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1、初二不定代词测试题(100分)姓名_ 成绩_一、选用适当的不定代词填空: (50分)A.some , any (10分)1.Would you like_more? 2.There are some apples on the table. You can take_of them. 3. There isnt _ water in the bottle. 4. Do you have _ English books? No, I dont have _. 5. There are _ people in the room. 6. Could you give me _ paper, plea

2、se? 7. If there is _ meat, I will buy _. 8. I will come to see you _ day. 9 Li Ming is more careful than _ other boy in the class. 10. Would you like _ pop, please? B.something,nothing,anything,everything (5分)1.Is there_different in todays newspaper? 2.As I know, he knows_about this old town, so you

3、 dont have to ask him. 3.I dont think he knows_about his family now. 4.There is_wrong with my watch. It doesnt work. 5._is ready now. Lets start(开始) C.somebody (someone), anybody (anyone), everybody (everyone), nobody (4分)1.I didnt know_there. 2.There is_in the room. It is empty(空的). 3.She is friend

4、ly to_. We all like to make friends with her. 4.I saw_pass, but I didnt know who it was. D.everyone, every one (2分)1.The question is quite easy._can answer it. 2.I believe that_of us will have a present from them. E. none, nobody (2分)1._ of his friends wants to help him again. He felt disappointed(失

5、望). 2._wants to live in such a poor(贫穷的)house. F.either, each, any (3分)1.Theres tea and coffee. You can have_. 2.You can find many trees on_side of the river. 3._of the students in her class sent her a greeting card on New Years Day. G.both, all (2分)1.There were two girls at the door._of them were s

6、miling(微笑). 2.I dont know which movie is more interesting. I want to see_. H. another, other, others, the other, the others (8分)1. I only found Jim and Tom there. Where are_? 2.Of these three girls one comes from China and_two come from Japan. 3.This sweater is a little too big for me. Can I try on(

7、试穿) _? 4.Some like black tea,_prefer(偏爱) green tea. 5.I dont like these colors. Show me some_ , please. 6.Have you had any_book on this subject? 7. Saying is one thing and doing is_. 8. It is always hard to tell the twins one from_. I.few, a few, little, a little (5分)1.There is a little bird in the

8、tree, but only _ people saw it. 2.Could I have_words with you, Miss White? 3. We dont like him, because he does_for other people. 4. He has_friends here and he seldom goes out on weekend. 5. There is only_water in the pot(锅). J.neither, none, either (2分)1.I know_of the two students. 2.He doesnt agre

9、e with_of his parents on many things. K.用many、much、too much, too many, much too填空。(9分) 1. There are _ people in the street. 2. I dont have _ money, but I have _ friends. 3. _ foreigners come to visit the Great Wall every day. 4. It is _hot in Xian in summer.5. There is too _ homework for students to

10、 do now. 6. I want to know whether he has _ meat. 7. Do you know _ English food? 8. I want to buy _ books to read. 9. He runs _fast so that no one can catch him.二.全国中考英语代词真题(50分)1.Mrs Brown is nice. Every day she tried to cook_for me during my stay in Canada. A. something different B. anything diffe

11、rent C. noting different 2.【贵州贵阳】 Its polite to take _ flowers as a gift when you go to visit a friend. A. little B. any C. some 3.【安徽省】- How is Helen in the new school?- She is doing very well. There is _ to worry about. A.something B. anything C. nothing D. everything 4.【安徽省】 -We have red and yell

12、ow T-shirts. Which color do you like? - Im afraid_. I think blue will be OK. A. both B. either C. neither D. none 5.【北京】There were only two paintings for sale and he bought _. A. all B. any C. both D. some 6.【甘肃鸡西市】 Ill take_of the cameras, one is for my brother, the other is for Jim. A. either B. b

13、oth C. all 7.【广东】 Which basketball player do you like best, Kobe, James or Jordan? _of them. Lin Shuhao is my favorite. A. All B. None C. Either D. Neither 8.【湖北随州】 Which do you prefer, a bottle of orange or a bottle of milk? _, thanks. Id like just a cup of tea. A. Either B. Neither C.Both D. None

14、11【湖北武汉】 When the Greens moved into the house last week, _ was at sixes and sevens, so they did a big cleaning. A. something B. everything C. anything D. nothing 12【湖北咸宁】Do you like talking with your friends on the telephone or mobile phone? _. I enjoy chatting on-line. A. Neither B. Either C. Both D. None 13【湖北宜昌】 Will you go to



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