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1、Module 6 War and Peace 战争与和平 单词盘单词盘 点 根据词词性和汉语汉语 意思写出词汇词汇 1 adv 最后 最终终 2 v 使受伤伤 3 adj 感到 震惊的 惊骇骇的 4 v 俯视视 往下看 eventually wound shocked overlook 5 v 责难责难 谴责谴责 6 v 营营救 拯救 7 n 牺牺牲 8 n 混乱的局面 9 prep 不管 不顾顾 10 v 入侵 侵略 n 入侵 11 v 放弃 抛弃 adj 被抛弃的 condemn rescue sacrifice mess despite invadeinvasion abandonaba

2、ndoned 12 v 占领领 n 占领领 职业职业 adj 已占用的 在使用的 13 n 国籍 adj 国家的 n 国家 14 adj 值值得做的 有价值值的 有用的 adj 值值 钱钱 值值得的 adj 有价值值的 值值得 的 可 敬的 15 v 鼓舞 鼓励 n 鼓励 adj 令人鼓舞的 n 勇气 occupyoccupationoccupied nationality nationalnation worthwhileworth worthy encourage encouragement encouragingcourage 品词词自测测 根据所给词给词 的适当形式填空 He is a

3、 teacher by and his time is fully with his students He always thinks about his work and how to teach the students well his mind occupy In the match all my classmates me to try hard and their gave me more confidence and courage At last I got an result courage occupationoccupied occupies encouraged en

4、couragement encouraging 短语语回放 1 向 宣战战 2 取得重大突破 进进展 3 陷入 卷入 4 停下来让让某人搭车车 船等 救起 5 考虑虑 思考 make a breakthrough declare war on be involved in pick up think about 6 令某人惊讶讶的是 7 位于 坐落于 8 为为 干杯 9 引起注意 10 提及 参考 11 在视视野中 to one s astonishment be situated on drink to draw attention to refer to in view sight 句式扫

5、扫描 1 More than 5 000 ships crossed the English Channel 载载着130 000名士兵到法国海岸 2 The operation was extremely dangerous and many soldiers were killed 甚至他们还们还 没来得及下船 carrying 130 000 troops to the French coast before they even got off the boats 3 If they 到达 the beach they would probably have been killed 4

6、Why 你认为认为 so many soldiers were never found had reached do you think 仿句自测测 根据下面句式仿写句子 v ing作伴随状语语 仿写 学生跟在老师师的后面走进进了教室 if引导导的条件状语语从句表虚拟拟 仿写 如果我知道他的电话电话 号码码 昨天我就给给他打电话电话 了 The students came into the classroom following their teacher If I had had his phone number I would have phoned him yesterday do yo

7、u think作插入语语 仿写 你认为认为 他在做什么 What do you think he is doing 核心 要点 rescue三年1考 1 abandon v 放弃 抛弃 舍弃 离弃 停止 1 abandon oneself to 沉湎于 放纵纵 感情 abandon doing sth 放弃做某事 abandon hope of doing sth 放弃 做 的 希望 abandon sth for 放弃 而选择选择 2 with abandon 纵纵情 放任地 The match was abandoned because of bad weather 比赛赛因天气恶恶劣而被

8、取消 Rescuers had abandoned hope of finding any more survivors 救援人员员放弃了找到更多幸存者的希望 He despair 他陷入绝绝望中 abandoned himself to 点津 abandon oneself to中的to是介词词 后接名词词 代词词或 动动名词词 辨析 理解下列区别别并选词选词 填空 abandon desert 抛弃 离弃 一般指完全或永久地舍弃某人或某 物 这这可能是被迫的 也可能是自愿的 遗遗弃 离弃 指某人或某物无人问问津 或在困难难 时时或困境中被人背弃 着重指违违背法律责责任和义义 务务或自己的信

9、仰与誓言的行为为 All his friends have him when he is in difficulties but he is not going to the plan deserted abandon 2 occupy v 占领领 占据 时间时间 空间间 某人头脑头脑 等 1 occupy oneself with in 从事于 忙于 专专心于 be occupied with in 从事于 忙于 专专心于 2 occupation n 职业职业 占有 by occupation职业职业 上 under occupation在占领领之下 A bed occupied a co

10、rner of the room 一张张床占去了房间间的一角 The child occupied himself in playing the flute 那孩子只顾顾着吹笛子了 Her time fully her three children 她的时间时间 全部用在她的三个孩子身上了 is occupied with 熟词词生义义 根据语语境选择选择 最佳汉汉意 My sister occupies an important position in the Department of the Environment A 占据B 担任C 工作 答案 B 3 condemn v 责难责难 谴

11、责谴责 判罪 The criminal was condemned to death 这这个罪犯被判死刑 As an old person one is often condemned to live alone 老年人常出于无奈而独自生活 We condemned him for his bad conduct 我们责备们责备 他行为为不检检点 归纳归纳 be condemned to death condemn sb to do sth condemn sb for 被判死刑 迫使某人接受困境 因 而责备责备 某人 熟词词生义义 根据语语境选择选择 最佳汉汉意 The old bridge

12、 has been condemned A 谴责谴责B 宣告使用 不安全C 舍弃 答案 B 4 rescue v 营营救 拯救 救援 n 救援 营营救 1 rescue sb sth From从 中拯救 2 come to the one s rescue救援 帮助某人 make a rescue实实施救援 Hundreds of the miners are still in water waiting to be rescued 数以百计计的矿矿工仍在水中等待着救援 A wealthy sponsor came to our rescue with a generous donation

13、一位富有的捐款者慷慨捐赠赠来解救我们们 He three children the burning building 他从失火的建筑物内救出了三个孩子 rescuedfrom 5 despite prep 不管 不顾顾 尽管 1 despite in spite of 尽管 despite in spite of the fact that尽管事实实如此 2 regardless of不理会 不顾顾 She went to Spain despite the fact that her doctor had told her to rest 尽管医生告诉诉她应该应该 休息 但她还还是去了西班牙

14、 She is determined to do so regardless of all consequences 她不顾顾一切后果 决心这样这样 做 all our efforts we still lost the game 尽管我们们尽了全力 我们还们还 是输输掉了比赛赛 Despite 点津 despite in spite of 为为介词词 后接名词词 代词词或动动名 词词作让让步状语语 不接从句 what从句除外 而though although或as是从属连词连词 引导让导让 步状语语从句 6 declare war on 向 宣战战 declare for sth 声明支持某

15、事 declare against sth 声明反对对某事 declare in favor of sth 声明赞赞成某事 declare oneself发发表意见见 表明态态度 宣布自己的身份 declare sb to be宣布某人为为 They declared him to be the winner 他们们宣布他为获胜为获胜 者 Our government declared for this plan 我们们政府声明支持这项计这项计 划 Police have now drug dealers in the area 警方现现在已经经向这这个地区的毒贩贩宣战战了 declared

16、war on 7 think about想 考虑虑 思考 We must think about buying a new house 我们们要想一想买买新房子的事了 She lay awake thinking about the money 她醒着躺在那里 心里想着那笔钱钱 拓展 翻译译下列短语语 think of think over think up think aloud think better of hink much highly of think little of 对对 评评价很高 认为认为 很好 想起 记记起 想出 仔细细考虑虑 想出 构思出 想出 构思出 较较高评评价 认认真考虑虑 不重视视 认为认为 没价值值 8 to one s astonishment令某人惊讶讶的是 1 in astonishment吃惊地 2 astonish v 使吃惊 3 astonishing adj 让让人惊讶讶的 astonished adj 对对 感到惊讶讶的 the key was in the door 让让我吃惊的是 钥钥匙就在门门上 I looked round i


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