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1、一、听句子,选择句子中所包含的信息。每个句子读一遍。(5分)1.A.pairs B.bears C.pears2.A.$15 B.$25C.$533.A.good holiday B.two good days C.two days leave4.A.We liked helping others.B.They needed our help.C.They taught us English.5.A.My brother doesnt live abroad.B.My brother hasnt been abroad.C.My brother doesnt go abroad.二、听五段短对

2、话,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。(5分)6.Where is the mans watch made? A.In Tokyo. B.In Shanghai.C.In Hong Kong.7.What does the woman mean?A.The coat is cheap.B.The coat is expensive.C.The quality of the coat is bald.8.Where are they going?A.To the cinema.B.To the bus stop.C.To the museum.9.Whats the weather like now

3、?A.Sunny.B.Cloudy.C.Rainy.10.How many people will go for the picnic tomorrow?A.One.B.Two. C.Three.三、听两段较长的对话,选择回答正确答案。每段对话读两遍。(5分)听第一段对话,回答11-12题。 11.What did Peter do yesterday evening?A.He did his homework.B.He played the piano.C.He watched TV.12.What time did Peter go to bed?A.At 8:00. B.At 9:00.

4、 C.At 10:00.听第二段对话,回答第13-15题。13.How much does a toy bear cost?A.25 yuan. B.39 yuan. C.50 yuan.14.What does the man buy for his sons?A.A red car and a yellow car.B.A red car and a black car.C.A yellow car and a blue car.15.What did the man buy for his wife?A.A coat. B.Some chocolate. C.Some flowers.四

5、、听短文,选择正确答案。短文读两遍。(5分)16.Whats Georges book about?A.His dreams.B.His reading methods.C.Stories in his life.17.When did George learn to read?A.In 1992. B.It 1994.C.In 1996.18.Who sent George to work when he was 8 years old? A.His uncle. B.His father.C.His mother.19.Where is George from?A.England.B.Am

6、erica. C.Canada.20.How did George learn to read?A.His friend taught him. B.He learned by himself.C.He went to adult classes.第二部分 单项选择(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。21.Not only_an explorer but also he was a great thinker_this thirties.A.he was.in B.was he.at C.was he.in D.he was.at22.My

7、 brother wrote the things and people_she was interested in.A.thatB.which C.who D.whom23.Everyone can make great progress_he works hard.A.unless B.as long as C.when D.while24.Its two years_I met you last.A.when B.before C.since D.if25.I dont know if it_tomorrow.If it_tomorrow,my friends and I will go

8、 to the cinema.A.rains.rainsB.will rain.will rainC.rains.will rainD.will rain.rains26.Yesterday,he was seen_some money_his fathers pocket. A.stealfrom B.stoleof C.to stealfrom D.stealingin27.Would you like_cakes?No,thanks.A.other two B.another two C.two another D.the two other28.This isnt my sister,

9、my sister is_of the two.A.taller B.the tallest C.the taller D.tall29.Where is Miss Li?She_get home because there is no light in her house.A.must B.mustnt C.cant D.may30.The old mans daughter_home for ten years.A.have left B.has left C.left D.has been away from第三部分 完型填空(共20小题,每小题一分,满分20分)Dear Seth,Yo

10、u are only three years.old,and at this point in your life you are not able to understand this letter.But some day when you_31_,I hope you will find something_32_in what I am going to share with you.Life can be_33_.There will be people in your life who wont be very nice.Theyll_34_you because you are

11、different,_35_for no good reason.You will also face heartbreak and might be_36_by those you love.I hope you dont have to face these too much,but such things_37_.Be open to life anyway.Youll find cruelty(残忍)and_38_in your journey through life,but dont let that_39_you from finding new things.I dont re

12、treat(退却)from life,and dont_40_or wall yourself off.Be open to new things,new experiences,and new people.You will_41_many times,but if you allow that to stop you from trying,you will_42_ many chances.Do remember failure is a stepping stone to_43_.You will meet many people who will try to do_44_than

13、you,in school,in college,and at work.Theyll try to have nicer cars,bigger houses,nicer clothes,and so on.To_45_,life is a competition.However,I believe life is a_46_.If you always try your best to_47_others,you are wasting your life.Learn to enjoy your life_48_and you will make it a journey of _49_o

14、f learning and of love.Finally,know that I love you and always will.You are_50_a really wonderful journey,and I will always be there for you. Love Dad31.A.grow up B.show up C.cheer up D.give rip32.A.familiar B.valuable C.normal D.interesting33.A.unkind B.peaceful C.equal D.simple34.A.look at B.run after C.laugh at D.look after35.A.if B.but C.so D.or36.A.hurt B.found C.accepted D.impre


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