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1、话题美文欣赏The Great WallKnown to the Chinese as the “Long Wall of Ten Thousand Li”, the formidable defensive structures built to ward off invasion of the Celestial Empire by barbarians is called the Great Wall or the Wall of China by Europeans.The principal of these extraordinary fortifications goes bac

2、k to the Chunqiu period (722481 BC) and to the Warring States period (453221 BC)The construction of certain walls can be explained by feudal conflicts, such as that built by the Wei in 408 BC to defend their kingdom against the Qin.Its vestiges(残留部分), conserved in the centre of China, antedate by(先于

3、) many years the walls built by the Kingdoms of Qin, Zhao and Yan against the northern barbarians around 300 BC.Beginning in 220 BC, Qin Shihuang, the founder of the Empire of the Ten Thousand Generations, undertook to restore and link up the separate sections of the Great Wall which had been built

4、in the 3rd century BC, or perhaps even earlier, and which stretched from the region of the Ordos to Manchuria.Towards the west, he had extended the fortifications(防御工事;加强), the first cohesive defense system of which significant vestiges still remain in the valley of the Huanghe all the way to Lanzho

5、u shortly before the accession of the Han Dynasty (206 BC)During their reign,the Great Wall was extended even further, and under the emperor Wudi (14087 BC) it spanned approximately 6,000 km between Dunhuang in the west and the Bohai Sea in the east.The danger of incursion along the northern Chinese

6、 border by the federated Mongols, Turks and Tunguz of the Empire of the Xiongnu, the first empire of the steppes, made a defense policy more necessary than ever.After the downfall of the Han Dynasty (AD 220), the Great Wall entered its medieval phase.Construction and maintenance works were halted(停止

7、); China at that time enjoyed such great military power that the need for a defense policy was no longer felt.Read the passage and answer the following questions.1. Why was the Great Wall built in ancient days?2Which kingdom built the earliest wall? And whenwas it built?3In which dynasty did the Gre

8、at Wall reach its longestspan?答案1.To ward off invasion of the Celestial Empire by barbarians.2.The Wei in 408 BC .3.The Han Dynasty.Period OneIntroduction & Reading and Vocabulary(1).单词识记1_n考古学_adj.考古学的,考古的_n考古学家2_v统一_n统一3_v题写,刻写_n题词,碑文4_n皇帝_n女皇,皇后_n帝国5_adj.面部的_n脸,面部6_v建筑;组成_n(道路的)建筑,建造7_v调查;侦查_n调查;

9、侦查8_adj.空的;中空的_v许可;允许答案1.archaeology;archaeological;archaeologist2unify;unification3.inscribe;inscription4.emperor;empress;empire5.facial;face6.construct;construction7.investigate;investigation8.hollow;allow.短语天地1make a_举办展示会2have_玩得开心3_致力于4_把描述为5_脱落;发生;举行6_the world全世界7be_for为做准备8depend_依赖,依靠9_想起10

10、in_在昏暗的灯光下答案1.presentation2.fun3.work e off6.all over7.ready8on9.think of 10.the half light.句型搜索1It_took_700,000_workers_37_years_to_build the tomb,which was said to contain great treasure.信息提取It takes sb some time to do sth表示“做某事花费了某人多长的时间”。例句仿写每天我都得用2个小时来做作业。_2When the archaeologists started diggi

11、ng,they found_6,000_clay_warriors_buried in_an_underground_pit信息提取buried in an underground pit是过去分词短语在句中作clay warriors的宾语补足语。例句仿写当我回到家时,我发现自行车被偷了。_3Every_time I see one of these names, I think of the men who made these figures over 2,000 years ago信息提取every time是连词,意为“每次”例句仿写每次去上海,我都去看望一下王教授。_答案1.It

12、takes me two hours to do the homework every day.2When I arrived home,I found my bike stolen.3Every time I go to Shanghai, Ill go to see Professor Wang.预读理解阅读课文,根据课文内容判断正误。1Many terracotta warriors made of clay were discovered 3,000 years ago.()2All the Chinese children will be able to tell you that

13、Qin Shihuang was the emperor who first unified China over 2,000 years ago.()3When Qin Shihuang became king of the state of Qin at the age of 13,he ordered workers to construct the Great Wall.()4Over 7,400 warriors were made using the same methods.()5The soldiers uniforms show their position in the a

14、rmy.()答案1. vt. 使成一体,统一,联合;使相同;使一致All these small states were unified into one nation.所有这些小国被统一成一个国家。Its almost impossible to agree on a unified basic price.几乎不可能商定一个统一的基本价格。The new leader hopes to unify the country.新领袖希望把国家统一起来。【归纳拓展】union n联盟;工会;联合unite v联合;团结unification n统一the unification of Germany德国的统一【翻译句子】西班牙在16世纪统一。_



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