冀教版英语八下《Unit 1 Spring Is Coming》(Lesson 3)ppt课件

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1、New words text explanations road Dear Danny today is march twenty first Spring has arrived in Shijianzhuang When I walked to school this mooring the temperature was already fifteen degrees This afternoon it was nineteen degrees I didn t need my jacket the days are getting longer The sun rises earlie

2、r in the morning Today s sunrise was at 6 51 Every morning is see many people in the park exercising it is now 6 00 in the evening The sun will set in about fifteen minutes what s your weather like Is it spring in Canada Is it snowing your friend Li Ming Dear Li Ming Thank you for the postcard It is

3、 beautiful I love the picture of the flowers in the park It isn t snowing today but there is still some snow on the grass In Edmonton it often snows in March Sometimes it snows in April and may too We won t see any flowers until May After school today we played outdoors We played snow soccer We need

4、 our jackets and boots but it was fun Danny fell in the snow Next month maybe we will play in our shorts and T shirts Spring has arrived in Shijiazhuang 春天 已到了石家庄 arrive in 到达某地 通常指到达较大的 地方 到达较小的地方用arrive at 比较 They will arrive in the city next week 下周 他们将到达那个城市 They arrived at our school yesterday

5、他 们昨天到达了我们学校 Every morning I see many people in the park exercising 每天早晨我看见许多人在公园里锻炼 see sb doing sth 看见某人在干某事 I saw a boy reading under the tree 我看见一个男孩在树 下读书 He saw the old man carrying a heavy bag in the street 他看见那个老人正扛着一个沉重的袋子 走 在街上 注 see sb doing 表示 看见某人在干某事 see sb do 表示看见某人干了 干过 某事 试比较 I saw

6、the boy running in the street 我看见那个男孩正在 街上跑 I saw the boy run into a house 我看见那个男孩跑进了一 座房子 与see用法相同的词还有hear watch notice等 如 I heard the girl singing in the next room 我听到那个女孩 在隔壁唱歌 I heard the girl sing a song in English 我听到那个女孩用 英语唱了一首歌 The sun will set in about fifteen minutes 太阳将在大约 15分钟后落下 in 在 以

7、后 表示一段时间 in表示 在 以后 所引起的时间用于将来时态 如 They will arrive in two days 他们将在两天后到达 He will be back in a year 他将在1年后回来 辨析 in与after in和after都表示 在 以后 的意思 in是以现在的时间 为起点 表示 在 以后 用于将来时态 after是以 过去的时间为起点表示 在以后 用于过去时态 另外 在表示几点钟之后用after不用in 如 I ll go to Beijing in a week 一周后我要去北京 They left Shanghai after three days 3天

8、后他们离开了 上海 He ll come here after two o clock 他将在两点钟以后到 这里来 Thank you for the postcard 谢谢你寄来的明信 片 Thank you for 因 而感谢 也可以说成 Thanks for 如 Thank you for your last letter 谢谢你上次的来 信 Thanks for the gift you gave me 谢谢你送给我 的礼物 特别提示 Thank you for 后跟动词时要用动名词形式 如 Thank you for helping me 谢谢你帮了我 Thanks for tell

9、ing me that 谢谢你告诉我那件事 We won t see any flowers until May 直到 五月我们才能看到花 not until 直到 才 My father didn t come back until eleven yesterday 昨天我父亲十一点才回来 They didn t work out the math problem until the teacher told them the key 直到老 师把答案告诉他们 他们才做出那道数学 题 I won t leave here until my mother comes 我母亲一来我就离开这儿 W

10、e needed our jackets and boots but it was fun 我们虽然需要夹克衫和长筒靴但那很有趣 but 但是 表示转折 汉语中常与 虽然 连用 但英 语中却不能与although或though 虽然 连用 在一个句子中如果用了though或although 就不 再使用but 如果用了but 则不能再用although或 though 例如 Although she is quite young she is very strong 虽然她十分年轻 但是她体格健壮 The city is small but it is very beautiful 这个城市 虽然小 但是它很美 we will play in our shorts and T shirts 我们将穿着短裤和T恤衫玩 in介词 意为 穿着 披着 如 It is a wolf in a sheep s skin 它是一只披着 羊皮的狼 Do you know the girl in red 你认识穿红衣 服的那个女孩吗 The tall man in blue pants is my brother 那个穿蓝裤子的高个男子是我哥哥


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