人教版高中英语必修一Unit 1《Friendship》(Language points)同步课件

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《人教版高中英语必修一Unit 1《Friendship》(Language points)同步课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教版高中英语必修一Unit 1《Friendship》(Language points)同步课件(27页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Language points 中小学课件站 add vt ignorance n 这些男孩如此无礼 我们决定不理睬他们了 The boys were so rude that we decided to ignore them 中小学课件站 be concerned about 为 担心 百思第四页 专家们对世界人口增长非常关注心 The experts are concerned about the growth of the world s population as so far as sb be concerned in one s opinion 就某人而言 在某人看来 就我而言

2、我更倾向于自己回家 As far as I am concerned I prefer to go back home by ourselves 中小学课件站 cheat v 欺骗 骗取 作弊 cheat sb out of sth 骗取某人的某物 cheat sb into doing 骗某人做 It was foolish of him 被骗了钱 He was cheated 吸烟 It is wrong 考试作弊 to be cheated into smoking to cheat in an examination of his money 中小学课件站 should have do

3、ne 本来应该做某事 而实际 没做 含有责备的意味 should not have done 本来不该做某事 而 实际已做 He looks upset I 不该告诉他这个坏消息的 You are late You 早点来 shouldn t have told him the bad new should have come earlier can could have done needn t have done must have done 中小学课件站 go through 1 仔细检查某事物 我每天总是先看邮件 I always start the day by going thro

4、ugh my mail 2 法律 合同等正式 通过 接受 达成 The deal 交易 did not go through 这笔交易未谈成 3 经历 遭受 这个国家经历了太多的战争 This country has gone through too many wars 中小学课件站 set down 记下 让某人下车 set about sth doing sth 着手做什么事情 set out set off 出发 动身 启程 set aside 留出 抽出 钱或时间 set up 建立 set sth on fire set fire to sth 放火烧 我为那趟旅行存了一些钱 I s

5、et aside some money for the journey 中小学课件站 on purpose 故意的 反义by accident chance She broke the vase on purpose at dusk 黄昏 傍晚 The street lights go on at dusk 街灯在黄昏时分亮起来 她故意把花瓶打碎 中小学课件站 It This is the first second time that 主语 have has done It This was the first second third time that 主语 had done 意为 某人第

6、几次做某事 中小学课件站 I m not familiar with the town It is the first time that I He told me it was the fourth time that he 犯同 样的错误 have come here had made the same mistake 中小学课件站 1 情态动词 多用于否定句 疑问句 条件 状语 句 whether if 等名词性从句或有否定意义的句 中 后接动词原形 没有人称和数的变化 否定式 在其后加not eg How dare he say such a word If you dare do t

7、hat again you ll be punished 2 实义动词 敢 胆敢 有人称 数和时态的变 化 在否定句和疑问句中 dare后的to 可保留也可省略 eg I wonder how he dare to say such words dare 中小学课件站 face to face 面对面地 在句中作状语 face to face a 面对面的 作定语 类似的还有heart to heart 坦诚地 shoulder to shoulder 肩并肩地 back to back 背对背地 arm in arm hand in hand We had 面对面的交谈 a face to

8、face talk 中小学课件站 I 根据括号内所给的提示将下列句子翻译成 英语 1 大约过了半个小时 他才平静下来 calm down 2 你可能不喜欢他 但你不得不相信他是 很聪明的 have got to After about half an hour he calmed down You may not like him but you have got to believe that he is very clever 中小学课件站 3 昨晚他直到11点才上床睡觉 not until 4 当在街上散步时 他碰见了他的老 朋友汤姆 while doing He didn t go t

9、o bed until 11 o clock last night While walking in the street he met his old friend Tom 中小学课件站 II 每空填一词 使该句与所给句子的 意思相同 1 It s mad of you to go there alone in such bad weather you to go there alone in such bad weather 2 They hurried on because it was getting dark because it was getting dark they hurr

10、ied on It s crazy of It was that 中小学课件站 3 We started early so that we could arrive there before 8 o clock We started early arrive there before 8 o clock 4 I find that it is difficult to learn English well so I must study harder I find difficult to learn English well so I must study harder in order t

11、o so as to it 中小学课件站 III 选用方框内词组的正确形式填空 1 I don t know why they had to for such a long time 2 You make it sound as if I did it 3 I think it is a secret It is being talked everywhere in the town hide away on purpose no longer on purpose no longer hide away set down in order to face to face 中小学课件站 4 W

12、hy dare you not speak to Harry 5 You needn t everything that the teacher says in class 6 earn enough money he often works late into the night face to face set down In order to 中小学课件站 IV 用适当的介词填空 1 Do you know the reason his coming late to class 2 Make a list all the things you need to do 3 Don t you

13、 believe that he has gone the war 4 Recently a series traffic accidents have happened in the street for of through of 中小学课件站 把你的得分加起来 我们就知道谁赢了 这些数目合计为100 别轻视小错 他们会造成大事故 专家们对世界人口增长非常关注 依我看 油价还会继续上涨 Add your scores up and we ll see who won These numbers add up to 100 Don t ignore small mistakes They m

14、ay cause big accidents The experts are concerned about the growth of the world s population As far as I am concerned the price of oil will continue to increase 中小学课件站 我明天将告诉玛丽新工作的事 你上周就应告诉她的 I ll tell mary about her job tomorrow You should have told her last week 他陪妻子度过最艰难的时期 He went through the har

15、dest time with his wife 弗兰克在战争中历经艰险 Frank went through many dangers during the war 我已将详细内容记到了笔记本上 I have the details set down here in my notes 他们特意来看望你 They have come here on purpose to see you 当晚他们面对面地席地而坐 进行了坦诚的交谈 That night they sat face to face and talked heart to heart with each other 中小学课件站 Assignment 1 练习册第41 42面 2 阅读百思练习册第9 10面语法直接引语和间接引语 3 百思练习册第56 57面 中小学课件站


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