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1、1 Module 5 The Conquest of the Universe 单词拼写 1 The world was in shock maybe they 假定 this space flight would be no more dangerous than getting on an aeroplane 2 We didn t have much 耐心 waiting for the launch 3 To explode means to 爆炸 with a lot of force and loud noise 4 It is now 认为 by the movie indust

2、ry as the most successful film series ever 5 Luke Skywalker is ever told that his 忠诚 ought to be to finish his training rather than rescue his friends 6 This is 一致 吻合的 with many religious faiths 7 It is a 戏剧性的 story about an invasion of the Earth by aliens from Mars 8 When peopole heard that an inva

3、sion by aliens from Mars was 在进 行中 there was a wave of mass hysteria 9 He 发誓 that he had never talked with the girl 10 The prince was determined to 为 报仇 his father the King 答 案 mitment 6 consistent 7 dramatic 8 underway 9 swore 10 avenge 句型转换 1 She never acknowledges her mistakes She never acknowled

4、ges 2 He set about doing his homework as soon as he arrived home at his home his homework 3 The little boy cried suddenly as soon as he saw his mother The l ittle boy as soon as he saw his mother 4 He isn t patient with his students He his students 5 Though he was ill he kept on working he kept on w

5、orking 答案 1 that she has made mistakes 2 On his arrival he set out to do 3 burst into tears 4 has no patience with 5 In spite of his illness 单项填空 1 After I stood in the room for one minute my eyes slowly grew to 2 the gloom A familiar B similar C accustomed D addicted 答案 C grow be accustomed to 变得 习

6、惯于 sth be familiar to sb 某物对某人来说是熟悉的 be similar to 和 相似的 be addicted to 沉溺 于 2 After the accident the police spent a week finding out the person who it A witnessed B stared C proved D heard of 答案 A witness 见证 证明 目击 stare 盯着看 为不及物动词 强调由于 好奇而一直盯着看 后接宾语时 需加介词at prove 证明是 hear of 听说 3 The star footballe

7、r was out of with the aggressive reporters A patience B habit C practice D envy 答案 A be out of patience with 对 忍无可忍 4 He went to work sick and bad weather he always never missed a day A because of B according to C instead of D in spite of 答案 D 此处 in spite of意为 尽管 后接名词作状语 5 Only after he was brought

8、to the police station did the young man that he had stolen some purses from other passengers A participated B realized C summarized D acknowledged 答案 D acknowledge 承认 participate 参加 参与 realize 意识到 summarize 概括 6 I hope you understand the tennis committee has you of a serious offence John A charged B

9、 accused C blamed D warned 答案 B accuse sb of sth 指控某人做某事 charge 常与介词with 连用 blame 常与介词on 连用 warn sb of sth 警告某人某事 7 Of these two basketball teams the former comes from the US the comes from England 3 A late B later C latter D lately 答案 C the former the latter 前者 后者 为固定搭配 late 迟 到的 晚的 later 稍后 lately

10、 最近 近来 8 I am sure she will pass the test I ve got great in her A hope B determination C faith D will 答案 C faith 信心 信任 hope 希望 determination 决心 will 意 志 决心 9 I m sorry that what I said just now has hurt you but I didn t do it A deliberately B actually C carelessly D especially 答案 A deliberately 故意地

11、actually 实际上 carelessly 粗心地 especially 特别地 10 I have been a prisoner so I have a lot of with other people in prison A shame B sympathy C pain D sadness 答案 B sympathy 同情 shame 耻辱 pain 痛苦 sadness 悲伤 11 We greatly the financial support from several local businesses A acknowledged B knowledge C contribu

12、ted D promised 答案 A acknowledge 感谢 本题缺少谓语 排除B 项 contribute 贡献 promise 允诺 均不符合语境 句意 我们对本地几家企业的资助表示感谢 12 We all can go for a picnic this afternoon that the others agree A assumed B assuming C assume D to assume 答案 B 由句子结构可知 前句是后句前提下的结果 故后句为状语 assuming that 假定 在句中作条件状语 13 you can t lift the heavy box u

13、p A Even you are strong B Strong as you are C How strong you are D As you are strong 4 答案 B 句意 虽然你很强壮 但你举不起这个重箱子 考查 as 引导的让步状语从句 需用倒装形式 形容词应放于句首 答案为B 14 Are you going to visit him Well I may not have the time A right B I m sure C all right D it depends 答案 D 答句的 我 可能没时间 说明不一定去 选D表示 根据情况而定 而 A项 正确 B项

14、我肯定 C项 好吧 均不合乎语境 15 Being able to tell the truth at last seemed to her A calm B relieve C comfort D anger 答案 B 句意 讲出真话似乎使她感到轻松 calm 使 镇静 comfort 安慰 anger 使 生气 均不合乎句意 阅读理解 A Have you ever wondered 1 Why do airplanes take longer to fly west than east It can take five hours to go west east from New Yor

15、k NYto London but seven hours to travel east west from London to NY The reason for the difference is an atmospheric phenomenon known as the jet 喷射 stream The jet stream is a very high altitude wind which always blows from the west to the east across the Atlantic The planes moving at a constant air s

16、peed thus go faster in the west east direction when they are moving with the wind than in the opposite direction 2 What would happen if the gravity on Earth was suddenly turned off Supposing we could magically turn off gravity Would buildings and other structures 建筑物float away What happened would depend on how strongly the things were attached to the Earth The Earth is moving at quite a speed moving at over a thousand miles per hour If you turn something around your head on a string 细绳 it goes a



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