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1、2019高考英语南开中学二轮练习资料:完形填空03含解析 (*)(2017桂林一模)I grew up poorliving with six brothers, my father and a wonderful mother. We had _1_ money and few worldly goods,but plenty of love and attention. I was _2_ and energetic. I understood that no matter how poor a person was,they could _3_ afford a dream.My dre

2、am was to be a _4_. When I was sixteen, I could crush a baseball:throw a ninetymileperhour baseball. I was also _5_ :my highschool coach was Ollic Jarvis, who _6_ me the difference between having a dream and showing strong belief. One particular _7_ with him changed my life forever.It was a summer a

3、nd a friend recommended me for a summer _8_. This meant a chance for my first incomecash for a new bike and new clothes, and the _9_ of savings for a house for my mother. The opportunity was attracting, and I wanted to _10_ at it. Then I realized I would have to _11_ summer baseball to handle the wo

4、rk schedule, and that meant I would have to tell Coach Jarvis I wouldnt be playing. I was _12_ about this.When I told Coach Jarvis,he was as _13_ as I expected him to be. “You have your whole life to work,” he said. “Your _14_ days are limited. You cant afford to waste them.”I stood before him with

5、my head _15_, trying to think of how to explain to him why my dream of buying my mom a house and having money in my pocket was worth _16_ his disappointment in me.“How much are you going to make at this job?” he demanded.“$3.25 an hour,” I replied.“Well,is $3.25 an hour the price of a _17_?” he aske

6、d.That _18_ laid bare for me the difference between wanting something right now and having a goal. I devoted myself to _19_ that summer, and within the year I was offered a $20,000contract(合同). I signed with the Denver Broncos in 1984 for $1.7 million, and bought my mother the _20_ of my dreams.“拥有梦

7、想和展示自己强烈的信念是不同的。”作者通过自身的经历验证了这一理念的正确性。 1A. some B. little C. no D. much答案:B。我们钱很少,也很少拥有世间珍贵的物品,但我们拥有充裕的爱和关心。由上句poor和一大家子人可推知little合乎语境和逻辑。其他三项皆可从语境和逻辑两方面排除。 2A. happy B. lovely C. angry D. noisy答案:A。我快乐且充满活力。由上文的We had.plenty of love and attention可知答案为A。and后的energetic也暗示了答案。3A. only B. ever C. still

8、 D. almost答案:C。我明白,不论一个人多穷,他依然能拥有得起一个梦想。afford给予,供应得起,提供。4A. teacher B. coach C. doctor D. sportsman答案:D。我的梦想是成为一名运动员。由下文的信息可知答案。5A. lucky B. satisfied C. hopeful D. surprised答案:A。我也是很幸运的:我中学时有一个好教练。6A. taught B. asked C. told D. trained答案:A。他教会我拥有梦想和展示自己强烈的信念是不同的。7A. match B. accident C. moment D.

9、incident答案:D。和他之间的一件特别的事情永远地改变了我的生活。incident事情,发生的事(常指小事)。8A. job B. camp C. holiday D. course答案:A。那是一个夏天,我的朋友推荐给我一份暑期工作。9A. cause B. start C. need D. amount答案:B。这份工作意味着挣钱、拥有新自行车、新衣服和开始能积攒钱为妈妈买房子。10A. stand B. call C. look D. jump答案:D。这一机会很吸引人,我也急切地想拥有这份工作。jump at跃向,急切地接受。11A. take out B. cut off C.

10、 put on D. give up答案:D。然后我意识到我将不得不为安排打工时间而放弃暑假棒球训练。give up.to把让位于,放弃给。12A. excited B. curious C. anxious D. disappointed答案:C。这就意味着我将不得不告诉Jarvis教练我暑期不能再打球了。关于这一点我感到很焦虑。anxious忧虑的,担忧的,不安的。disappointed“失望的,沮丧的”虽具有一定的干扰性,但从语境方面可以排除。下文教练的态度也暗示了答案。13A. mad B. puzzled C. regretful D. discouraged答案:A。当我告诉Ja

11、rvis教练这件事时,他像我预想的那样生气。mad疯狂的,生气的。下文教练的话暗示了答案。14A. working B. playing C. learning D. sinning答案:B。他说:“你有一生的时间工作,但你打球的时间是有限的,你浪费不起这个时间。”15A. shaking B. hanging C. holding D. nodding答案:B。我垂着头站在他面前。hang垂下。with my head hanging作动词stood的伴随状语。16A. feeling B. suffering C. facing D. expressing答案:C。我在想我的这种想法是否值

12、得面对他对我的失望。17A. life B. game C. chance D. dream答案:D。他问道:“每小时3.25美元是你对未来的梦想的价格吗?”18A. offer B. price C. question D. order答案:C。那个问题赤裸裸地摆在我面前:是现在要某种东西还是为未来的目标奋斗。19A.study BsportsChomework Dbusiness答案:B。我选择了后者,在那个暑假我致力于运动。devote oneself to专心于,献身于。20A.clothes BbikeChouse Dgoods答案:C。很快我就成了签约运动员而且年薪100多万美元,

13、我为妈妈买了一套我一直梦想的房子。(二十六)(2017西安地区八校联考)It was one of the happiest Saturday mornings I had spent with my daughter, Gigi. That was, until two strangers threw her into their car and sped away. It seemed like a bad dream.I could _1_ speak when the police questioned me. After that, the policeman asked me to go home to wait. My friend Gloria came to _2_ me. She took my hand and gave me _3_. It was a picture of a little girl _4_asleep in her bed, st



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