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1、训练2.完形填空(2019吉林长白山二模)It was her giggling (咯咯的笑) that drew my attention. Notetaking really wasnt all that funny.Walking over to the offender, I asked for the _1_. Frozen, she refused to give it to me. I waited, all attention in the classroom on the quiet _2_ between teacher and student. When she fina

2、lly _3_it over, she whispered, “Okay, but I didnt draw it.”It was a handdrawn _4_ of me, teeth blackened and the words “Im stupid” coming out of my mouth.I managed to fold it up calmly. My mind, _5_, was working angrily as I struggled not to _6_. I figured I knew the two most likely candidates for d

3、rawing the picture. It would do them some _7_ to teach them a lesson, and maybe it was high time that I did it!Thankfully, I was able to keep myself _8_.When there were about six minutes remaining, I showed the class the picture. They were all silent as I told them how _9_ this was for me. I told th

4、em there must be a reason _10_ and now was their chance to write down anything they needed to tell me. Then I let them write silently while I sniffed in the back of the classroom.As I _11_ the notes later, many of them said something like, “Ive got nothing _12_ you,” or “Im sorry you were hurt.” Som

5、e kids said, “Were afraid of you.” But two notes, from the girls who I _13_ were behind the picture, had a list of issues. I was too _14_, too strict . Reading those notes, I realized that over the course of this year, instead of _15_ my students, I had begun commanding them to _16_. Where I thought

6、 I was driving them to success, I was _17_ driving them away.I had some apologies to do. But the next day in the classroom, one boy and one girl each handed me a card. The one _18_ by all the boys expressed sincere regret for the ugly joke. The one from the girls asked for _19_.This was a lesson for

7、 both the kids and me. Forgiveness does not change the past, but it does enlarge the _20_.篇章导读:本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。一次令人不愉快的玩笑让作者意识到自己对学生的严加管教实际上背离了自己的初衷,学生们需要的是鼓励,而不是命令。1A.note BadviceCreason Dhelp答案:A女孩咯咯的笑声吸引了作者的注意,作者认为记笔记没有那么可笑,就向“冒犯者”要“笔记”。上文的“Notetaking”是线索提示。2A.battle BcompetitionCargument Dconversatio

8、n答案:Abattle “战斗”;competition “竞争”;argument “争论”;conversation “对话”。在教室里所有的注意都在老师与学生无声的战斗(battle)上,故选A。3A.took BthoughtCturned Dhanded答案:Dtake over “接管”;think over “仔细想”;turn over “翻过来”;hand over “交上来”。她最终将笔记交了上来。故选D。4A.statue BgraphCpicture Dposter答案:Cstatue “雕像,塑像”;graph “图表”;picture “图画”;poster “海报

9、”。由第四段第三句中的“for drawing the picture”可知选C。5A.otherwise BhoweverCtherefore Dbesides答案:B“我”努力冷静地将它折叠,然而,“我”的意识当中却很生气。这里表示转折。故选B。6A.leave BcryCexplain Dargue答案:B下文中的“I sniffed in the back of the classroom”是线索提示。此处表示“我”努力不让自己哭出来。故选B。7A.good BharmCfavor Dpunishment答案:A由下一句含有虚拟语气的句子可知,作者认为此时应给他们一个教训,do sb.

10、 good表示“对某人有好处”。给他们一个教训对他们是有好处的。故选A。8A.amused BcontrolledCuninterested Drelaxed答案:B谢天谢地,“我”可以使自己保持冷静。故选B。9A.meaningful BforgetfulCregretful Dhurtful答案:D由下一段中的“Im sorry you were hurt.”可知,这张画像深深地“伤害”了作者。故选D。10A.aside BaboveCbeneath Dbehind答案:D“我”告诉他们这张画背后肯定有原因。故选D。11A.wrote BfinishedCread Dcollected答案

11、:C由下一段第一句中的“Reading those notes”可知,后来“我”读了学生写的纸条。故选C。12A.proud BfondCagainst Dashamed答案:C有的学生说:“我对你没什么不满”。故选C。13A.figured BpromisedCconcluded Dsaw答案:A与上文第四段中的“I figured I knew . ”相呼应,表示作者“认为”她们是画像背后的“真凶”。figure表示“认为,认定(某事将发生或属实)”。故选A。14A.talkative BmeanCclumsy Dconsiderate答案:B从空格后的“too strict . ”可知,

12、学生认为作者太严厉了,可推知所选词是贬义词,与strict呼应。mean在此处是形容词,意为“刻薄的”。故选B。15A.forcing BencouragingCcomforting Dteaching答案:B由后面的“I had begun commanding them”可知,作者并不是鼓励(encourage)学生。故选B。16A.appreciate BapologizeCcompromise Dachieve答案:D从空格后的“success”可知,作者开始采用命令的方式迫使学生“完成”学习任务。故选D。17A.actually BnormallyCimmediately Dgene

13、rally答案:A“我”认为“我”是在驱使他们成功,而实际上“我”是将他们赶走了。故选A。18A.decorated BofferedCsigned Dbought答案:C其中一张有所有男孩的签名。故选C。19A.thankfulness BforgivenessCcompensation Dcommunication答案:B由下一段中的“Forgiveness does . ”可知,女生们请求作者“原谅”。故选B。20A.friendship BeducationCknowledge Dfuture答案:D和the past相对,表示“将来”。句意:原谅不能改变过去,但可以扩展未来。故选D。

14、.阅读理解AThe summer before my dad died, we moved house. Up until that point, our family had our own space to spread out. Money was tight, so there was no television set, but we owned a turntable on which my dads records played constantly. Mostly, it played Bob Dylan. Tracks from The Basement Tapes and

15、Desire became an important part of our new life. My brother and I, aged 8 and 10, climbed trees, built hideaways and learned the words of Clothes Line Saga. We would chant over the lost in our own joy.It was January when my dad left us forever because of the cancer. He was 36 going on 37 then, the same age as Dylan. Afterwards, our laughter disappeared, but we kept on playing the records, which became


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