仁爱版英语九上《Topic 2 When was it developed》ppt课件之一

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1、 哈尔滨市阿城区杨树民主学校 魏培培 福建省晋江市罗山中学 王淑春 Unit 4 Amazing ScienceUnit 4 Amazing Science Topic 2 Topic 2 When was it When was it inventinvented ed Have you ever got lost somewhere What method did you use to find your direction 影片 Read and discuss the following questions 1 What would you do if you lose your wa

2、y in a forest 2 How did the early explorers know where they were 3 What is GPS Is it useful to us 4 What do you think GPS will be used for in the future What is GPS GPS即全球定位系统 Global Positioning System 简单地说 这 是一个由覆盖全球的24颗卫星组成的卫星系统 这个系统可以 保证在任意时刻 地球上任意一点都可以同时观测到4颗卫星 该观测点可以通过接收到的信号 计算出经纬度和高度 以便实现导航 定位

3、 授时等功能 这项技术可以用 来引导飞机 船舶 车辆以及个人 安全 准确地沿着选定的路线 准时 到达目的地 疑难讲解 1 in direction 按 朝 方向 e g A motor bike hit a truck in the opposite direction 2 work well 奏效 起作用 e g The medicine worked well 3 as long as 只要 长达 e g You can go out to play as long as you finish your homework e g I have taught English as long

4、as nine years Read and answer the question A thief stole a beautiful cellphone from a young girl He ran away very quickly and then hid in a secret place To his surprise when he was using the cellphone he was caught by the police Do you know why Bluetooth Bluetooth is a short distance wireless commun

5、ication technology It provides coverage 覆盖 of up to 100 meters It s a low power technology that can be used to connect cellphones or computer with other devices A bluetooth headset 长长见识 根据首字母提示 完成短文 Thanks to GPS we can exactly know w we are now GPS is like a man made star It can be u in any place a

6、nd any weather condition to find out our p In the past the early explorers had to use stars in the s to tell them where they were however this method didn t work well when the weather was bad So GPS is a great invention that can help humans to better e our planets here osition sed ky xplore What hav

7、e you learnt about in this topic Can you say something about one of them 1 Rocket 2 Cloning 3 Robots 4 GPS 5 Other great inventions 1 它是由什么制成的 What s it made of from 2 我希望有一天我也能飞到太空 I wish I could go into space some day 3 我希望你的梦想能实现 I hope your dream will come true 4 众所周知 大多数生物体内都有DNA 包括人 As we know

8、 there is DNA in most living things including human beings 5 没有人确切地知道 但是大多数人认为机器人会成为我们生 活的一部分 No one knows for certain but most people think robots will be part of our lives 6 总而言之 这个机器人对我们很有帮助 In short this robot is very useful to us 看谁能根据中文意思快速翻译六个句子 2aGrammar focus Passive voice The radio was inv

9、ented by Guglielmo Marconi in 1895 When was it developed Where was it developed Where were laptops invented Around 1998 It was developed in Korea They were invented in Japan 录音 2bUseful expressions What s it made of from It s made of from I wish I could go into space some day I hope your dream will

10、come true There is DNA in most living things including human beings No one knows for certain but most people think that robots will be part of our lives 录音 Passive voice 被动语态 was were done 考点探究 1 A big supermarket in our city last year A is built B were built C was built 2 Could you tell me who the

11、radio by A invents B invented C was invented 3 Many trees and flowers in our school last year They made our school more beautiful A have planted B were planted C planted 4 The children swim last month and they can swim very well now A are taught B were taught C were taught to 5 It is said that potat

12、o chips by mistake about one hundred years ago A were invented B invented C are invented C B C A C Grammar focus 被动语态综合练习 一 用所给词的适当形式填空 1 You are late all the tickets sell out an hour ago 2 This type of cellphone make in Shenzhen 3 The story happen in a magic land 4 Her homework finish yet so she is

13、 still working on it now 5 When the sports meeting hold 6 Look a new road build in that area 7 The dirty clothes must wash at once 8 The roses smell sweet 9 It is well know that the Great Wall is the symbol of China were sold were made happened hasn t been finished will be held is being built be was

14、hed smell known be的某一时态形式 v 的过去分词 二 将下列句子改为被动语态 1 People use radios to learn English in the past 2 Jack will show me the photo 3 They have raised much money for the Project Hope 4 I often hear Mary sing English songs at home 5 We mustn t throw litter about 6 A policeman is running after a thief in t

15、he street 7 People can visit planets like Mars Radios were used to learn English in the past The photo will be shown to me I will be shown the photo by Jack Much money has been raised for the Project Hope Mary is often heard to sing English songs at home Litter mustn t be thrown about A thief is bei

16、ng ran after in the street Planets like Mars can be visited 三 单项选择 1 Hurry up you on the phone A WantedB was wantedC are wanted 2 Some stories the children by the teacher everyday A is told forB are told forC are told to 3 that he has studied abroad for five years A It is saidB It saysC That is said 4 The window five minutes ago A is cleanedB was cleanedC can be cleaned 5 The children by the teachers at school A take care of B are taken careC are taken care of C C A B C 6 I have no idea what whi


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