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1、1 走向高考 四川专用 2016 届高考英语一轮复习 Unit 1 A land of diversity课时巩固新人教版选修 8 用所给词的适当形式填空 1 race discrimination still happens now in some countries 2 The major are against the proposal 3 apparent he does not know much about this incident 4 The immigrate from Asian countries sped up as the war happened more ofte

2、n 5 She was education minister before elect president last year 6 Having filled in an apply he was interviewed by the boss 答案 1 Racial2 majority3 Apparently4 immigrants 5 elected6 application 完成句子 1 he is glad to be able to make himself clearly understood likely 可能他很高兴能使别人清楚地了解他自己 2 by his words and

3、 appearance take 不要被他的话和外表欺骗了 3 They forever elect 他们决定永远保持他们之间的友谊 4 he has gone abroad for further study already say 据说他已经出国深造去了 5 she would fail in the exam occur 他从来没有想到她会考试不及格 答案 1 It is likely that2 Don t be taken in3 elected to keep up their friendship4 It is said that5 It never occurred to hi

4、m that 话题写作 根据提示 利用本单元所学知识 完成下面的小作文 1 自从 1978 年改革以来 中国经历了移民大潮 2 据报道 成千上万的农民从农村来到城市 3 尽管艰苦 但他们中的大多数能相互合作 尽快适应城市生活 4 很明显 有些甚至申请了城市居民权 5 他们通过自己的努力为城市的繁荣做出了巨大贡献 答案 Since the reform in 1978 China has experienced immigration movements It is reported that thousands of farmers came from the countryside to the cities The majority of them can team up with each other to make a life in the cities despite great hardships and apparently some even have applied for right to live in the city They have made great contributions to the boom of the cities by means of working hard


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