人教新目标英语七下unit 6 《I’m watching TV》课件2

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人教新目标英语七下unit 6 《I’m watching TV》课件2_第1页
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《人教新目标英语七下unit 6 《I’m watching TV》课件2》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教新目标英语七下unit 6 《I’m watching TV》课件2(21页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit5 I mwatchingTV cleaning eatingdinner talkingonthephone doinghomework watchingTV reading 现在进行时的基本结构 Be V ingHeisdoinghomework TheyarewatchingTV 动词现在分词的变化方法 1 多数情况下直接加ing 2 以不发音的e结尾 去掉e 再加ing 3 以重读闭音节结尾 且词尾只有一个辅音字母 则双写最后一个字母再加ing Add ingtothefollowingverbs 1 ask look carry asking looking carrying

2、 2 close take ride closing taking riding 3 swim get sit swimming getting sitting put begin putting beginning 4 sleepputsingmeetplaythrowdrawopenridehavegiveseesitrun sleepingputtingsingingmeetingplayingthrowingdrawingopeningridinghavinggivingseeingsittingrunning Whatisshedoing Sheiswriting He sdrawi

3、ng Theyarelisteningtomusic He splayingbasketball Heisplayingsoccer Theyaredancing Whatarethepeopledoinginthepictures 用现在进行时填空 1 Mymother cook supper Myfather wash thecar 2 They run overthere 3 OurEnglishteacher talk withanewstudent 4 Myaunt watch TV5 Theboy clean theroom 6 They have ameeting 7 Mr Gr

4、eenandMrs Green look fortheirson 8 Thechild open thewindows iscooking iswashing arerunning istalking iswatching iscleaning arehaving arelooking isopening Pairwork What shedoing He sreading IsNancydoinghomework No sheisn t She swritingaletter IsBillwriting IsMarywriting IsTomwriting Guess Heisdoingho

5、mework Whatareyoudoing IamwatchingTV 一般疑问句 AreyouwatchingTV Yes Iam No Iamnot 否定句 IamnotwatchingTV Ishedoinghomework Yes heis No heisn t Heisn tdoinghomework Writing Father mother Grandfather Bob Nancy grandmother 描述一下Bob一家在干什么 Exercise We watch TVnow He do hishomeworknow Look Thatgirl ride thebike

6、She fly akiteintheparknow TomandI clean ourbedroomnow MymotherandI make cakesnow Thebabyissleepingandhismother lookafter him 8 Listen Thetwins sing underthetree arewatching isdoing isriding isflying arecleaning aremaking is aresinging lookingafter 选择填空 1 Whatareyoudoing I A eatB caneatC eatingD amea

7、ting2 Wewant thisbooknow A readingB amreadingC readD toread3 5 It seighto clock Jim sfamily TV A iswatchingB arewatchingC watchD towatch4 Thatboyisn t theteacher A listenB listensC listeningD listeningto5 you C thewindow Yes Iam A Do cleanB Is cleaningC Are cleaningD Do cleaning D D D B 句型转换 Sheisdoingherhomework 一般疑问句及回答 Weareeatingdinner 一般疑问句 Heisswimmingatthepool 划线提问 Theyaretalkingaboutthestory 划线提问 Isshedoingherhomework Yes sheis No sheisn t Areyoueatingdinner Whatishedoingatthepool Whataretheytalkingabout goodbye Thankyouforyourcooperation



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