2021高三英语人教版一轮课件:必修4 Unit 3 A taste of English humour

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《2021高三英语人教版一轮课件:必修4 Unit 3 A taste of English humour》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2021高三英语人教版一轮课件:必修4 Unit 3 A taste of English humour(64页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 必修四 Unit3AtasteofEnglishhumour HavingagoodknowledgeofEnglish Comparedwith content ordinary throughout overcome outstanding worn gesture occasion slide whisper slid toovercome worn Occasions arewhispering humorous performer performance astonishing astonishment astonished fortunate fortunately unfort

2、unately entertaining entertainment convincing convinced direction director directly particularly explanation reaction failure boring performer performed performance convincing convinced convinced astonishment astonished astonishing Fortunately fortune directly direction directed director bores bored

3、 boring particularly particular amusing amuses amusement amusing 喜剧 小胡子 皮革 嚼碎 咀嚼 食物 乐观 乐观主义 预算 开支 女演员 侦探 巨大的 辽阔的 脏或乱的状态 醉的 服装 戏装 里面所含的东西 含量 insearchof feel becontentwith cutoff badlyoff pickout off with in out convincesb ofsth starin uptonow inparticular reactto in to in to of Astheoldsayinggoes tur

4、ningtheoldtowninto Aschildrengrewolder with tolive contents becontentwiththeknowledge contentourselveswiththeknowledge astonished astonishing astonished in tofind Itwasastonishingthat Whatastonishedmewasthat whichastonishedme convinced of convincing tochange amconvincedof whichwillcontributeto v 导演

5、v 指挥 adj 直率的 adj 直接的 Directly Assoonas Themomenttheteachercamein readthedirections Underthedirectionoftheteacher 领会 挑选 辨别出 pickmeup tobetold stopping making resultinginserioustraffic resultedin confusion making astonished bored directions convinced off when with As out particularly toovercome worn d

6、epressed entertainment astonishing Unfortunately leaving off his a depressed homeless parts wasgiven anordinaryfarmer iscontentwith badlyoff entertainspeoplewith overcamealotofdifficulties isparticularlypopularwith convincingvoice throughoutChina LiMing borninapoorfamily isanordinaryfarmer whois contentwithhislifenow Hisconvincingvoicecontributedtohissuccessinasinging competitionatCCTV makinghimfamousthroughoutChina Thankyouforwatching



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