高考英语(江苏版)一轮复习课件:必修4 2 Unit 2

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《高考英语(江苏版)一轮复习课件:必修4 2 Unit 2》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高考英语(江苏版)一轮复习课件:必修4 2 Unit 2(83页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 第一部分必修4Unit2 第一部分必修4Unit2 第一部分必修4Unit2 第一部分必修4Unit2 第一部分必修4Unit2 裁判 推荐人 洲 大陆 常规 的 委员会 男性 的 社会运动 移动 活动 进展 现代的 当代的 同一时代的 交通运输系统 交通工具 运输 运输 运送 预算 编制预算 吹口哨 吹哨子 呼啸 鸣叫 哨子 口哨 呼啸 鸣叫 tradition medal attempt otherwise stadium precious association honour meanwhile technique champion unusual remove tie delight

2、ed delight significance significant compete competition competitive competitor absence absent present origin original power powerful excite excited exciting excitement nation national unfair fair frequent frequently competitors competitive competing competition excited excitement absent absence deli

3、ghted delight significant significance bytradition takepartin inhonourof bring backtolife sidebyside leadtheway hangon lookforwardto guesswhat comeupwith lookoutfor besimilarto knockover makewayfor applyto passsomethingon tosomebody keepaclosewatchon byaccident inhonourof hangon bytradition sideby s

4、ide looking ledtheway keepaclosewatchon makewayfor forwardto However Nomatterhowhardyoutry makesiteasier forhertofind musthavefinished tiredbuthealthy at totell amdelightedtohavebeeninvitedtoyourschool Muchtomydelight Ihavebeeninvitedtoyourschool in with competition Wecancompetewithstudentsfromother

5、universities tostudy tobe anhonour tohave hadthehonourtohave from wereabsentfromtheconference beingabsentfromtheconference attemptedtoconvince madeanattempttoconvince madeanattemptatconvincing would Otherwise otherwiseyouwillbepunished Otherwiseyouwouldhave havevisited lostthechance removethebagfrom

6、hershoulder powerful in doourbesttohelpyou doeverythinginourpowertoassistyou sparenoeffortstoassistyou broughtabout wasbrought weall up cametolife up on to out for by Innowaycanyouacceptsuchachallenge behave understood makesitahabittogetup Ifinditeasytogetalongwith exhausted relaxed drunk Toonervous

7、 triedtocalmmyself down absence attempted transport routine frequently whistled determined precious compete origin can thavestolenyourmoney nomatterwhattheweatherislike thefirstChinesefemaletowin Inorderforthechildrentoreceive Deepinthebook isofgreatsignificance makeitanhonour attemptedtocompeteforgoldmedals madealltheChinesecitizensdelightedandexcited Nomatterhowhard bringjoytotheaudience 本部分内容讲解结束 按ESC键退出全屏播放



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