothing more pleasurable than turning up at a beach to find it deserted These are my favorite secret beaches ones either not well known or take a bit of effort to get to Most of those listed scored highly in the Marine Conservation 5 Society Good Beach Gui


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