新课堂英语选修九译林版试题:Unit 3 Word版含答案

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1、Unit 3The meaning of colourPeriod OneWelcome to the unit & Reading.单词拼写1There is no message that this young man is _(合格的) for the job as a mountaineering instructor because of his experience.2_(饥饿) is a big problem in some countries in Africa.3I was too excited to express myself after winning the co

2、ntest,but I felt that my smile on my face _(传达) my emotion.4The flower of lotus usually grows in shallow water and can often be seen _(覆盖) the surface of ponds or lakes.5The orchid,_(选择) as the national flower of Singapore is a special type that blooms through the year.6The flower of tulip,which did

3、 not _(起源) from the Netherlands,arrived there in the 16th century.7The USA was originally an area _(使成为殖民地) by Britain when there were only 30 states.8Mr Liu,an important member of the board of directors,is very _(有影响的) in making decisions about what kind of products should be made.9After the profes

4、sor _(总结) her lecture on GM foods,the audience stood and applauded loudly.10Blue usually stands for liberty and justice,while white represents peace and _(诚实)答案1.qualified2.Starvation3.conveyed4covering5.chosen6.originate7.colonized8influential9.concluded10.honesty.翻译与仿写1In this way,the French flag

5、has become one of the most important national flags in history.翻译:_仿写:上海是世界上最大的城市之一。_答案从这方面来说,法国国旗是历史上最重要的国旗之一。Shanghai is one of the biggest cities in the world.2Another opinion is that the colours have a link with food.翻译:_仿写:我的看法是他不可能与这事有关。_答案另外一种看法是颜色与食品有关。My opinion is that it is impossible for

6、 him to have any link with this matter.3This flag was first used in 1789,at the start of the French Revolution.翻译:_仿写:我刚开学时对这所学校不太适应。_答案这面旗子最初用在1789年,法国革命刚开始的时候。I wasnt used to this school at the start of the term.4The next time I see the Indonesian flag,I think I will feel hungry.翻译:_仿写:下一次见到他时,请代我

7、向他问好。_答案下一次我看到印度尼西亚的国旗时,我想我会感到饿的。The next time you see him,please give my best regards to him.5. Instantly Tom saw Jane,he fell in love with her.翻译:_仿写:你一见到她就会爱上她的。_答案Tom 对Jane一见钟情。Instantly you see her,you will fall in love with her.单项填空1Qingdao is _ most beautiful coastal city and I think Ill go t

8、here for _ second timeAthe;a Bthe;aCthe;the Da;a答案D形容词最高级在使用时如没有表示范围的状语,前不用定冠词,表示“非常的”意思;for a second time表示“再一次”。2“Five centimeters higher,_ break the world record.”encouraged the coach.Ayou will Band you willCor you will Dwill you答案B本题使用了“祈使句and陈述句”结构,本题前面的祈使句是简略式。3_ my efforts at persuasion,he wo

9、uldnt agree.AOn account of BIn spite ofCBecause of DIn terms of答案Bon account of 由于;in spite of尽管;because of因为;in terms of在方面。4In Britain today women _ 44% of the workforce,and nearly half the mothers with children are in paid work.Ahold up Bbuild upCaccount for Dconsist of答案C动词词组辨析题。hold up举起,build

10、up增强;account for占(比例),consist of 包含。5_ in the regulations that you should not tell other people the password of your email account.AWhat is required BWhat requiresCIt is required DIt requires答案C本句的主语为that 引导的主语从句,用在了句末,it为形式主语,主句使用了被动语态。6_,hes honest.AAs he is poor BPoor is heCPoor as he is DPoor as

11、 is he答案Cas“虽然”引导让步状语从句,要用部分倒装形式。7The traffic accident _ all his life.After that he was limited to a wheelchair.Adamaged BdestroyedCharmed Druined答案Ddamage意为“损坏、破坏”。它可用于表示损坏或破坏具体的物品。destroy指“剧烈地破坏”、“使之不存在”或“使之失去效能”,“破坏;摧毁;消灭;毁灭”。harm对有害,往往表示害处是潜在的。ruin多用于借喻之中,有时泛指一般性的破坏,指把某物损坏到了不能再使用的程度;使破产。8Well,th

12、ats enough._ price will be beyond my reach.AThe higher BA highestCThe highest DA higher答案Dbeyond 暗含比较之意,a higher price不是特定的价格,故选D。9Acupuncture(针刺疗法) is _ at reducing back pain _ medicines,according to researchers.Atwice as effective;asBas twice effective;thanCeffective as twice;asDtwice effective as

13、;than答案A倍数用在as.as结构之前。10Hearing the dog barking fiercely,away _Athe thief fledBwas the thief fleeingCthe thief was fleeingDfled the thief答案D副词away,in,out,here,there,up,down等用在句首时,句子使用完全倒装句。11What does the sign over there say?No person _ enter the area without official permission.Awill BshallCmust Dmay答案Bshall用在第二、三人称的陈述句表示语气“命令,威胁,警告,允诺”,本题表示警告。12When people



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