人教新目标英语七下unit 8《Is there a post office near here》(第二课时)课件

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《人教新目标英语七下unit 8《Is there a post office near here》(第二课时)课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教新目标英语七下unit 8《Is there a post office near here》(第二课时)课件(48页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、library supermarket park bridge restaurant hotel pay phone post office bank hospital street police station Yes there is Is there a restaurant in the picture Yes there is Is there a hotel in the picture Yes there is Is there a pay phone in the picture No there isn t Is there a bank in the picture The

2、re is a post office in the picture What s in the picture No there isn t Is there a post office in the picture There is a hospital in the picture What s in the picture No there isn t Is there a post office in the picture There is a police station in the picture What s in the picture Yes there are Are

3、 there any shops on the street No there aren t Are there any hospitals on the street on the box under the box in the box Where s the soccer ball It s the box What s in the picture There is a soccer ball near next to Where s the soccer ball It s the box beside in front ofbehind Where s the soccer bal

4、l It s the box across from Where s the soccer ball It s the box big small Where s the soccer ball It s the box between and Where is the pay phone The pay phone is on Green Street The pay phone is behind the library Where is the pay phone The pay phone is next to the library Where is the pay phone Th

5、e pay phone is between the post office and the library Where is the pay phone The pay phone is in front of the library Where is the pay phone The pay phone is across from the library Where is the pay phone 452 1 36 1 The pay phone is across from the library 2 The pay phone is next to the library 3 T

6、he pay phone is between the post office and the library 4 The pay phone is on Green Street 5 The pay phone is in front of the library 6 The pay phone is behind the library 2a Match the sentences with the pictures Write each number in the box Ask and answer the questions about the places in 1a of Sec

7、tion A 2c Pair work A Where s the hospital A Where s the restaurant B It s next to the police station B It s next to the police station A Where s the bank A Where s the hotel A Where s the pay phone B It s on Long Street B It s across from the post office B It s next to the post office A Where s the

8、 park A Where s the post office B It s behind the hotel B It s across from the hotel Role play the conversation 2d Pair work Tony Hi excuse me Linda Yes How can I help you Tony Well I m new in town Is there a bank around here Linda Yes there is It s on Center Street It s across from the park Tony Oh

9、 where s Center Street Linda It s not too far from here I can walk with you Tony Oh that s great Thanks so much Linda No problem 2d Read the conversation and answer the questions 1 Is there a bank near here 2 Where s the bank 3 Is Center Street far from here Yes there is It s on Center Street across

10、 from the park No it isn t 1 附近有银行吗 2 是的 它在中心街上 3 附近有餐馆吗 阅读Grammar Focus部分 完成下列句子 Yes there is It s on Center Street Is there a bank near here Are there any restaurants near here 4 有 在邮局前面有一家 5 旅馆在哪里 6 它在公安局后面 Yes there s one in front of the post office Where s the hotel It s behind the police stati

11、on 7 银行在哪里 8 它紧挨着邮局 9 公园在哪里 10 它在银行对面 旅馆后面 11 投币电话在哪里 12 他们在邮局与图书馆中间 Where s the park It s next to the post office It s across from the bank behind the hotel Where are the pay phones Where s the bank They re between the post office and the library There be 句型 一 There be 句型表示的是 某处有 存 在 某人或某物 其句式结构 1

12、There be is are 名词 地点状语 在我的铅铅笔盒里有两块块橡皮 two erasers in my pencil box 在房子前有一棵大树树 a tall tree in front of the house There is There are 探究乐园 2 否定句 There isn t aren t 例如 大桥桥街上没有银银行 a bank on Bridge Street 在教室里没有篮球 any basketballs in the classroom There isn t There aren t 3 一般疑问句 Is Are 主语 肯定回答 Yes there

13、is are 否定回答 No there isn t aren t 这附近有餐馆吗 a restaurant near here 教室里有学生吗 any students in the classroom Is there Are there 二 There be 句型中的主谓谓一致原则则 There be句型中be动词的形式要和其后面 的主语在人称和数上保持一致 1 如果句子的主语是单数的可数名词 或是不可数名词 be动词用 is e g 紧紧挨着邮邮局有一个投币电话币电话 a pay phone next to the post office There is 2 如果句子的主语是复数名词

14、 be动 词就用 are e g 在公园里很多树树 many trees in the park There are 3 如果有两个或两个以上的名词作主 语 be动词要和最靠近它的那个主语 在数上保持一致 也就是我们常说的 就近原则 e g 在桌子上有一只桔子和一些香蕉 an orange and some bananas on the table 在桌子上有一只桔子和一些香蕉 some bananas and an orange on the table There is There are 三 There be 句型与have的区别别 There be句型表示 存在有 have has表

15、示 拥有 所有 两者不能同时使用 例如 桌子上有一架模型飞机 a model plane on the desk 我有一架模型飞机 a model plane I have There is Look at the map and answer the questions 3a 1 Where is the bank 2 3 2 Is there a restaurant on North Street 3 Where s the pay phone It s between the hospital and the post office Yes there s one across fro

16、m the police station It s on North Street next to the police station 4 Where s the post office 5 Is there a hospital near the pay phone No there isn t There s one on New Street It s on New Street next to the bank Look at the map in 3a and write three sentences 3b The bank is next to the hospital and across from the bank 1 2 3 The post office is next to the bank and across from the park The hotel is in front of the park The restaurant is behind the police station 选择词语完成句子 1 If you want to borrow



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