新课堂英语选修十外研版讲义:Module 2 Period Three Word版含答案

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1、Period ThreeReading and Vocabulary &Reading Practice & Cultural Corner.单词识记1._adj.敌对的2._n.多种式样;不同种类3._v.使改变外观(或性质);使改观4._v.发行(电影,录像或激光唱盘)5._n.骚乱,暴乱6.enslave v._7.anthem n. _8.accredit v. _9.shed n. _10.impose v. _答案1.hostile2.variety3.transform4.release5.disturbance6.使成为奴隶,奴役7.国歌8.认可,确定9.棚;工棚10.把(自己

2、的观点,信仰等)强加于(某人).短语天地1._ 在的帮助之下2._把变成3._出于尊敬4._把当作5.a total of._6.be associated with_7.in circulation_8.in protest_答案1.with the help of2.transform.into.3.out of respect4.regard.as.5.总共有6.与有关7.在传播;在流通8.作为抗议.句型搜索1.It_took_two_years to make the films,but millions of years to build the set!信息提取该句中出现了一个常用

3、句型,It takes (sb)some time to do sth意为“做某事用了某人多长时间”。例句仿写我用了两个小时才把作业做完。_2.Some believed he adapted the words from an existing ballad, but he_is_now_mostly_thought to have written the songs original lyrics in 1895 whilst staying in Queensland.信息提取Sb be thought to have done sthIt was thought that sb had

4、 done sthPeople thought that sb had done sth意为“人们认为某人做了某事。”例句仿写人们认为是吉姆偷走了那台电脑。_3.His friend, Christina Macpherson is the person accredited as the first “creator” of the tune, yet,as_Christina_admitted,_she simply adapted the tune from an existing folk song.信息提取句中as Christina admitted是由as引导的非限制性定语从句。

5、as在定语从句中作admit的宾语。例句仿写众所周知,史密斯先生的确是一位好老师。_4.The whole team chants and dances,whilst looking_aggressively_at their opponents.信息提取句中whilst looking aggressively at their opponents是由whilst(while)引导的状语从句的省略。条件为,从句的主语后有系动词be且和主句的主语保持一致。例句仿写在公园里散步时,我遇到了我的一个老朋友。_答案1.It took me two hours to do the homework.2

6、.Jim is thought to have stolen the computer/It was thought/People thought that Jim had stolen the computer.3.As we all know,Mr Smith is a good teacher.4.While walking in the park,I met one of my old friends.预读理解A.Reading and Vocabulary (2)Read the text and choose the best answers.1.From Peter Jackso

7、ns words “It took two years to make the films,but millions of years to build the set!” we can know_.A.filmmaking is simply very simpleB.sometimes the set of a film is more complex than filmmaking itself C.Peter Jackson loved his motherland very much D.New Zealand is the best country to make films2.T

8、he third paragraph mainly tells us _A.the beautiful scenery of the island country B.the outline of the film The Lord of the Rings C.how Jackson chose the set for his film D.New Zealand is an ideal place for some kinds of films 3.What is the special part about Mount Ruapehu?A.It was not shown in the

9、film The Lord of the Rings.B.It was regarded as a sacred site by the Maori people.C.Its scenery is not fit for filmmaking.D.The local New Zealanders dont like it at all.4.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?A.The haka has a history of more than one hundred years.B.The

10、words of a haka are, in fact, very respectful.C.Only people belonging to the rugby team can start the dance.D.Haka is performed before each rugby match. 5.Which of the following is the similarity between Australia and New Zealand? A.Competitive sports are both important for the two countries.B.Both

11、of them have strong sports teams.C.Both countries have four million fans of rugby. D.Both A and B.答案1.B2.D3.B4.A5.DB.Cultural CornerRead the text and do the True (T)or False (F) exercises.1.All the Australians love the song Waltzing Matilda. ()2.The lyrics of Waltzing Matilda came for a story. ()3.M

12、ost people think Paterson isnt the creator of the lyrics of Waltzing Matilda. ()4.There are different versions about the origin of the lyrics of Waltzing Matilda. ()5.Competitive sports are both important for Australia and New Zealand. ()答案1.T2.T3.F4.T5.T1.hostile adj. 敌对的Ever since I got better mar

13、ks than Parker, he has been hostile to me.自从我比派克得分高以后,他就对我不友好了。Lets hope they will refrain from hostile actions. 希望他们不采取敌对行动。【归纳拓展】be hostile to.对有敌意的; 反对的【翻译句子】他对改革持敌对态度。_答案He was hostile to the reform.2.variety n.多种式样;(同一事物的)不同种类There is a wide variety of patterns to choose from.有种类繁多的图案可供选择。He le

14、ft for a variety of reasons.他由于种种原因而离开了。【归纳拓展】(1)a variety of n.(复数) 各种各样的varieties of n.(可数或不可数) 各种各样的(2)vary vi.&vt.有变化;改变 vary from.to 由到不等vary in sth 在方面不同;有差异vary with随变化,改变(3)various adj. 不同的;各种各样的There are various colours to choose from. 有各种各样的颜色可供选择。Teaching methods vary greatly from school to school. 各个学校的教学方法大不相同。【完成句子】(1)对于这件事,人人意见不一。Opinions on this matter _person _person.(2)地球上有各种不同的人。There are _people on the earth.答案(1)vary from;to(2)varieties of3.transform v.


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