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1、不定式作定语,用主动式还是被动式?不定式是非谓语动词的重要情形之一。由于它具有名词、动词、形容词和副词的多种特征,所以在句中可以作主语、宾语、表语、状语、宾语补足语、主语补足语、同位语或独立成分。不定式作定语时兼有主动式和被动式两种形式,用主动式还是被动式?这往往是不少同学感到棘手的问题。现归纳如下,供同学们学习时参考。 一、不定式作定语只能用主动式的情形 1不定式所修饰的名词和不定式中的动词所表示的动作是逻辑上的主谓关系(此时,该不定式短语可转化为一个定语从句)。例如: Li Xuemei was the first athlete to get to the finishing line(

2、athlete who got to the finishing line)李雪梅是第一个到达终点的选手。 We need someone to help to repair the computer(someone who will help to repair the computer)我们需要一个能帮助我们修电脑的人。 He is always the first to bear hardships(the first who will bear hardships),the last to enjoy comforts(the last who will enjoy comforts)

3、 他总是一个吃苦在前,享乐在后的人。 2不定式与它修饰的名词是逻辑上的动宾关系,且主语是不定式中的动词所表示动作的逻辑主语或在句中能找到其逻辑主语。例如: He has a lot of work to do today今天他有大量的活要干。 Do you have anything more to say?你还有什么话要说吗? Our teacher arranged us six exercises to do at home老师给我们安排了六道练习题在家里做。(us是to do的逻辑主语) Father always bought his son some toys to play wi

4、th after his business父亲每次出差回来都给他的儿子买玩具玩儿。(son是to play with的逻辑主语) 3有些句子中,尽管行文上没有不定式的逻辑主语,但是从句意角度可以体会出不定式中隐含着“for sbto do”结构。此时,不定式应该用主动式。例如: There is nothing(for us) to worry about没有什么可值得担忧的。 That will be the only thing(for us)to do now这恐怕是目前(我们)唯一可行的办法。 It is a good opportunity(for us them)to learn

5、from the farmers这可是一个向农民学习的大好机会。 4部分形容词,如eager,anxious,determined,able等,其后常跟不定式,他们的同源名词后要用不定式的主动式作定语。例如: (MrSmith was eager to get back to teach at the school) MrSmiths eagerness to get back to teach at the school was quite obvious史密斯先生急于回校教学这一点是显而易见的。 (He was anxious to know the results of the test

6、) We could see his anxiety to know the results of the test我们看得出他很想知道这次测验的结果。 (They were determined to catch up withus) In their speech they expressed their determination to catch up with us他们在讲话中表达了他们要赶上我们的决心。 5部分动词,如attempt,promise,plan, intend,refuse等,其后常跟不定式作其宾语,它们的同源名词后要用不定式的主动式作定语。例如: (They att

7、empted to reach there before five oclock) They failed in their attempt to reach there before five oclock他们试图在五点以前赶到那里,但是没有办到。 (You promised to give me a present on my birthday) You havent kept your promise to give me a present on my birthday你没有遵守在我过生日时给我礼物的诺言。 (They are planning to be in business on

8、 National Day) I guess they will make some changes in their plan to be in business on National Day我猜他们在国庆节开始营业的计划得做些变动了。 6在“with without 宾语宾语补足语”结构中,若宾语补足语是不定式(作定语),不定式所表示的动作将要发生,且句子的主语是该动作逻辑上的执行者,此时不定式须用主动式。例如: With a lot of difficult problems _ , the newly-elected president is having a hard time(2

9、002上海高考) Asettled Bsettling Cto settle Dbeing settled With several meetings to attend,he couldnt go to the Great Wall with us由于有几次会议要参加,所以他不能和我们一起去长城了。 Without two members to come,wed better not start the meeting还有两位成员未到,我们最好先别开始开会。 Without anything to do,he turned off the lights and went to bed已无事可

10、做,所以他关灯睡觉了。 二、不定式作定语只能用被动式的情形 1为了表达需要,强调不定式动作的执行者时,须用被动式,常用by结构引导。例如: 2008 Olympic Games is the first great Olympic Games to be held by Chinese2008年奥运会是中国人首次举办的奥运盛会。 2不定式所修饰的名词是将要被做的事情时,不定式须用被动式。例如: The problem to be discussed at the next meeting is of great importance下次会议上将要讨论的这个问题至关重要。 The buildin

11、g to be built next year will be used as the office building明年要建设的大楼将用作办公楼。 注意:在“There be”结构中,主语被不定式修饰(不定式作定语)时,既可用主动式,也可用被动式,意义上无甚区别。例如: There was a lot of problems to deal withto be dealt with有许多问题需要处理。 巩固练习:用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。 1He is not a man _(bow)before difficulties 2They had no chance for them _(go)abroad in those years 3You should have confidence in your ability _(finish)the task ahead of time 4Does he have the intention _(attend)Marys wedding party with us? 5This will be one of the greatest bridges _(build)by our company this year 6There is no farmland _(lose)



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