人教新目标英语七下unit 10《I’d like some noodles》课件4

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人教新目标英语七下unit 10《I’d like some noodles》课件4_第1页
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1、Unit8I dlikesomenoodles PeriodOne Let svisittherestaurant Wehavemanyspecials Letmeintroducetoyou Specials noodles cabbages potatoes fish beef mutton Whatwouldshelike She dlikesome she d shewould Whatwouldhelike He dlikesome he d hewould Whatwouldtheylike They dlikesome they d theywould What what wha

2、twouldyoulike Beef beef I dlikesomebeef What what whatwouldhelike Mutton mutton he dlikesomemutton What what whatwouldshelike Potatoes potatoes she dlikesomepotatoes What what whatwouldtheylike Noodles noodles they dlikesomenoodles Let schant noodles beef mutton chicken cabbage potatoes tomatoes Mat

3、chthewordswiththefoods 1a c a g d f e b SectionA Special1 Special2 Special3 NoodleHouse Beefandtomatonoodles Special1 Whatkindofnoodleswouldyoulike I dlikebeefandtomatonoodles Chickenandcabbagenoodles Special2 Whatkindofnoodleswouldyoulike I dlikechickenandcabbagenoodles Muttonandpotatonoodles Speci

4、al3 Whatkindofnoodleswouldyoulike I dlikemuttonandpotatonoodles A Whatkindofnoodleswouldyoulike B I dlike noodles Special1 Special2 Special3 Makeadialoguewithyourpartner Pairwork A CanIhelpyou B Yes I dlikesomenoodles please Whatkindofnoodleswouldshelike She dlike noodles Whatkindofnoodleswouldhelik

5、e He dlike noodles Whatkindofnoodleswouldtheylike They dlike noodles 1bListenandcheckthenoodlesthatthepersonorders SectionA Listenandimitate A Hello I dlikesomenoodles B Whatkindofnoodleswouldyoulike A Beefandtomatonoodles please A Whatwouldyoulike B I dlikesome A Whatkindofnoodleswouldyoulike B noo

6、dles please noodles Beefandtomato A Whatwouldhelike B He dlikesome A Whatkindofnoodleswouldhelike B noodles please noodles Muttonandpotato Practice kindofnoodles Groupwork Makeasurveytoyourfriends Ask Whatkindofnoodleswouldyoulike Fillintheform thenmakeareport Report Lindawouldlikechickenandcabbagen

7、oodles Bobwouldlikebeefandtomatonoodles Homework 1 Pleasecookabowlofnoodlesforyourparentswhenyougethome 2 Askyourparentsaboutwhatandwheretheywouldliketoeat Unit8I dlikesomenoodles WelcometotheBrotherNoodlesHouse 一 Thenewword noodles beef mutton chicken potato cabbage egg tomato drink 二 Sentences 1 W

8、hatkindof would like noodles you she he fruit drink you she he you she he chicken beef tomatoandegg 11111 11111 Whatkindof n would 主语 like 表示物体的名词 Answers Whatkindofnoodleswould like Iwouldlikechickennoodles you she he Shewouldlikebeefnoodles Hewouldliketomatoandeggnoodles Iwould I dShewould She dHe

9、would He dYouwould You dTheywould They d Wouldlike want 2 Whatsize would like you they Lily bowlofnoodles coat cupoforangejuice you they Lily you they Lily 11111 11111 表示物体的名词 Whatsize n would 主语 like Answers Whatsizebowlofnoodleswould like I dlikealargebowlofnoodles They dlikemediumbowlofnoodles Li

10、lywouldlikeasmallbowlofnoodles you they Lily 三 Listentothetape 2aListenandcheck thenamesofthefoodsyouhear 1 noodles5 tomatoes2 beef6 cabbage3 mutton7 potatoes4 chicken 2bListenagainandfillintheblanks I dlikea bowlofnoodles I dlike and noodles please I dlikea bowl I dlike and noodles please chicken l

11、arge potato cabbage medium beef tomato 四 Practice A Whatkindofnoodlesdoyouhave B Oh amediumbowl please C OK I dlikemuttonandpotatonoodles please D I dlikesomenoodles please E Whatsizesdoyouhave CanIhelpyou Whatkindofnoodleswouldyoulike Wehavebeef chicken mutton cabbage potato tomato Sure Andwhatsizewouldyoulike Wehavelarge mediumandsmallbowls Connectthelines 五 Summary Whatkindof n would 主语 like Iwould I dShewould She dHewould He dYouwould You dTheywould They d Wouldlike want Whatsize n would 主语 like Goodbye



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