八年级英语下册 Unit 2 Travelling ic课件 (新版)牛津版

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1、八年级英语下册 Unit 2 Travelling ic课件 (新版)牛津版 Unit2Travelling【Comic stripand Weleto theunit】Learning aims:1.To knowsome famousviews ofhome and abroad andthe background knowledge about them.2.To understandthe meaningof thedialogues onPage20-21correctly.Free talk(2?1.Spring hasbeen aroundus.It is the perfect

2、time totravel outdoorfor us.? (1).Do youlike travelling? (2).Where areyou going?Most ofus lovetravelling.Eddie and Hobo lovetravelling too.Theyre planninga holiday.Lets findout wheretheyre going.Guide One1.Lets listenand answerthe followingquestions.(3 (1).Where isEddie going? (2).Does Hobo want tog

3、o too? (3).What doesHobowantto bring?2.Now lets listenand repeat.Pay attentionto yourpronunciation andintonation(33.Lets role-play EddieandHobo.Boys will be Eddieand girlswill beHobo.Then changeroles.(44.Close yourbooks andlet usrole-play.(3Have amatch.Which groupisthebest?Guide One5.Read the follow

4、ing sentencesand understandthem.(3 (1).Im goingto SouthHill formy holiday. (2).Ive beenthere before. (3).Im gettingall mythings. (4).I dont think itll bea holidayfor me.Why doesnt Eddiethinkitllbea holidayfor him?Free talk(3?There aremany famousviews at home andabroad.? (1).What placesof interestath

5、omeandabroaddo youknow?Please sayand sharethem.Guide Two1.Look atthe followingphotos andsay them. (1).What is it? (2).What countryisitfrom?Places ofinterest theGreat WallChina theSydney OperaHouse Australiathe LeaningTower ofPisa(比萨斜塔)the Statueof Liberty(自由女神像)Italy(意大利)the USATower BridgeEngland t

6、he Little Mermaid(小美人鱼)Denmark(丹麦)Guide Two?2.Finish PartA onpage21.(2?Check youranswers witheach other.?3.Know thebackgroundknowledgeaboutthem.(4Guide Two4.Daniel andMillie aretalking aboutthe placesin PartA.Lets listenand answerthefollowingquestions.(3 (1).Where istheLittleMermaid? (2).Whats specialabout it?Practice inclass(12?完成课课练P13。 内容仅供参考



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