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1、当代研究生英语读写教程上课件Unit7TextA课件学习资料 Reading andWriting外语教学与研究出版社Book OneUnit7外语教学与研究出版社Book OneContent Warming-up ReadingWriting TextA Text B外语教学与研究出版社Book One1.Watch thevideo clipClick2.Have a5-minute discusson followingtopics:1.Have youexperienced anydisorder recently?How didyou handlethat?2.Do youalso

2、 wantsuch aremote controlto stopdisorder inyour life?Why orwhy not?Group discussion外语教学与研究出版社Book OneENTROPHYK.C.Cole外语教学与研究出版社外语教学与研究出版社Book OneMain Ideaand Structure?First reading:Scan thetext and try tocatch themain idea.The followingwords arefor your reference toorganize theidea:entropy disorder

3、irreversible aumulatewaste batplex hard?Second reading:read thepassage again andtryto identifythe structureof thispassage.For yourreference Foryourreference外语教学与研究出版社Book OneIn thetext,the authoruses a lot ofexamples to illustrate whatentropy is.Entropy is the measure of amount of disorder.It isirre

4、versible,aumulates withtime andleads towaste.It takesconsistent hard work to bat entropy.The moreplex things are,the harderit isto keep order.Main Idea外语教学与研究出版社Book OneStructure Para.8-9Para.10-13Para.1-7Para.14-17Main idea:Entropy is a measure of the amount of disorder.It isirreversible,aumulates

5、withtime andleads towaste.Main idea:The usefuland profoundof exceptionsto entropy.Main idea:Combating entropy has aprice,including consistenthardworkand sometimescreating disordersomewhere else.Main idea:The moreplex things are,the harderit isto keeporder.And thereare manymore pathstoward disorderth

6、an towardorder.外语教学与研究出版社Book OneText Study外语教学与研究出版社Book One?1It wasabout twomonths agowhen I realized that entropy wasgetting thebetter ofme.On the same daymy carbroke down(again),my refrigeratorconked outand Ilearned thatI neededroot canalwork in my rightrear tooth.The windowsin thebedroom werest

7、ill leakingevery timeit rainedand my sons babysitter wasstill failingto show up everytime Ireally neededher.My hairwas turninggray and my typewriterwas wearingout.The houseneeded paintand Ineeded glasses.My sons sneakerswere developingholes andI wasdeveloping adeep sense of futility.?2After all,what

8、 was the pointof spendinghalf ofSaturday at the Laundromatif the clothes weredirty allover again the followingFriday?3Disorder,alas,is the natural order of thingsin the universe.There iseven a precise measureof theamount ofdisorder,called entropy.Unlike almostevery otherphysical property(motion,grav

9、ity,energy),Para.1-3外语教学与研究出版社Book OnePara.3-4entropy doesnot workboth ways.It canonly increase.Once its createdit cannever bedestroyed.The roadto disorder isaone-way street.?4Because ofits unnervingirreversibility,entropyhasbeen calledthe arrow of time.We allunderstand thisinstinctively.Childrens r

10、ooms,left on their own,tend to get messy,not neat.Wood rots,metal rusts,people wrinkleand flowerswither.Even mountainswear down;even thenuclei of atoms decay.In thecity wesee entropy in therundown subwaysand worn-out sidewalksand torn-down buildings,in theincreasing disorder of ourlives.We know,with

11、out asking,what isold.If wewere suddenlyto seethe paintjump backon anold building,we wouldknow thatsomething was wrong.If wesaw anegg unscrambleitself andjump backinto itsshell,we wouldlaugh in the sameway welaugh ata movierun backward.外语教学与研究出版社Book OnePara.5-6?5Entropy isno laughingmatter,however,

12、because withevery increase in entropyenergy iswasted andopportunity islost.Water flowingdown amountainside can be madeto dosome usefulwork onits way.But onceall thewater isat the same levelit canwork nomore.That isentropy.When my refrigerator wasworking,it keptall the cold airordered in one part of

13、thekitchen andwarmer airin another.Once itbroke downthe warm and coldmixed into a lukewarm mess thatallowed mybutter to melt,my milkto rotand myfrozen vegetablesto decay.?6Of coursethe energy is not really lost,but ithas defusedand dissipatedinto achaotic caldronof randomnessthat cando usno possible

14、good.Entropy ischaos.It isloss ofpurpose.外语教学与研究出版社Book OnePara.7-8?7People areoften upsetby the entropy theyseem to see in the haphazardnessof theirown lives.Buffeted aboutlike so many moleculesin mytepid kitchen,they feelthat theyhave losttheir senseof direction,that theyare wastingyouth andopport

15、unity atevery turn.It iseasy to see entropyin marriages,when thepartners aretoo preoupiedto patchsmall thingsup,almost guaranteeingthat theywill fall apart.There ismuch entropyin the state ofour country,in therelationships betweennationslost opportunitiesto stopthe avalancheof disordersthat seemsrea

16、dy toswallow usall.?8Entropy is not inevitableeverywhere,however.Crystals andsnowflakes andgalaxies areislands ofincredibly ordered beauty in the midst of random events.If itwas notfor exceptionsto entropy,the skywould beblack andwe would be ableto seewhere thestars spendtheir days;it isonly becauseair moleculesin theatmosphere clusterin orderedgroups that the skyis blue.外语教学与研究出版社Book OnePara.9-12?9The mostprofound exceptionto entropy is the creation of life.A seedsoaks upsome so



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