人教版高中英语选修8 Unit 4《Pygmalion》(Warming up)课件

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1、Unit 4 Pygmalion 我们在此处增加本课时重点单词和短语表 达部分 旨在帮助学生在上课前对早读学 习的单词及短语进行复习回顾 从而加深 记忆 用一分钟时间对单词进行复习 使学 生在新课学习中没有单词障碍 通过朗读 使学生熟练掌握单词的正 确发音 所呈现单词均出自课本单词表中的词 汇 Words review n 适应 性 改编本 adj 经典的 第一流的 n 经典著作 n 图片上的 说明文字 电视 电影 字幕 杂志等文章的 标题 题目 n 情节 阴谋 adaptation classic caption plot Objective To learn the Greek story

2、 of Pygmalion and the play by Shaw Who am I I m Athena an Olympian goddess Do you know any other gods or goddesses in Greek mythology 神话 天神 宙斯 天后 赫拉 太阳神阿波罗海神波塞冬战神阿瑞斯 火神 赫淮斯托斯 农神 得墨忒耳 Do you know any Greek mythology Please enjoy some pictures about Greek stories 普罗米修斯盗火 特洛伊木马 维纳斯的诞生 丘比特的诞生 三女神与金苹果 许拉

3、斯和水泽仙女 皮格马利翁与伽拉忒亚 Do you know the story about Pygmalion If not look at the the pictures and the captions and try to work out the story and tell it to your partner 1 Pygmalion a gifted artist makes a stone statue of a beautiful woman Pygmalion an artist dislikes women One day he makes a statue of a b

4、eautiful woman in ivory 2 He asks the Greek Goddess to bring her to life When he finishes the statue he falls in love with it and goes to the Greek Goddess Aphrodite 阿佛洛狄忒 to ask her to make the statue into a real woman 3 His wish is granted As a result of his prayers Aphrodite agrees to help him an

5、d makes the statue into a woman The two marry and live happily ever after Are you interested in psychology If so have you ever heard of the Pygmalion effect 皮格马利翁效应 The Pygmalion effect or Rosenthal 罗森塔尔 effect refers to situations in which students perform better than other students simply because

6、they are expected to do so The effect is named after George Bernard Shaw s play Pygmalion in which a professor makes a bet that he can teach a poor flower girl to speak and act like an upper class lady and is successful A brief introduction to George Bernard Shaw Born Nationality Achievements In 185

7、6 Irish Nobel Prize for Literature in 1925 Irish dramatist literary critic a socialist spokesman Works Personali ty Death Arms and the Man 1894 The Devil s Disciple 1897 Man and Superman 1903 Pygmalion 1913 Saint Joan 1923 Humorous and witty In 1950 A story about Bernard Shaw One day Shaw took part

8、in a grand party in which he met the then Prime Minister Churchill Churchill was very fat at that time whereas Shaw was very thin Churchill said to Shaw very sharply When people see you they will know how poor the country is And then Shaw answered very quickly When people see you they will know the

9、reason why the country is so poor Do you think that Pygmalion and his statue wife will be happy together What problems do you think they will have How do you think they might solve them Discussion The play written by Shaw was also made into a film Do you know the name of the film My Fair Lady Have y

10、ou ever seen the film My Fair Lady If so did you like it Have a discussion and give your reasons MY FAIR LADY 窈窕淑女 Do you know who starred in this film She is regarded as one of the most elegant ladies in the world Can you name some films she acted in 奥黛丽 赫本 Do you know her 个人档案 Audrey Hepburn 1929

11、5 4 1993 1 20 出生地 比利时布鲁塞尔 家庭 父亲是一名富裕的英国银行家 母亲是一名荷兰女男爵 身高 170公分 爱好 芭蕾 最喜爱的颜色 白色 最难忘的事情 获得奥斯卡奖 Audrey Hepburn is one of Hollywood s all time greatest actresses She is famous not only in the USA but also in other parts of the world When Hepburn died in 1993 the world mourned the loss of a great beauty

12、a great actress and a great humanitarian Hepburn s whole life Her early life Her acting life Her later life Hepburn was born in Belgium on 4th May 1929 MY FAIR LADY My Fair Lady 中文名 窈窕淑女 英文名 My Fair Lady 主演 Audrey Hepburn 导演 George Cukor 第三十七届 1964年 奥斯卡最佳影片 窈窕淑女 获十三项提名 夺得最佳影 片 最佳导演 最佳男主角 最佳彩色 片摄影等八项

13、大奖 Eliza Doolittle E a poor flower girl who is ambitious to improve herself Professor Higgins H an expert in phonetics convinced that the quality of a person s English decides his her position in society Colonel Pickering CP an officer in the army and later a friend of Higgins who sets him a task Ma

14、in characters 伊莉莎是个卖花女 讲着一口在上流社会 听起来觉得格外刺耳的英语 教授希金斯 是个贵族气的语言学家 教授的朋友皮克 林和他打赌 如果让伊莉莎以贵夫人的身 份出席6个月后将举办的大使游园会而不 被人识破真相 那么皮克林愿意承担一切 试验费用和伊莉莎的学费 希金斯欣然接 受了挑战 希金斯是个精力旺盛和讲究科 学的学者 但他又像孩子一样 毫不顾及 他人的感情 对伊莉莎严加训练 内容简介 希金斯已经40多岁 还未结婚 他从来 看不上年轻姑娘 可现在在生活上竟然 离不开伊莉莎了 6个月后 希金斯满 怀信心地带伊莉莎和皮克林一起出席希 腊大使举办的招待会 伊莉莎全力以赴 谈笑自若 光彩照人 希金斯成功了 但当回到家里后 由于希金斯对疲惫 不堪的伊莉莎随意乱嚷 伊莉莎自尊心 受到了伤害 委屈之下 愤然离开了希 金斯的家 最后二人终于和解 伊莉莎 回到了希金斯身边 Please enjoy some pictures about My Fair Lady My Fair Lady Homework 1 Look up the new words and expressions of the Reading in the dictionary 2 Preview the Reading PYGMALION



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