2020年 中考英语第一轮重难点精讲试题(49)

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《2020年 中考英语第一轮重难点精讲试题(49)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2020年 中考英语第一轮重难点精讲试题(49)(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、话题十四:科普知识与现代技术(112个)(一)计量与商业(67个)数1bit n一点;少量2double n两个;双倍3dozen n一打(十二个)4enough adj.充足;足够5half n一半;半个6little pron.少许;一点7lot pron.大量;许多8more pron.更多的9most adj.最多;大多数10much adj.& adv.许多;大量11next adj.下一个的 12nothing pron.没有东西;没有什么13number n数;数字;号码;数量14percent_n百分比;百分数15plenty n& adj.充足;大量16quarter_n&

2、adj.四分之一;一刻钟17score n& v得分;分数18zero n零度;零点量1copy n一本(份、册);抄本;副本 2degree n度数3drop n滴4inch n英寸5kilo(kilogram) n公斤;千克6kilometer (英kilometre)n公里;千米7kind n种类8meter(英 metre) n米;公尺9mile n英里10once n一次;曾经11package n(尤指包装好或密封的容器)一包;一袋;一盒12pair n一双;一对13passage n(文章等的)一节;一段14piece n一片(张、件)15pound n磅16row n排;行 1

3、7sort n种类;类别18ton n(重量单位)吨19weight n重量;体重货币1bill n账单2cent n美分3change n零钱4check n支票5coin n钱币;硬币6dollar n元(美国、加拿大等国的货币单位)7gold n黄金8money n钱9note n票据;纸币10pound n镑;英镑11penny(pl.pence/pennies) n便士12price n价格13pay n工资;薪金14silver n银币15treasure n金银财宝;珍宝16value n价值;益处17wealth n财富;财产交易1business n商业;买卖;交易2cost

4、_n价钱;成本3deal n协议;交易4fair n展览会;市集5industry n工业6list n清单7market n市场8sale n出售;销售9show n展览;展览会10supply v& n供给;补给;供应品11total n总计;合计12trade n交易;贸易13value n价值(二)物质、材料及形状(45个)物质材料1board n甲板;木板2chalk n粉笔3coal n煤4cotton n棉花5fat n脂肪6glass n玻璃7gold n金子;黄金8ice n冰9iron n铁10ivory n象牙11metal n金属12matter n物质13object

5、_ n物体14oil n石油;食用油15rock n岩石16paint n油漆;颜料17rubber n橡皮;橡胶18sand n沙;沙子19silk n(蚕)丝;绸;丝织品20silver n银21steel n钢;钢铁22stone n石头;石块形状1circle n圆形;圈;环;圈子2hole n洞;坑3model n模型;模范4shape n外形;形状5size_ n尺寸;大小6solid n固体科技教育1clone n& v克隆2develop v发展3download v(计算机用语)下载4education n教育5experiment n实验6invent v发明;创造7inv

6、ention n发明物8influence_ n影响9information n信息;通知;消息10machine n机器11message n消息;信息12robot n机器人13rocket n火箭14technology_n科学技术15science n科学16electronic adj.电子的17Xray nX光;X射线话题词汇运用一、单词拼写。1The boy isnt old _enough_(足够的) to dress himself.2If you eat too much ,you will put on _weight_(体重)3The _price_(价格) of th

7、e dress is too high.I cant afford it.4People with better _education_(教育) usually have more chances to choose a good job.5Confucius had a great _influence_(影响) on Chinese culture.6Technology_ makes our life more convenient.7The students are doing an experiment_ in the lab.8.Our teacher often advises

8、us to develop_ a good habit of making notes while listening.9I usually go to school at a quarter_ to eight.10The ship sent a message_ to ask for help.二、选词填空(注意形式变化)。costinventheightonevalue1My brother is of medium_height_2The_invention_ of smart phones changed the world in many ways.3You need to water the flowers_once_ a day.4His advice is of great_value_ to me.5The new watch has_cost_ me 800 yuan.



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