八年级英语下册 Unit 8 A green world Reading课件 (新版)牛津版(2)

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1、八年级英语下册 Unit 8 A green world Reading课件 (新版)牛津版(2) 8B Unit8A greenworld Readingplastic cups/bags n.塑料cut down trees砍倒punish vt.处罚,惩罚fine vt.罚款rich forestresource adj.丰富的n.资源plastic separaterecycling allowcut downpunish fine limit n.塑料vt.分开,分割vt.&vi回收利用,循环利用vt.允许砍到vt.处罚,惩罚vt.罚款vt.限制depend depend on/up

2、on richresource wiselyrun outproduce differencemake a difference(to sb/sth)vi.依靠,依赖,指望依靠,取决于adj.富有的,丰富的n.资源adv.明智的,充满智慧的;用完,耗尽vt.导致,产生n.差异,不同之处有影响,起作用Match thewords on the leftwith themeaning onthe right.1separate_2recycle_3allow_4fine_5run out_6produce_a cause a result b makesome pay money because

3、he/she hasdone somethingwrong cbe usedup dput thingsinto different groups elet someone do something ftreat somethingused sothat itcan be used againd fe bc aWele toSwiss ConfederationSwitzerland aEuropean countryDiscussion:?What doyou doto celebrateyour friends birthday?Green Switzerland“Green”here m

4、eansprotecting the environment.Whats themeaning of“green”?THIS?THIS?Or this?Switzerland is a countrywith high mountains and clean blue lakes Do you wantto keepit thatway?How?Now,let uswalk into the beautifulcountry.Kittys onlinefriend Martinawrote anarticle aboutSwitzerland in her blogTo readher art

5、icleEnjoy yourreading time by yourselvesin2minutes Read and answer1.How is Switzerland?2.When isWorld EnvironmentDay?Scanning:It isbeautiful.It isa countrywith high mountains and clean blue lakes.5June Martinas blogDiscussion Read and match12345A beautifulcountry RecyclingLaws New energy Martinas ho

6、peParas mainideas introductionmain bodyconclusion Listen tothefirst paragraphcarefully andanswer thequestions.1.What is Switzerland like?2.What do people theretry todo?Switzerland isa countrywith high mountains andclean blue lakes.They tryto keeptheir countrybeautiful andclean.Para2Recycling1.What c

7、an be recycledin Switzerland?plastic betreated andused again_be separated into B.被处理A.被分类Read silentlywhile listeningDoyouknow howto separatewaste into different groups?Para2Recycling recyclableNon-recyclable Hazardouswaste Para2Recycling2.How doesthe organizationrecycle oldthings?Collect old clothe

8、s Some are_.Someare_.Others are_.sold in charity shopsgiven tothe poorsent to factories1.What can be recycledin Switzerland?2.What doesMartinas familydo with their old clothes?Listentothe paragraphs2and3carefully andanswer thequestions.Things likeglass,plastic,paper,old clothes and shoes canbe recyc

9、led.They sendtheir oldjeans andT-shirts toan organization for recycling.3.Does Switzerlandhave laws to protect the environment?4.What willhappen ifyou drop litter in a public place in Switzerland?Yes,it does.It has many laws to protect the environment.You will be fined by thepolice.They havelawsto_p

10、eople whocut downtrees.to_people whodrop litterin public.to_air andwater pollution.Para3-4Laws&new energyHow doesthe lawhelp protect the environment?punish finelimit Readtogether withthe tapePara4New energyWhat energy from_and_Why We depend on_of ournature.Advantages优点?It_.?It will_.?It_.costs very

11、little never run outproduces little pollution the sun windwater rich resources_资源n._产生v.1.What isour greatesttreasure?A.Money B.Water C.Nature2.What arenew energyin Switzerland?A.Wind B.The sunC.Water3.Why dopeople use new energy?A.New energyproduce littlepollution.B.New energyis verynew.C.Newenergy

12、will run out.4.When isWorld EnvironmentDay?A.June6B.May5C.June5Careful listening:(Para4&5)Resources besold begiven besent havelaws punishfinelimituse newenergy costlittle never run outrecycle?a are separated into different groups and recycled.?b energyfrom thesun,wind andwater.?c to protect the envi

13、ronment.?d with highmountains andclean bluelakes.?e because we dependon its rich resources to live.?f to collect old clothes from around the country.?1Switzerland isa beautifulcountry_?2In Switzerland,glass plastic and paper_daFinish B2Match thetwo halves?3An organizationwas setup_?4The governmentha

14、s laws_?5We shouldprotect nature_?6People arestarting touse_?a areseparated into different groups and recycled.?b energyfrom thesun,wind andwater.?c to protect the environment.?d withhighmountainsandcleanbluelakes.?e becausewe dependon itsrich resourcesto live.?f tocollect old clothes from around th

15、e country.f ce b?Kitty:My onlinefriend Martinawrote lastweek abouthow theyprotectthe (1)_in Switzerland.?Sandy:Really?What dothey doto keeptheir countryclean?Kitty:In Switzerland,glass,plastic andpaper are (2)_into differentgroups and then (3)_.environment separatedrecycled Kitty is telling Sandy about Martinas article.Complete theirconversation.?Sandy:Do theyrecycle anythingelse?What dothey dowith oldclothes?Kitty:An organization (4)_oldclothesfrom aroundthe country.Then some are soldin (5)_


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