江苏省牛津译林版高中英语必修一导学案:Unit2 Growing pains Period Ⅰ Learning notes for Welcome to the unit %26 Reading

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《江苏省牛津译林版高中英语必修一导学案:Unit2 Growing pains Period Ⅰ Learning notes for Welcome to the unit %26 Reading》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《江苏省牛津译林版高中英语必修一导学案:Unit2 Growing pains Period Ⅰ Learning notes for Welcome to the unit %26 Reading(8页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、M1 U2 Growing painsPeriod Learning notes for Welcome to the unit & Reading【Learning goals】1. Learning some new words : expect; starve; tolerate; defend; deserve; though;2. Learning some new expressions: cant wait; be supposed to; with 的复合结构;left sb in charge; have his arms crossed ;now that; feel li

2、ke; wish后的宾语从句用法【Learning focus】1. (Page 22 Line 2) Mom and Dad arrive back from vacation a day earlier than expected. than expected意为“_”,是一种省略结构,完整形式是_。The problem was _ (比料想的难多了).The project was finished _ (如期).【用法拓展】*expect v. _ n.expect sth. 期待 / 希望 expect sth. _ sb. 期待 / 指望得到expect _ sth. 期待 /

3、希望做 expect sb. _ sth. 期待 / 希望某人做_ 不辜负某人的期望 beyond expectation/ beyond all expectations _【练一练】(1) A doctor can expect _ at any hour of the day or night. A. callingB. to callC. being called D. to be called(2) Many students expect there _ no exam in the future. A. be B. to beC. being D. are2. (Page 22

4、Line 5) I cant wait to surprise the boys! cant / can hardly wait to do _这汤闻上去真香!我都等不及要尝尝了。_*cant help doing sth. _ cant help (to) do sth. _ cant help but do / cant choose but do / cant but do sth. _ surprise vt. 使惊讶 n. 令某人大吃一惊的是 _ to ones surprise 吓某人一跳 _surprising adj. _ surprised adj. _ with a _ l

5、ook3. (Page 22 Lines 6-7) Eric runs in after it, followed by a big dog, walking very slowly. followed为过去分词作状语, 与主语Eric构成_;walking为现在分词作状语,与主语a big dog构成_,起补充说明的作用。【练一练】(1) _ his father, Wang Lin entered the room, _ (follow) by his two brothers. (2) He lay on the grass, _ (stare) at the sky for a lon

6、g time. (3) He lay on the grass, and _ (stare) at the sky for a long time.(4) _ (taste) good, cookies made by Chef Nic sell well.(5) _ (inform) that the Weifang International Kite Festival started at 7, I planned to go out for dinner with my friends first.4. (Page 22 Line 9) But, but you werent supp

7、osed to come home until tomorrow!be (not) supposed to do sth. (不)应该;(不)应当当你不喜欢一件事情时,你应该做的是改变它。不要抱怨。 . Dont complain.Hes supposed _ (do) his homework at home now. *_ supposed to do 过去本应该做(但事实未做)= _ supposed to have done = should _ / ought to _他本不该那么早出院。_【用法拓展】Do you suppose hell fail to catch the tra

8、in? I suppose so. / I suppose not. (I dont suppose so.)类似用法: _等。但应注意: I _ not. I _ not. Im _ not.【练一练】(1) You _ part in the party. Sorry, I was delayed by the accident. A. are supposed to take B. have supposed to take C. are supposed to have taken D. supposed to take(2) I dont suppose anyone will vo

9、lunteer _? A. do I B. dont I C. will they D. wont they(3) Will the positive aspects of having a power position cancel out the negative aspects when it comes to peoples physical and psychological health?No, _. A. I am not afraidB. I dont guess soC. I dont hope soD. I suppose not5. (Page 22 Lines 13-1

10、4) The money for dog food is gone, but Spot looks like he is starving! gone是形容词,意为“_”,常和_动词连用,不作前置定语。When she got off the bus, she _ (发现钱包不见了).The days _ (一去不复返) when women were looked down upon. 【词义辨析】missing adj. _ missing lost adj. _ lost【练一练】(1) Have you found the _ (丢失的) wallet?(2) _ time is _

11、forever. A. Lost; losingB. Gone; missingC. Lost; lostD. Missing; gone starve v.(使)挨饿 _ n.I_ (饿得很). Whats for lunch?If you dont bring enough food, youll _ (饿死).He would rather _ (绝食) than give in to the enemies.6. (Page 22 Lines 18-19) The room is in a mess, with pizza boxes on the floor and dirty dishes in the sink. mess n. & v. His papers were _ (一团糟).The room was a real mess. / _ (多么乱) the room is! He felt he _ (生活一团糟).By failing to do what you were asked, you have _


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