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1、天地宽大,父母恩大.不错,我们应当体会到父母对我们博大而无私的爱. 转眼间,又是一个母亲节的来到.初二五.六班在英语老师胡老师的倡导下,发起了我为母亲做顿饭.的活动.要求同学们每个人为母亲做一顿饭.5月10号正好是周日,同学们各显神通,有的熬粥,有的炒米饭,有的做面条,大家忙得不亦而乎.饭做好了,母亲们望者精心准备的饭菜和满头大忙的儿女,一个个热泪盈眶,度过了一个终身难忘的母亲节.同时,同学们也体会到做饭的艰辛,母亲的不易. 活动的效果超出意味.一个同学感慨到:滴水难报涌泉恩,我们应当努力学习,来报答父母!附: 同学的感受及母亲的感言5班学生&家长 胡老师您好:我是朱一丹的妈妈,因为家里网线不

2、通了,所以今天才给您回信。咱们班平时让孩子动手的活动比较多,这样锻炼了孩子的自理能力,懂得了珍惜劳动。在母亲节这天我感觉到孩子真正的长大了。从早晨起来,她就说:“妈妈今天你多睡会吧,我做早饭”。我也没有想那么多,就又躺下了。孩子做好饭以后叫我起床吃饭,吃饭的时候孩子说:“妈妈您辛苦了,今天的饭我来做”。我听了高兴地说:“好的,谢谢丹丹啦”。 丹丹这孩子表面上看着很粗心,实际是个细心的孩子。奶奶和爸爸都想从小锻炼孩子,学习之外的事情都要求自己动手。我的工作没有时间限制,每天要把一天的工作做完才能下班,几乎每天都要加班,赶上忙的时候加班通宵是常事,孩子只要看到我晚上回来晚了,第二天早晨悄悄地起来,


4、衣服,收拾家务,就当休息了。孩子长大了,有自己的思想了,和父母沟通也少了。丹丹是个不爱表达自己的孩子,只要自己看到的都能用行动为大家做。但是自己有什么事都想自己解决,能不麻烦别人的就不说。作为家长也想和孩子多说说话,可是孩子在家很少沟通,这也是我们做家长的失败之处。在老师不忙的时候,好好开导一下丹丹,让她和大家多交流,把自己想的表达出来。谢谢您老师,孩子不但在学校学习了知识,还学到了很多做人的道理。朱一丹的妈妈second,cut some ham finely.third,put some oil in the pan.fourth,fry the ham and vegetables li

5、ghtly.fifth,add some rice slowly.sixth,add some salt .finally,put the fried rice in the bowl.妈妈感受:孩子长大了懂事了这份礼物很特别李依楠first,cut some eggs,ham and cucumbervery finely.next,put some oil in the pan.then,fry the eggs,ham and cucumberlightly.after that,add the rice slowly.finally,add some salt. 母亲的感受: 有点淡,

6、但还是很好吃。平时经常吃了,但这一次最好吃。这个母亲节我很难忘。-杨修文today is mothers day.i cooked fried rice for my mother. first,cut some aggs and cooked meat. next,put some oil in the pan. then,fry the meat ang eggs lightly. after that,add the rice slowly. finally,add some salt. 妈妈 感受:孩子长大了,懂事了,这份母亲节礼物很特别。妈妈很高兴。 李悠 5月10日 this su

7、nday is mothers day.i cooked a dinner for my mother.she looked very happy and she said:我非常高兴,这是我一生中吃过的最好的一次饭。”武志丹first,wash some vegetables.second,cut some ham finely.#p#副标题#e# third,put some oil in the pan.fourth,fry the ham and vegetables lightly.fifth,add some rice slowly.sixth,add some salt .fin

8、ally,put the fried rice in the bowl.妈妈的感受:今天做的饭放盐少,吃起来比较淡,但是妈妈还是开心地吃了,还夸我做的很好。我知道妈妈是为了安慰我,不让我太难过,毕竟是第一次做饭。以后,我要多帮助妈妈做家务,体会妈妈的辛苦。最后,我想在母亲节的夜晚,说:“妈妈,我爱您!”刘晓媛first,wash some vegetables carefully.second,cut vegetables and ham finely.next,put some oil in the pan.then,fry them lightly.after that,add the r

9、ice slowly.finally,add some salt.妈妈的感受:心情激动!一种幸福包围了我!张华first, cuts some cooked meat and green onion very finely. next, put some oil in the pan. then, fry the meat lightly. after that, add the rice and green onion very slow.finally, add some salt. 母亲的感受:以前孩子很少帮我干活,但在这个母亲节里,我发现孩子变了,希望这个变化能一直持续下去赵倩firs

10、t,wash some vegetables carefully.second,cut vegetables and ham finely.next,put some oil in the pan.then,fry them lightly.after that,add the rice slowly.finally,add some salt.妈妈的感受:味道不错,孩子大了,可以自己做一些事了,感到很欣慰.-郭伟栋today is mothers day.i got up very early then prepare some eggs and some vegetables i cook

11、ed fried rice for my mother.first cut som vegetables next add som oil in the pan then fly t he vegetables and aggs lightlyafter that add the rice slowlyfinally add some salt妈妈的感受: 孩子真是长大啦,能够感受到那份心-路俊峰first , cut ham and eggs finely. next , put some oil in the pan. then , fry ham and eggs very lightl

12、y. after that , add the rice slowly. finally , add some salt. my mother was very surprised and eyes filled with tears.(任鹏) first,cut ham,big onions and egg finely. next,put a pan on the cooker and put some oil in the pan. then,fry ham,big onions and egg very lighly. after that,addthe rice slowly.the

13、n,add some salt.finally,put them on the plate. i think cooking is not easy.but my mother cook everday.i think mom worked hard. 妈妈的感受:妈妈说这是我第一给她做饭,感到很惊喜。虽然说盐放多了,但很不错了。妈妈说这是最有意义的母亲节。 贾璐today i went home, my mother did not at home.so i decided to cook for her.at the english class, the teachertold us ho

14、w to make porridge, so i want to make porridge.first,i puttedthe pot on the cooker.then boiled water slowly. next added the rice lightly .after 3-5 minutes,i putted the poeeidge into the bowl and waitted my mom come back.妈妈说:这是第一次做饭,比较成功。以后应多多锻炼。-韩朔体验做饭母亲节献礼今天是母亲节按照胡老师所说我给母亲做了炒大米,具体步骤如下:first,cut so

15、me cooked meat very finely. next put some oil in the pan.then, fry the meat lighely. after that, addd the rice slowly. finally, add som salt.最终,母亲吃到了我做的炒米饭,她很高兴!吃后感言:儿子长大拉!很懂事,老师这次活动很好!-孙宁感恩母爱today is mothers day.i got up very early.i cooked fried rice for my mother.first,cut some cooked meat very finely.


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