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1、2018年全国大学生英语竞赛(NECCS)A类决赛真题(总分:150.00,做题时间:120分钟)一、Part Listening Comprehension(总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、Section A(总题数:5,分数:5.00)1.(分数:1.00)A.Going to night classes.B.Getting a degree.C.Having a rest.D.Working longer hours.解析:【听力原文】M: Hi, Jane. Long time no see!W: Hi, John. How are you doing?M: Not so well.

2、Ive been working overtime a lot. Besides, I go to night classes, and Im on my way to school now.W: Thats terrible! Why dont you take it easy for a while?Question: What does John need most of all?【解析】 对话中男士提到他一直在加班加点, 又在上晚课。 说明男士很累,随后女士说道, 你怎么不休息下。 表明男士最需要的是休息。2.(分数:1.00)A.To ask for Mr. Bakers photo

3、.B.To invite Mr. Baker to dinner.C.To send a message to Mr. Baker.D.To ask Mr. Baker for help.解析:【听力原文】W: Hello?M: Hello. May I speak to Mr. Baker, please?W: Im sorry, but hes out to lunch. May I take a message?M: Yes. I got his application but his photo is missing.W: Really?M: Yes. So, would you pl

4、ease ask him to send one to me by express mail?W: OK. Ill make sure he gets the message.Question: Why did the man call?【解析】 对话中男士说收到Baker先生的申请了, 但是照片不见了, 并让女士告知Baker先生寄过来一张照片。 表明男士打电话是为了Baker先生的照片。3.(分数:1.00)A.In Building A.B.In the city centre.C.In the language centre.D.In the main building.解析:【听力原

5、文】W: Hello. May I help you?M: Hello. Is this the right place for me to register to learn foreign languages?W: Yes, it is. Which language would you like to learn? We offer French, Italian, Japanese, Spanish and Portuguese.M: Ah, Id like to learn Spanish, please.W: OK. Our classes are conducted in lot

6、s of different places. We have classrooms in the city and here in this building, Building A.M: I work here, so itd best to study here.Question: Where is the mans classroom?【解析】 对话中男士在表示想学西班牙语后, 女士说道We have classrooms in the city and here in this building, Building A, 表明教室在该城市的A建筑。4.(分数:1.00)A.She ne

7、eds a bigger budget for the mans salary.B.Shes asking the man to follow her.C.She wants to hire the man.D.Shes going to fire the man.解析:【听力原文】W: Next years budget doesnt include money for your position.M: Im afraid Im not following you.W: What Im saying is that were going to have to fire you.M: Oh,

8、now I understand.Question: What does the woman actually mean?【解析】 对话中男士表示不理解后, 女士说道What Im saying is that were going to have to fire you, 表明女士真正意思是解雇男士。5.(分数:1.00)A.Because the number of students has increased in the area.B.Because the area has got many new technology companies.C.Because many of the

9、 flats in the area are being renovated.D.Because the area has attracted far more tourists this year.解析:【听力原文】M: Have you found a place to live yet?W: Yes, Dad. I think I have at last.M: Wonderful!W: Im relaxed, because Im tired of looking.M: It hasnt been easy for you. I suppose its the beginning of

10、 the new term and you have all the new students looking for places as well.W: Yes, thats one reason. But this place is also full of new technology companies and therere lots of young people looking for somewhere to live. And you know what that means?Question: Why are there not enough flats to rent?【

11、解析】 对话中男士说刚开学一定有许多学生找房子, 一定很难。 随后女士说道, 有个原因, 就是这地方科技公司太多了, 很多年轻人都在找房子。 表明租房子难的原因是科技公司太多了。 录音没有提到大学生数量是否增多。 故A选项错误。三、Section B(总题数:2,分数:10.00)Conversation OneListen to the conversation, mark each statement as either True (T) or False (F) according to your listening.(分数:5)Conversation OneListen to the

12、 conversation, mark each statement as either True (T) or False (F) according to your listening.(分数:5)(1).The police confirmed that the patient came from Yorkshire, England.(分数:1)_正确答案:(F)解析:对话中Joe问是否有什么线索时, Deborah回答道, 警察把他带到语言专家那, 语言专家认为他可能来自Yorkshire, England, 随后又说警察发现他还会说法语和意大利语。 可知警察没有确定他来自哪。 故该

13、说法错误。(2).Joe thinks that the patient might have been running away for some reason.(分数:1)_正确答案:(T)解析:对话中Joe提到, “He might have been trying to run away from his past or something”表明Joe认为病人有可能在逃避一些东西。 故该说法正确。(3).Joe thinks that the patient must be unmarried.(分数:1)_正确答案:(F)解析:对话中Joe问Deborah知道病人是不是已婚的吗? D

14、eborah回答说应该不是。 故Joe对病人的婚姻状况不知情。 故该说法错误。(4).The patient was unable to get in touch with anyone he knew.(分数:1)_正确答案:(F)解析:对话中Joe问病人后来怎么样了之后, Deborah回答“Well, apparently hes been able to find his parents”。 故该说法错误。(5).Deborah thinks that the patients memory may completely recover.(分数:1)_正确答案:(T)解析:【听力原文】W: Hi, Joe.M: Hello, Deborah. Listen,


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