外研版高中英语选修7 Module 4《Music Born in America》(grammar)课件1

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1、状语从句 状语从句在主从复合句中修饰主句中的动词 形容词或副词 按意义可分为时间 地点 原因 目的 结果 条件 方式 比较 让步等状语从句 从句的位置放在句首 也可放在句末 放在句首时 从句后面常用一个逗号 放在句末时 从句前一般不用逗号 1 when as while 从属连词 when即可引导持续性动作 又可引导短暂性动作 它可以表示主句的动作和从句的动作同时发生 或从句的动作发生在主句动作之前 如 WhenIwasaboy IusedtogototheseashoreonSundays 同时 Whenthelessonwasover webeganourwriting 从句动作在前 1

2、时间状语从句 引导时间状语从句的从属连词有 when while as whenever before after since till until assoonas once themoment immediately nosooner than hardly when bythetime everytime lasttime 等引导 as引导持续性动作 侧重主句和从句的动作同时发生 Hehurriedhome lookingbehindashewent Isawyoursisterasshewasgettingonthebusyesterday Hesangashewalked While

3、 指的是 在某一时间里 在 期间 从句里的动作必须是持续性的 它也强调主句和从句动作的同时发生 往往侧重主句和从句动作的对比 如 WhilehewasinLondon hestudiedmusic WhilewewerewatchingTV hewaswritingacomposition 当when as while表示 在 一段时间里 主从句的动作同时发生时 可以换用 如 While When或As wewerediscussing Mr Smithcamein when可表示 如果 如 Don tbeafraidofaskingforhelp itisneeded 03全国 A Unle

4、ssB sinceC althoughD when while可表示 虽然 尽管 如 1 modelingbusinessisbynomeanseasytogetinto thegoodmodelwillalwaysbeindemand 04浙江 A WhileB SinceC AsD If 2 Iacceptthatheisnotperfect Idoactuallyliketheperson 04江苏 A WhileB SinceC BeforeD Unless When和while 并列连词 while表示对照的意思 When表示 这时 突然 Idoeverysinglebitofhou

5、sework myhusbandBobjustdoesthedishesnowandthen 04广西 A sinceB whileC whenD as2 Hewasabouttotellmethesecret someonepattedhimontheshoulder 02上海 A asB untilC whileD when 3 Wewereswimminginthelake suddenlythestormstarted 04北京春招 A WhenB whileC untilD before4 Jasminewasholidayingwithherfamilyinawildlifepar

6、k shewasbittenonthelegbyalion 04上海 A WhenB whileC sinceD before 2 till和until 如果主句谓语动词是持续动词 通常用肯定式的主句 表示 直到 为止 如 Iworkedtill until hecameback 1 Agoodstorytellermustbeabletoholdhislisteners curiosity hereachestheendofthestory 03上海 A whenB unlessC afterD until2 Weweretoldthatweshouldfollowthemainroad w

7、ereachedthecentralrailwaystation 04辽宁 A wheneverB untilC whileD wherever 如果主句谓语动词是瞬间动词 则用否定式的主句表示 直到 才 如 Ididn tgotobeduntil till hecameback 放在句首表示强调时一般用until 如 Untilhereturns nothingcanbedone 3 Washisfatherverystrictwithhimwhenhewasatschool Yes Hehadneverpraisedhim hebecameoneofthetopstudentsinhisg

8、rade 03春招 A afterB unlessC untilD when 4 Notuntilallthefishdiedintheriver howseriousthepollutionwas NMET95 didthevillagersrealizeB thevillagersrealizedC thevillagersdidrealizeD didn tthevillagersrealize 如果before引导的从句位于主句之后 有时不能译成 在 之前 而要译成 就 才 等 如 ThestrugglelastedfouryearsbeforetheNorthwonintheend

9、Healmostknockedmedownbeforehesawme 1 Someonecalledmeupinthemiddleofthenight buttheyhungup Icouldanswerthephone 00全国 A asB sinceC untilD before2 Hemadeamistake butthenhecorrectedthesituation itgotworse 03北京 A untilB whenC beforeD as 3 before 在 之前 BeforeIcamedownstairsIhadpreparedmyselfverycarefullyfo

10、rwhatImustsay 3 Scientistssayitmaybefiveorsixyears itispossibletotestthismedicineonhumanpatients 04福建 A sinceB afterC beforeD when4 Itwasevening wereachedthelittletownofWinchester 04天津 A thatB untilC sinceD before 4 bythetime eachtime everytime immediately themoment theinstant theminute soonafter sh

11、ortlyafter都可以作为连词 引导时间状语 如 Bythetimehewasfourteen hehadtaughthimselfadvancedmathematics Eachtimehecame hewouldcallonme Youmustshowhiminimmediatelyhecomes IrecognizedhimthemomentIsawhim 注意 时间状语从句中谓语动词不能用任何一种将来时 只能用现在时和过去时表示将来时 DidyouremembertogiveMarythemoneyyouowedher Yes Igaveittoher Isawher 01全国春招

12、 A whileB themomentC suddenlyD once 2 地点状语从句 通常由连词where和wherever引导 如 Gobackwhereyoucamefrom Whereveryougo youmustwritetoyourparents Wherethereisawill thereisaway Wherethereistoomuch thepoisonandwastemaydogreatharmtothethingsaroundus 1 Thefamousscientistgrewup hewasbornandin1930hecametoShanghai 02上海春

13、招 A whenB wheneverC whereD wherever2 Shefoundhercalculator shelostit 00上海 A whereB whenC inwhichD that 3 原因状语从句 通常由连词 because as since nowthat引导 注意 在强调句中强调原因状语从句 只能用because引导 不可用as或since 如 Itwasbecausehewasillthathedidn tgowithus because可以引导表语从句 而as since不可以 这时状语一般都是it this that It sbecauseheistoola

14、zy for也表示 因为 但是并列连词 它连接的不是状语从句 语气比较强 Itmustbemorning forthebirdsaresinging 1 Parentsshouldtakeseriouslytheirchildren srequestsforsunglasses eyeprotectionisnecessaryinsunnyweather 04上海 A becauseB thoughC unlessD if2 Thechangesinthecitywillcostquitealot theywillsaveusmoneyinthelongrun 00全国春招 A orB sin

15、ceC forD but 4 目的状语从句 通常由that sothat inorderthat so that lest incase 以防 免得 等引导 Hegotupearlyinorderthathecouldcatchtheearlybus Shemarriedhimsothatshemighttendandcomforthim Iexplainedagainandagainincaseheshouldmisunderstandme 注意 目的状语从句中谓语动词常含有may might can could should will等情态动词 lest 以免 免得 forfearthat

16、Ihidthebooklest forfearthat heshouldseeit 1 Johnshuteverybodyoutofthekitchen hecouldpreparehisgrandsurprisefortheparty 02全国 A whichB whenC sothatD asif2 Rosesneedspecialcare theycanlivethroughwinter 04全国 A becauseB sothatC evenfD as3 Sallyworkedlateintheeveningtofinishherreport herbosscouldreaditfirstnextmorning 03北京春招 A sothatB becauseC beforeD orelse 5 结果状语从句 Itwasverycold sothattheriverfroze Thebookissowrittenthatitgivesaquitewrongideaofthefacts Thereweresomanypeople suchalotofpeople intheroo



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