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1、1 A Lesson in a Lab 第二课时 学习目标 1 分数 百分数的正确写法 2 三种表达倍数的句型 3 修饰比较级的程度副词 自主梳理 Step 1 词汇学习 重点词汇 expand contract electricity conclusion partial ordinary dissolve facility astonished 1 expand contract 课文原句 When you heat a metal it expands When you heat a metal it contracts Page 41 expand 和 contract是一对反义词 e

2、xpand 在本句中的意思是 在面积上扩张 膨胀 contract则表示 使 缩小 缩短 expand vt vi 1 使 变大 扩大 扩张 增强 尺码 数量或重要性 2 伸展 伸开 张开 展开 contract vt vi 1 染上 恶习 疾病等 2 使 收缩 使 紧缩 使 缩短 使 皱缩 2 electricity electrical electronic electric electric adj 电的 用电的 电动的 electrical adj 与电有关的 电学的 electricity n 电 电流 electronic adj 电子的 与电子有关的 electrician n

3、电工 3 conclusion n in conclusion draw a conclusion conclude include contain的辨义 contain和 include 都有 包含 的意思 contain可用于表示包含所含之物的的全部或 部分 而include则只能用于表示所包含之物中的一部分 2 The parcel included a dictionary 那包裹里也包括了一本字典 The parcel contained a dictionary 那包裹里装的是一本字典 include 包括 包含 The health club includes a gym mmi

4、ng pool and locker room contain 包含 含有 装有 The bowl contains a variety of fruit 碗里装有各种水果 This bottle contains two glasses of beer 这个瓶子装了两杯啤洒 4 ordinary common usual normal general 的辨析 common 常见的 如common sense usual经常的 ordinary普通的 平常的 normal 正常的 general一般的 普遍的 5 dissolve resolve dissolve 1 指液体 使 固体 溶解

5、dissolve in sth 指固体 溶解 dissolve sth in sth 使 固体 溶解 2 dissolve sth away 除去 消除 某固体物质 尤指脏物 3 dissolve in sth 消失 消散 4 使某事物 终止 结束 解除 解散 resolve 1 指委员会或集会 表决 作出决定 作出决议 2 解决 问题 疑问 困难等 3 分解 解析 某物 4 使决意 使下决心 6 astonished astonishing astonishment 7 apparatus apparent apparent adj 显然的 表面上的 8 metal model medal

6、金属 模范 奖牌 9 About experiment aim apparatus 装备 仪器 method result conclusion 10 About apparatus test tube tongs Busen burner balance crucible test tube holder cotton wool 11 About Metal Potassium 钾 Sodium 钠 Calcium 钙 Magnesium 镁 Aluminum 3 铝 Zinc Iron Copper 重点领悟 Exist as a mixture of and electrical equ

7、ipment react with put in order partial reaction iron nail oil layer add to First class scientist be proud of be supposed to Language Points 1 倍数的表达法 a A times as adj as B b A times 形容词比较级 than B c A times the size length width height depth of B 探究提升 1 The science facilities are very good with labora

8、tories that have all the latest equipment 2 as the lecturers are people who have made real discoveries in their area of science 3 In the last twenty years seven Canadian scientists have won the Nobel Prize 4 I m going to try to go to either Montreal or Ottawa University as both are supposed to have

9、good Physics Departments 知识网络 1 as adj adv as The layout of Class One s wall newspaper is as beautiful as that of Class Three s as adj a n as This is as good a dormitory building as the other as many much n as I have as much experience as you in doing the work 2 not as so adj adv as The bedroom is n

10、ot as big as the sitting room 2 比较级的几个句型 a 比较级 and 比较级 越来越 4 Winter is coming It s getting colder and colder b the 比较级 the 比较级 越 就越 The busier my mum gets the happier she is 修饰形容词比较级的副词 a bit rather a little a lot any very much page 47 Compare the 5 sentences and find the different usage of the word leave 1 Leave the tube for one week 使 处于某种状态 2 I m leaving Changchun for Beijing tomorrow 离开 3 There are five minutes left 剩下 4 Leave it to me 交给 5 He said that he had left his book in the classroom 落在某地方 5 used to do page 49 be used to do used to do be used to doing n 的用法区别


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