外研版高中英语选修7 Module 6《The World’s Cultural Heritage》训练17

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《外研版高中英语选修7 Module 6《The World’s Cultural Heritage》训练17》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《外研版高中英语选修7 Module 6《The World’s Cultural Heritage》训练17(9页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Period Two (时间:50分钟).短语填空at the mercy of, make a compromise with, be honoured for, make contributions to, in return, of vital importance, apart from, go through, remind sb of sth, in the absence of1It can judge your honesty while all other people are _ the scene.2To go on for further education or to

2、 find a job is _ to me.3You _ your father when you say that.4Ill let you borrow it on one condition (that) you lend me your bicycle _.5He _ his scientific research.6It was a difficult time._ everything else, we had financial problems.7All of us students should study hard and _ our country.8The littl

3、e tree was _ the strong wind.9The police _ the companys accounts, looking for evidence of fraud.10At last the two parts _ each other.答案1.in the absence of2.of vital importance3.remind me of4.in return5.was honored for6.Apart from7make contributions to8.at the mercy of9.went through10.made a compromi

4、se with .完成句子1我说不准什么时候能到。I cant say _ _when we will arrive.2他们在海上迷失了方向,任凭天气的摆布。Lost at sea, they were _ _ _ _ weather.3他因为对国家的巨大贡献而受到尊重。He _ _ _ the great contributions to his country.4她的故事让我想起了一位老朋友。His story _ me _ an old friend.5我们应该采取措施提高人们的环保意识。We should take measures to raise _ _ environment p

5、rotection.答案1.for certain2.at the mercy of3.was honored for4reminded;of5.awareness about.单项填空1I guess weve already talked about this before but Ill ask you again just _.(2010浙江)Aby nature Bin return Cin case Dby chance答案C考查介词短语。句意:我想我之前已经跟你谈论过这件事, 但是以防万一, 我再问你一次。by nature 天生地;in return作为回报, 作为交换;in

6、case 万一, 以防;by chance偶然地。2People try to avoid public transportation delays by using their own cars, and this _creates further problems.(2007 湖北)Ain short Bin case Cin doubt Din turn答案D考查介词短语的辨析。句意:人们想开自己的车来避免交通耽搁, 这反过来却导致了进一步的问题。 A项 “简言之”;B项 “以防万一”;C项 “怀疑”;D项 “反过来”。3When asked by news reporters, the

7、 film star of stage and screen _ that he would pay a visit to Europe next week.(2012 山东岚山一中月考)Aidentified BproposedCapproved Dconfirmed答案D考查动词辨析。句意:当新闻记者问他时, 那位电视电影明星证实下一周他要到欧洲访问。confirm证实,符合句意。4The professor requested that all the students _ the reports at once.Awould hand in Bhanded inChand in Dha

8、nding in答案C考查语态。request 作为动词,后接宾语从句时,谓语动词用should动词原形,should可以省略。5The government of our school brought few _ benefits to us over that matter.Aflexible Bhigh Cvisible Dtangible答案D考查形容词辨析。句意:在那件事上校方没有给我们带来多少实际好处。flexible富有弹性的,灵活的;high高的;visible可见的;tangible实际的,有形的。6John went to the hospital alone.If he

9、_ me about it, I would have gone with him.Ashould tell BtellsCtold Dhad told答案D句意:约翰独自去了医院。如果他告诉我的话,我会跟他一起去的。前一句是陈述语气,说明动作发生在过去,而且后一句的主句已经是would have gone说明是与过去事实相反的虚拟语气。与之对应的从句结构,应该用had 过去分词。7But for the help of my English teacher, I _ the first prize in the English Writing Competition.Awould not w

10、in Bwould not have wonCwould win Dwould have won答案B此处虚拟语气表示与过去事实相反,句子谓语动词用would/should/could/might have done结构。8In freezing weather, snow can turn into ice, which is easy to _.Abe slipped BslipCslip on Dbe slipping答案Cslip是不及物动词,需要加相应的介词。9_, please try your best to solve the problem in time.AOught yo

11、u get into troubleBMust you get into troubleCCan you get into troubleDShould you get into trouble答案D虚拟语气的从句中,如果含有should, were, had可以省略if,用倒装。10Today, we will begin _ we stopped yesterday so that no point will be left out.Awhen Bwhere Chow Dwhat答案B句意:今天,为了不遗漏要点,我们从昨天结束的地方开始。where 引导地点状语从句。11She is ve

12、ry dear to us.We have been prepared to do _ it takes to save her life.Awhichever BhoweverCwhatever Dwhoever答案Cwhatever引导宾语从句,what作take的宾语。句意:她对我们来说是非常宝贵,我们已经准备好做一切来拯救她的生命。12Li Ming is said _ abroad.Do you know what country he will study in?Yes, in London.Ato have studied Bto studyCto be studying Dto

13、 have been studying答案B由Do you know what country he will study in?可知,他准备去外国学习,所以用不定式的一般式表示将来。13QQ,_ you can chat with your friends, makes communication easy.Aas Bwhich Cthat Dwhere答案Dwhere引导定语从句,在句中作地点状语。14My parents dont mind what job I do _ I am happy.Aeven though Bas soon asCas long as Das though答案C根据题干意思可知此处是条件状语从句,引导词意思是:只要,选C。even though引导让步状语从句,意思是:即使;as soon as引导时间状语从句,意思是:尽可能快地;as though引导方式状语从句,意思是:仿佛,好像。15Do you like _ here?Oh,yes.The air,the weather,the way of life.Everything is so nice.Athis Bthese Cthat Dit答案Dit 指代后置,真正要说明的事物在后面。注意此功能其它选


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