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1、Lesson 64 The Channel Tunnel 英吉利海峡隧道 昵称 Chunnel 又称 海峡隧道 英法海底隧道 欧洲隧道 Eurotunnel 英吉利海峡隧道 The Channel Tunnel 又称英法 海底隧道或欧洲隧道 Eurotunnel 是一条把英国英伦三岛连 接往欧洲法国的铁路隧道 于1994年5月6日开通 是目前世界 上最长的海底隧道 也是世界上规模最大的利用私人资本建造 的工程项目 Nickname Chunnel Also known as Channel Tunnel the Channel Tunnel Eurotunnel Eurotunnel Chan

2、nel Tunnel The Channel Tunnel also known as the Channe l Tunnel or Euro Tunnel Eurotunnel is a connection to the UK to Europe British Isles railway tunnel in France in May 6 1994 opening Is the world s longest under water tunnel The world s largest private capital const ruction projects Comprehensio

3、n questions 1 When did Aim Thom de Gamond arrive in England In 1858 2 Was he an engineer or an astronaut He was an engineer 3 What nationality was he French 4 What did he have a plan for For a 21 mile tunnel under the English Channel 5 What did he say it would be possible to build in the centre of t

4、he Channel A platform 6 What would this platform serve as A port and a railway station 7 How would the tunnel be ventilated Tall chimneys would be built above sea level 8 Who put forward a better plan William Lowe did 9 He wasn t French was he No he wasn t 10 What did he suggest should be built A do

5、uble railway tunnel 11 What problem would this solve The problem of ventilation 12 What would happen if a train entered this tunnel It would draw in fresh air behind it 13 When was a tunnel actually begun In 1902 New words and expressions tunnel n 隧道 A tunnel is a long passage which has been made un

6、der the ground usually through a hill or under the sea channel n 海峡 The Channel 英 吉利海峡 New words and expressions port n 港口 the bridges that link the port area to the rest of the city 连接港口和城市的其余地区的各桥梁 New words and expressions ventilate v 通风 Ventilation n The only ventilation comes from tiny sliding

7、windows 惟一的通风来自几扇小小的推拉窗 Forced Ventilation 强制排风系 统 forced adj 被迫的 强迫的 动 用武力的 e g 一个勉强的微笑 New words and expressions air v 通风 Air the room please 给房间通通风 New words and expressions chimney n 烟囱 sea level海平面 double adj 双的 字母W 的读音就是 double u 意为两 个u 构成 w couple pair 两个 a couple of weeks a pair of shoes soc

8、ks glasses 一副眼 镜 New words and expressions fear v 害怕 vt 害怕 畏惧 sb fear doing sth 害怕做 She fears speaking in public sb fear sth 害怕 I feared darkness be afraid of 害怕 I am afraid of dogs be afraid of fear 人做主语 New words and expressions vt 恐怕 猜想 比be afraid要正式 fear that 恐怕 be afraid that I am sorry 恐怕 婉言谢绝

9、 Can you help me I am afraid I can t I am afraid not New words and expressions fright frighten frightening frightened sth frighten sb sth scare sb 吓了 一跳 You frightened scared me frighten scare是因某件突然的事情才让 某人产生了害怕的情绪 句子后边的部分是 人 horrify v 使恐怖 使极度厌恶 惊骇 New words and expressions invasion n 入侵 侵略 invade v

10、t 侵略 侵袭 拥挤 water invasion 水侵 invasion of privacy 侵犯个人隐私 侵犯 隐私权 invasion depth 侵入深度 officially adv 正式地 official adj 官方的 正式 formally adv 一般的 正式 New words and expressions connect v 连接 connect sth with to 把 和 连接 connect A with B A和B平等 connect A to B A连到B上去 This road connects the village with to London N

11、ew words and expressions European adj 欧洲的 continent n 大陆 European Continent 欧洲大陆 不包括 欧洲岛国 This platform would serve as a port and a railway station 这座平台将用作码头和火车站 serve as serve for 起 作用 用作 充当 It will serve as a swimming pool This sofa can serve as for a bed In 1858 a French engineer Aime Thome de Ga

12、mond arrived in England with a plan for a twenty one mile tunnel under the English Channel 1858年 一位名叫埃梅 托梅 德 干蒙的法国工程师带着 建造一条长21英里 穿越英吉利海峡的隧道计划到了英 国 1 a plan for a twenty one mile tunnel 建造一条长 21英里的隧道的计划 twenty one mile作 tunnel的修饰语 注意 mile为 单数 2 plan for 名词 动名词 的计划 In 1860 a better plan was put forwa

13、rd by an Englishman William Low 1860年 一位名叫威廉 洛的英国人提出了一项更好的计 划 put forward plan suggestion 提出 计划 建议 等 You know they wouldn t accept your plan Why did you put it forward He suggested that a double railway tunnel should be built 他提议建一条双轨隧道 suggest vt 暗示 用法与其他的词相同 vt 建议 用虚拟语气 后接动词是要用 ing形式 后接that从句采用一种固

14、定的用法 should 动词原 形 should 可省略 I suggested that he should go home that should 都可省略 insist作 坚持 讲时用法同suggest He insisted that I should stay to lunch 他坚持要我 留下来吃晚饭 This would solve the problem of ventilation for if a train entered this tunnel it would draw in fresh air behind it 这样就解决了通风问题 因为如果有一列火车开进隧道 它

15、就把新鲜空气随之抽进了隧道 draw in 吸进 如用bring没有 draw in 形象 贴切 If at the time the British had not feared invasion it would have been completed 如果不是因为那时英国人害怕入侵 隧道早已建成了 虚拟语气 非真实条件句 中 与现在事实相反 从句用 一般过去时 与过去事实相反 从句用过去完成时 此 时主句格式为would have done would could should 都可以 情态动词加have done 表示对过去的推测 如must have done can t have

16、done等 The world had to wait almost another 100 years for the Channel Tunnel 世界不得不再等将近100年才看到海峡隧道竣工 wait for sb wait for some times I have waited five minutes for 可不要 I have waited for you for five minutes I have waited five years for you If 引导的虚拟语气 虚拟语气是一种特殊的动词形式 用来表示说话 人所说的并不是事实 而是一种假设 愿望 怀 疑或推测 判断是真实条件句还是非真实条件句 只有在非 真实条件句中才能使用虚拟语气 通过句子的意 思 看假设的条件是否能够实现 能够实现的是 真实条件句 不能使用虚拟语气 假设的条件不能实现则是非真实条件句 要用虚 拟语气 判断这个假设是与那个事实相反 通常 有三种情况1与过去事实相反2与现在事实相反3 与将来事实相反 1 虚拟现在时表示与现在事实相反的假 设 其if从句的谓语形式用动词的过去 式 be一般用w


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