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1、英语中考模拟试题(一)二、单项填空(共15小题,计15分)( ) 21. -May I _ your dictionary for a while? -Sorry, I dont have one. A. borrow B. lend C. keep D. take( )22. Those_ have caught H1N1 disease must be kept off from us. A. who B. which C. / D. what( )23. Roy made two kites, but _ of them can fly high in the sky. A. neith

2、er B. none C. all D. most( )24. -Could you tell me how to improve spoken English? -Well, just take every chance to practise _and dont be shy. A. speak B. to speak C. speaking D. spoke( )25. -Theres going to _ a concert in the hall tonight. -Yes, and the last performance will be given by Wang Fei. A.

3、 have B. give C. play D. be.( )26. The children _ not to play with the fire . A. are told B. tell C. are asking D. warn( )27. -The artist has got _ much work to do that he hardly has time to help his wife with the housework. hats true. Even on Sundays he is busy with his work. A. too B. so C. very D

4、. such( )28. -Does the child need any help? No. He is old enough to _ himself. A. put on B. wear C. take care. D. dress( )29. -The pen writes well though it doesnt cost much. - Let me have a try. So _. A. it is B. it does C. does it D. is it( )30. The accident happened _ a freezing winter morning. A

5、. on B. in C. at D. since( )31. -I eat _ vegetables and _ meat than I did last year. -Thats why youre getting fatter. A. fewer, more B. more, less C. less, more D. many , much( )32. -Could you tell me _? I must find him. -Sorry. I have no idea. But he was here just now . A. where Tom was B. where ha

6、s Tom gone C. where can I find Tom. D. where Tom is( )33. -I dont think your team can beat theirs. -_. But we could if Lin Tao were on the team. A. No, we cant B. Yes, we cant C. Yes, we can D. No, we can( )34. -_ nice present youve bought for me! -Im glad you like it. A. How a B.What a C. How D. Wh

7、at( )35. -This is no-smoking zone. Cant you see the sign? -Oh, sorry. I _ it. A. havent seen B. wont see C. dont see D. didnt see三、完形填空(共10小题,计10分) These days it is found that school students hardly have any sports. Is it because they have no 36 in sports? It may not be true. They often say they hav

8、e 37 more important things to do. What are these important things? Exams! They have to 38_ themselves ready for all kinds of exams and tests in school. So many of them almost become bookworms(书呆子). In the past in the summer holidays, they could do 39 they liked, but now they have to spend all their

9、time preparing for exams. So 40 have kept them away from going in for sports. Because of the pressure from 41 parents and teachers, they have to work harder and spend most of their time 42_ books. As for the students themselves, they dont want to 43 the lessons because they want to further their stu

10、dies. So it is necessary to give all of their spare time to their studies and 44 up their school sports. Its true a good education cannot go without physical training, the same is true, a quick mind hardly goes along with a 45 body. Without a strong body, you can never do anything well, how can you

11、make great success in life?( )36. A. interests B. interested C. interesting D. interest( )37. A. another B. other C. much D. some( )38. A. make B. have C. get D. let( )39. A. anything B. something C. everything D. nothing( )40. A. teachers B. parents C. studies D. holidays( )41. A. his B. ones C. th

12、eir D. others( )42. A. in B. at C. to D. on( )43. A. miss B. lose C. leave D. fail( )44. A. give B. take C. put D. send( )45. A. strong B. heavy C. weak D. ill四、阅读理解(共15小题,计24分)AYou may feel curious (好奇的) about students in other countries: Do they also have so much homework? What do they do in their

13、 spare time? On April 8, a report came out on the lives of high school students in China, Japan, South Korea and the US. It surveyed around 6,200 students from the four countries last year. You will find the answers to many of your questions in this report.Who studies hardest?Chinese students spend the most time studying. Nearly half of Chinese students spend more than two hours on their homework every day. Thats much more than students of the US (26.4%),


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