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1、9 一 听小对话 请从A B C三个选项中选出最符合对话内容的图片 参考答案 录音原文 1 Whattimeisitnow 2 WhatdidTinabuytoday 参考答案 录音原文 3 WhatwastheweatherlikeonThursday 4 WhatisthegirlgoingtodoonSunday 6 Whenwilltheymostprobablygotothemuseum A OnWednesday B OnFriday C OnThursday 7 What sthematterwiththeyoungman A Hedidn tlikehisbike B Heha

2、slosthisbike C Hisbikewasbroken 二 听小对话 请从A B C三个选项中选出正确的选项 参考答案 录音原文 5 Inwhichplacedidthemanstaylongest 参考答案 录音原文 8 What sJohn stelephonenumber A 86732305B 86732350C 867320159 WhoisJanewritingto A Herfriend B Hermother C Herbrother 10 HowoftendoestheNo 8buscome A Everythreeminutes B Everysevenminute

3、s C Everytenminutes 三 听长对话 回答问题 听第一段对话 回答11 12小题 参考答案 录音原文 11 Whowaswantedonthephone A Sophie B Pat C MrBrown 12 WhatwasMrBrowndoingwhenthetelephonerang A Hewasworkingonthepaper B HewastalkingwithSophie C HewasdrinkingteawithSophie 听第二段对话 回答13 15小题 参考答案 录音原文 13 WhereareJudyandTom A InJudy soffice B

4、InTom shouse C Inaclassroom 14 WhatdidTomcomeinfor A Heworkedthere B HewantedtotalktoJudy C Hewantedtohavealettertyped 15 WhatwillJudydonextyear A GotoFrance B Changeherjob C Gotonightschool 16 A 23 B 25 C 35 17 A 6B 5C 718 A blackB blueC brown19 A LongB CurlyC Short20 A ahatB sunglassesC anearring

5、四 听独白 完成下面信息记录表中16 20小题 参考答案 录音原文 1 5CAABA6 10BBAAC11 15CBACC16 20BABCB 1 M What sthetime Mum Oursportsmeetingstartsateighto clock W Oh youmusthurrythen Youhaveonlyaquarterofanhourleft 2 W Hi Bob M Hi Tina Youarelookingbeautiful Newpants W Thanks Bob No I vehadthepantsforalongtime Iboughttheseshoest

6、hismorning Doyoulikethem 返回 返回 3 M Whatwastheweatherlikewhenyouwereonholiday W Fine itwassunnyeverydayuntilThursday M Really Whathappenedthen W Well itrainedinthemorning butitwassunnyintheafternoon 4 W WhatareyougoingtodoonSunday Tim M I venoidea MaybeI llgotoseegrandpa Canyougowithme W Sorry Ican t

7、 IhavetogotoEnglishlessons 返回 5 W Wheredidyouspendyourholidaylastmonth M IstayedtwodaysinScotland threedaysinEnglandandfourdaysinFrance II 6 M Whenshallwegotothemuseum W HowaboutWednesdayafternoon M ButIwon tbefreeuntilFriday W OK let smakeitFriday 7 W What syourtrouble youngman M Ican tfindmybike W

8、 Oh I msorrytohearthat Butdon tworry letmehelpyou M That sverykindofyou Manythanks 返回 8 W CanIhaveyourname M JohnBlack W Yourtelephonenumber M 86732305 9 M Whatareyoudoingrightnow Jane W I mwritingaletter M Whoareyouwritingto W Afriend 10 M Whyhasn ttheNo 8buscome W TheNo 8bus Itpassesbyonlythreemin

9、utesago M Oh we llhavetowaitsevenminutes 返回 M Hello thisisPathere MayIspeaktoMrBrown W Sorry heistalkingtoSophiedownstairsnow CouldyoucallhimtenminuteslaterorshallItakeamessageforyou M It sverykindofyou I llcallhimtenminuteslater Thankyou Bye W Bye 返回 W Comein please M Hell Judy whereisAnn Iwanthert

10、otypethisletterforme W I mafraidshecan t Tom Sheisn tworkingtoday M Oh why Issheill W No she sstudyingforanexam M Anexam Isshegoingtoschool W Yes sheis She slearningFrenchinnightschool M Isee Areyougoingtonightschool too W No I mnot Notthisyear butI mthinkingaboutgoingtonightschoolnextyear M That sa

11、goodidea Isitexpensive W No notvery M Soamantookyourbag Whatdidhelooklike W Well hewasayoungwhiteman Iguesshewasabouttwenty five M Washetallorshort W Hewastall oversixfeet M Whatwashewearing W Bluetrousersandsomekindofajacket M Whatcolorwasthejacket W Brown M Whatelsecanyoutellme Howabouthishair W Ithinkhehasshortfairhair M Didyouseeanythingunusual W Unusual Oh yeah Irememberhewaswearingsunglasses thoughitwascloudythen M Doyourememberanythingelse W No Idon tthinkso M Well ifyoudo pleasetellus 返回


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