人教版高中英语选修8 Unit 5《Meeting your ancestors》(Language points)课件

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《人教版高中英语选修8 Unit 5《Meeting your ancestors》(Language points)课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教版高中英语选修8 Unit 5《Meeting your ancestors》(Language points)课件(27页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 Language points课时是对Reading课时的 补充 帮助学生巩固课文重点词汇 短语和 句型的用法 进一步扎实基础知识 教师可 根据学生预习情况选择性讲解 词汇的释义和用法 建议引导学生自行 查找字典等相关资料来学习 以培养其自主 学习能力 词汇讲解 建议采用归纳法 先尽可能多 的呈现一些相关例句 或让学生从已学课文 中查找相应例句 引导学生试着从所观察到 的语言现象中总结出词汇的意思和用法 To learn some useful words expressions and patterns in the passage Objective Words interrupt ac

2、ute assume regardless sharpen ample messy analysis Expressions regardless of at most cut up Patterns 主语 be 形容词 that从句 插入语do you think 2 打岔 插嘴 It is rude to interrupt Don t interrupt he said interrupt sb She began to explain but I interrupted her 1 阻断 中断 His studies were interrupted by the war 1 inte

3、rrupt v interrupt v 打扰 打断 阻碍 常有 使 停止 中断 的意思 His speech was constantly interrupted by applause 区别 interrupt和disturb disturb v 打扰 妨碍 常指失去了正常 的状态或导致困难产生 Bad dreams disturbed her sleep She tried to explain what had happened but he her several times A asked B spoiled C cut D interrupted The reporter the

4、program to bring us the latest news of the train disaster this morning A disturbed B interrupted C bothered D cut Choose the best answer 2 to pretend 装作 She assumed a look of surprise 她装出一副吃惊的样子 2 assume vt 1 to think that something is true although you have no proof of it 假定 设想 The scientists assum

5、e that there are no animals on the moon 科学家设想月球上没有动物 It isn t reasonable to that a criminal will consider the results of his actions before committing a criminal act A evaluate B scold C condemn D assume Choose the best answer regardless of the cold 不顾寒冷 3 regardless of We will persevere regardless

6、of past failures 尽管以前我们失败过 但仍要坚持下去 不管 不顾 He climbed the building regardless of the danger 不顾危险 他还是爬上了大厦 This special school accepts all disabled students educational level and background 2009江苏 A according to B regardless of C in addition to D in terms of Choose the best answer 4 primitive adj 原始的 远

7、古的 The book is about the mythologies of primitive races 这本书是原始民族神话集 Primitive peoples deified the sun 原始部落将太阳奉为神 简陋的 粗糙的 The house was primitive with mud walls Early settlers had to cope with very living conditions A rich B distinct C primitive D merciful Choose the best answer 课文重难点精析 1 You must be

8、 aware that it s here that we found evidence of some of the earliest people who lived in this part of the world 你们想必都很清楚 正是在这个地方 我们找到了世界上居住在这个地方最早 人类的证据 此句是个复合句 第一个that后面接的 从句中存在一个强调句 对地点状语进 行强调 主句中出现了 主语 be 形容 词 that从句 的用法 如 I m certain that he will accept the advice They were confident that Allen

9、was still alive 拓展 在 主语 be 形容词 that从句 的句型中 主语通常是表示人的 形容词大都是表示 人的感情或思想状态的 具有这种用法的 形容词有glad pleased happy proud sorry afraid sure certain aware satisfied surprised confused disappointed等 Translate the following sentences He was happy that he got the chance to go to college 他很高兴得到了上大学的机会 他为已经入党而感到自豪 He

10、 is very proud that he has joined the party 2 What else do you think it might have been used for 除此之外 你认为还可能派别的什么用 场吗 此句中用到了插入语do you think 其后 的部分用了陈述句语序 如 Who do you think has got the first prize 拓展 具有此类用法的词还有suppose suggest believe guess等 其后的句子语 序是陈述句语序 如 Who do you think will take his place When

11、do you think he will start off else常放在疑问词 如who what which where等 不定代词 如something anything nothing anyone等 的后面 如 What else do you want Is there anything else in your bag Where else do you want to go Translate the following sentences Where do you think he has put the book 你认为他把书放在哪里了 你猜谁能解决这个问题 Who do

12、 you guess can solve the problem 你认为哪个班会赢得比赛 Which class do you think will win the game Tips for teacher Let the word fly 板块是帮助学生学习一 些一词多义 熟词生义的词汇 通过此 环节 学生可以对一些常见词的用法 意思有一个全面的了解 在翻译过程中 体会词汇使用的丰富多彩 It is not easy to meet each other in such a big world 世界这么大 能遇见 不容易 I love waking up in the morning an

13、d not knowing what s going to happen or who I m going to meet where I m going to wind up 我喜欢早上起来时一切都是未知的 不 知会遇见什么人 会有什么样的结局 及物动词 vt I met her at the gymnasium Shall we go to the station to meet your mother 遇见 碰上我在体育馆遇见她 迎接我们去车站接你的母亲好吗 警察在值勤时随时都可能碰到危险 A policeman could meet danger any minute of his w

14、orking day 遭遇 经历 He broke two national records in a track meet To be a pilot one must meet certain physical standards Let s meet that problem when it comes up 对付 应付 如期偿付 要当飞行员必须达到体格上的某些标准 那问题一出现 我们就来对付它 满足 符合 他在一次田径比赛中打破了两项全国记录 名词 n 集会 竞赛大会 不及物动词 vi The two trains met at a small station The two rive

15、rs meet near the capital 相遇 相会 相识 两列火车在一个小站相遇 即错车 接触 接合 会合 这两条河在首都附近会合 现学现用 Work in pairs one of you makes up sentences with meet in English the other makes up sentences in Chinese then you exchange and translate them Individual activity 注 另附 word 文档 点击此处链接 I Complete the following sentences with pr

16、oper words 1 Trade between the two countries was i by the war 2 My mother bought me a heavy 被子 for the winter yesterday 3 The president was very much pleased by your 分析 of the situation 4 You ll have a time for questions later nterrupted quilt analysis mple 5 Sorry the room is so m I haven t had time to clear up 6 This area has a n 严重的 shortage of water 7 I didn t see your car so I a you d gone out 8 My pencil doesn t write well Will you please help me s it 9 Small 贝壳 were often used as a p kind


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