八年级英语下册 Unit 6 Sunshine for all Wele to the Unit课件 (新版)牛津版 (1)

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1、八年级英语下册 Unit 6 Sunshine for all Wele to the Unit课件 (新版)牛津版 (1) Comic strip&Wele tothe unitLead-in1.Are youwilling to help others?2.How doyou helpothers?Talk abouthelping othersDo youknow whoneeds help?a disabledperson(a partof a persons bodydoes notwork properly)a poorperson(a person who haslittle m

2、oney)a blindperson(a personwho cant see)an elderlyperson apersonwhois olda homelessperson(apersonwho hasno home)deaf people(people whocant hear)People whoneed helpA Ablind deafdisabled elderlyhomeless poorThe Class1,Grade9students havefound someposters ofpeople whoneed help.Write thecorrect namesund

3、er them.Then puta tickin theboxes ifyou havehelped these people.a_person_people a_person an_person a_person a_person disableddeaf homelesselderly blindpoor661155443322How canwe helpthesepeople?B BAmy:What arehomeless people,Daniel?Daniel:Homeless peopledont havetheir ownplaces tolive.Amy:How canwe h

4、elphomeless people?Daniel:We cangive themfood andclothes.Amy:Are thereany otherways to help them?Daniel:Yes.We canwrite tothe localgovernment.They canprovide specialplaces forhomeless peopleto stay.Work inpairs andtalk aboutthe people in PartA.?1.What isHobo doing?2.What supportdoes Eddiewant to giv

5、e Hobo?3.What doesHobo wantto getfrom Eddie?Listen andanswer Heis trainingto bea volunteerfor theOlympic Games.Eddie wantstogiveHobo some money.Hobo wantsto getsome morefood toeat atwork.要点讲解1.Im trainingto bea volunteerfor theOlympic Games.train (1)n.火车go to sp.by train=take a/the train tosp. (2)v.

6、培训,训练The dogis trainedin helpingblind people.那狗接受训练以帮助盲人.All theplayers aretraining forthexxOlympic Games.n.training receivetraining接受训练training classes培训班2.Will yousupport me?support可做作动词,也可作名词(不可数)They hada lotof_(支持)from localbusinesses.他们得到当地商业机构的大力支持。 With yoursupport,we willwin thegame.有你的支持,我

7、们会赢得那场比赛。 要点讲解support要点讲解3.I needsome morefood toeat atwork.two()/some/many/a few/a little/any/no+more+名词”的结构,意思为”又,再,还”,表表示数量有所增加.如如:Have some more tea.再喝点茶吧.I haveto writetwo moreletters.=I haveto writeanother twoletters.今天我还得再写两封信.4.Its meaningfulto dosth.做某事有意义Its meaningfulfor usto helppeoplein

8、need.Useful phrases为成为而训练支持某人更多些食物需要一些钱做某事是有意义的traintobe/as.support sb.some morefood needsomemoneyIts meaningfulto dosth.1.让我们帮助老人过马路。 2.帮助那些无家可归的人是很有意义的。 Lets helpthe elderlycross theroad.Its meaningfultohelpthose homelesspeople.Translation3.他们还需要一些食物。 4.当地政府可以为他们提供一些特殊帮助。 They needsomemorefood.The localgovernment canprovide themwith somespecial help.Discuss howtohelppeople whoneed helpin groups.。 内容仅供参考



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