江苏省高一必修一英语学案:Module 1 Unit 3 单词讲解+词组总结(学生版)

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1、Module 1 Unit 3 Word Study1.work out 1) 锻炼 work out=exercise=take exercise She _(经常锻炼) to keep fit.2) 解答、计算出、解决 work out the difficult problem/ puzzle _解答它们3)拟订(计划、方案)、想出 work out a plan4) 理解、弄懂 work out the meaning of this poem. This map is wrong. I cant work out where we are.5) 产生某种结果We didnt plan

2、 our exhibition like that, but it worked out well. Things_.(事情的结果对我们很不错)2. figure 1) n. 体形;数字;人物 a slim figure _the latest sales figures_ a six-figure salary _ a political figure _2) v. figure out 1) 弄清楚,弄明白 I cant figure out how to do it. 2) 计算出 Have you figured out how much the trip will cost? 3.a

3、shamed adj. 1) 感到羞愧的/惭愧的 be/feel ashamed of doing sth. / to do sth. / that He is ashamed of_(为他的失败而感到羞愧).I am ashamed to _(这样对待你我感到惭愧).She is ashamed that_(她犯了那么简单的错误)2) 耻于的、不好意思的 be ashamed to do sth. Im ashamed to say that I lied to her. Some students _.(不好意思问老师问题) shameful adj. 可耻的,丢脸的 shameful b

4、ehavior shame n(U). 惭愧、羞耻 His face burned with shame . n ( C) 令人遗憾的事 What a shame they couldnt come. Its a shame / a pity that she wasnt here to see it.4.work vi. 起作用、有效果 The medicine will work in half an hour. help vi.(事物)有帮助,有用= be useful Crying wont help now. I told him to listen carefully in cla

5、ss but _.(没有用) do vi. 适合,行= be OK/ all right. Will $100 do ?- Will you lend me something to write with? - _(钢笔行吗)?5.energetic adj. 精力充沛的,充满精力的 be energetic = be full of energyenergy 1) 精力,劲头,力气u 2) 能(量)uHe is so full of energy/ _ that he cannot keep still.full of energy 充满活力 atomic energy原子能 the ene

6、rgy crisis 能源危机【区别】energy主要指自然界的能量;人的活力,精力,更多着眼于人的精神状态;strength主要指力量,力气,体力(是内部的能力,是在身体组织内存在的体力);power用途最广用于各种身的,心的,隐蔽的,外显的力,主要指权力/势;电力force主要指自然力量(包括风暴,地震等)外部的力,也可指兵力,势力,武力。(1). Many countries are increasing their use of natural gas, wind and other forms of _.(2). The _ of the government has increas

7、ed greatly over the past century.(3). Gandhi insisted on winning independence by peaceful struggles, not by _ .(4). Bill was doing a lot of physical exercise to build up his _ .6. recovervt.取回、收回(遗失之物)、挽回(损失)、恢复; 重新获得 He recovered his lost money from the police station. (取回、收回) We soon recovered our

8、 losses caused by the flood. (挽回) recover oneself/ ones memory / sight/ hearing _vi. 与from连用,从中恢复 _从生病/手术中恢复recovery n. The young man made a quick recovery from his illness.7. failure n. 1) 失败 n. (U) Failure is the mother of success. His efforts ended in failure. 2) (具体)失败的人、事(C) As a singer, she is

9、 a failure./ The party is _(失败的). 3) u/c 故障,衰退 heart failure / power failure. _/_fail vi. 失败/ succeed成功,与in连用The boy failed in the English test.=The boy failed _ the English test.Finally they succeeded in getting two tickets for the film.fail to do sth=be unable to do sth. 没能做The young man _(没能通过驾驶考

10、试).8.contain / includecontain vt. 包含,容纳,含有,强调内容或含量,可用于包括所含之物的全部和部分 This book contains 12 units. Sea water contains salt. This hall can contain 2000 people altogether.include vt. 包括(整体的一部分),常用结构: include sth.The cost includes postage. This book includes an article of Luxuns.注:including:prep. 包含includ

11、ed:adj. 包含 including sth./ sb.=sb./sth. included Everybody went to the cinema, _me/ me _.9.damage / destroy damage vt. 表示不同程度的损害、毁坏,但不是毁灭性的,可以修复。还可用作名词,构成:do / cause damage to sth. 对造成破坏。 damages 赔偿金Smoking seriously damages your health. The strong wind _ (对庄稼造成很大破坏).He was ordered to pay damages to

12、taling $30,000.destroy v.彻底的,毁灭性的破坏, 一般不可修复。The building was completely destroyed by the fire. His camera got _ when it fell to the ground, but later he had it repaired.All our hopes were _ by his letter of refusal.10.attract vt. 吸引、引起(注意、开心)1) attract sb./ sth. The concert attracted a great number

13、of people I tried to attract/ draw his attention, but failed.2) attract sb. / sth. to sp.:把吸引到 He is always attracted to beautiful women.The noise _ the plane.(把我们的视线吸引到了那架飞机).attraction n. tourist attractions旅游景点 have attraction for sb./ sth. 对有吸引力 attractive adj. 迷人的、吸引人的11.embarrass vt. 使发窘、使尴尬、使难为情 (embarrass sb.) embarrassed adj. 尴尬的,难为情的 embarrassing adj. 令人尴尬的 The difficult question embarrassed the boy. A teacher should avoid_.( 使学生尴尬) Shy and embarrassed (尴尬), she hid her face


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