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1、 牛津英语3B教学要求及教学建议 三年级第二学期牛津英语3B教学要求牛津英语3B这册教材分为三个Module,每个Module又由三到四个Unit组成。本册教材提供了丰富的词汇句型,蕴含了许多人文教育,体现了英语教学的文化性教育性等非智力因素。为了使本学期牛津英语教学工作的顺利进行,在上学期的教学实践和考查情况的基础上,经过认真研讨, 对本学期3B牛津教材每个Unit 划分为如下要求,供教师们参阅:一是主要内容(包括四会词汇,重点句型和字母的发音等)。二是人文教育(了解中西方文化差异)。三是教学建议(包括重要的语法点,及有关背诵,熟读,听说读做的内容)四是参考内容(供各校教师根据学生的实际情况

2、在教学中选择使用)Module 1 Using my five senses人文教育:教育学生亲身体验,感受生活的美好。Unit 1 Looking and seeing一、主要内容:1、四会词汇:hair, eye, nose, mouth, pink, brown, grey, can, cant, your, my,mirror, make, draw, cut, colour, toothpick, spin, spinner,paper,use 2、重点句型:(1)What can you see? I can seeI cant see(2)Is this your/his/her

3、? Yes, it is. / No, it isnt.(3)What colour can you see? I can see3、熟悉字母a在重读开音节单词中的发音。二、教学建议:1P2中,可增加如下句型: What can you do with your eyes/ears.? I can see/hear with my eyes/ears.2. P4中,老师可这样引出: What do we need to make a spinner? 可让学生操练We need 并能达到如下效果: A :Are you free? B: Yes, I am. A: Lets make a sp

4、inner and play it. B: OK. A: One, lets draw a circle . B: Two, cut the circle. A: Three, colour the circle. B: Four, we need a toothpick./Take a toothpick. A: Now, lets spin the spinner. What colour can you see? B:I can see 三、参考词汇:light灯 fan风扇 flag旗 felt pen毡头笔 eraser橡皮 knife小刀 sharpener卷笔刀 gel-ink

5、pen水笔Unit 2 Listening and hearing一、主要内容:1、四会词汇:hear, listen, aeroplane, bus, car, drill, telephone, street, tree, roof, cage, cup, dot, paper, hole, string, join2、重点句型:(1) What can you/he/she hear? You/he/she can hear(2) Can you/he/she hear? Yes, I/he/she can. / No, I/he/she cant hear(3) 祈使句Listen t

6、o, Take, Make, Join, Draw 3、熟悉字母a在重读闭音节单词中的发音。二、教学建议:1、P6的小诗中,可尝试让学生自己编小诗,如 Listen to the boy in the classroom.2、 P9 的内容放在P8前教3、P8中,运用如下句型 Take two paper cups. Take a pencil. We need a string 4、P8中,教打电话的习惯用语。三、参考词汇:bee-buzz, mouse-squeak, sheep-baa-baa,cow-moo, pig-oink, duck-quack, hen-cluck, roost

7、er-cock-a-doodle-doo, dog-bow-bow / wooftigerroar, snake-hiss, Unit 3 Touching and feeling一、主要内容:1四会词汇:soft, hard, rough, smooth, touch, feel, hot, cold, toy, pineapple, does2重点句型:1).-How does it feel?-Its2).Touch this/the desk/the apple3). Is this? Yes, it is./ No, it isnt.3Sound: 字母e和字母组合ee在单词中发i:

8、的音。二、教学建议:分两个教时上.Period 1.重点放在词汇,引出句型即可. Period 2.重点放在对话,能表演对话,并可加入部分练习.三、参考词汇:slippery 油腻的 shiny 光亮的 wet 湿的 dry 干的fluffy 蓬松的 chilly 凉飕飕的 sticky 粘的 ice cube 冰块cushion 靠垫 lichee 荔枝 board 木版Unit 4 Tasting and smelling一、主要内容:1四会词汇:lemon, sweet, sour, pineapple, prawn, taste, smell, flower, nice, strawb

9、erry, lime, fish, fruit shop, help2Sound: 字母e在闭音节单词中发e的音。3重点句型:Taste/SmellWhat is it? Is it a? / Is it?二、教学建议:1.P13.14.15合成两教时交.2.P16中,要丰富购物的语言.三、参考词汇:salty咸的 bitter苦的 crispy脆的 hot 辣的stinking臭的 sweet芳香的,甜的 fishy 腥的Module 2 My favourite thingsUnit 1 Animals I like一、主要内容:1、四会词汇:like, lizard, snake, ti

10、ger, lion, zebra, monkey, zoo, panda, giraffe, pet ,bat, lot2、重点句型:-Do you like?-Yes, I like Yes, I do./No, I dont like No, I dont.I like/I dont likeWhat are they? Theyre3Sound: 字母I在重读开音节单词中的发音。二、人文教育:教育学生热爱并善待动物,知道动物是人类的朋友。三、教学建议:1、教本单元内容时,可用主题教学的形式,如at the zoo, spring outing,用日常对话形式,如 新#课标#第一#网A:

11、Hey, Jack, look at the dog, its my pet. B: How lovely. A: I like dogs very much, do you like dogs? B: No, I dont like dogs. A: What do you like? B: I Like birds. They are beautiful, and they can sing songs. A: Do you have a pet at home? B: No. 四参考词汇:goldfish金鱼 turtle海龟 pigeon鸽子kangaroo袋鼠parrot鹦鹉drag

12、on龙 ox公牛 peacock孔雀tortoise乌龟 bear熊 sheep绵羊 koala树袋熊 goat山羊 eagle鹰 dove和平鸽 wolf狼 crow乌鸦 whale鲸 hippo河马 dinosaur恐龙dolphin海豚 shark鲨鱼seal海狮 leopard豹 crocodile鳄鱼Unit 2 Toys I like一、主要内容:1、四会词汇:doll, bicycle, bear, super, these, we beautiful, skateboard, robot, foil, glue, button, stick2、重点句型:(1)-I/We lik

13、e I/We dont like(2)-Do you like?-Yes, we like/ No, we dont like(3) These/ This4Sound: 字母I在单词中发 的音。二、人文教育:培养学生尊重个人选择的意识。三、教学建议:1、P20的对话中,加入买东西的情景,增加售货员的角色,使用句型I want How much? 等。2、P21中,要讲出喜欢与不喜欢的理由,老师提问可使用如下句型:What do you like ? What dont you like? What does your father/mother like?四参考词汇: Frisbee飞碟 j

14、igsaw/puzzle拼图 transformer变形金刚yo-yo溜溜球 hoop呼啦圈 Jack-in- the-box玩偶盒brick积木 dominoes多米诺骨牌Unit3 People I like一、主要内容:1重点词汇:how old, have, has, name, who, friend, his, her, new, hand, teeth, come here, wolf, go away, go to bed, take, where, too, all right,2重点句型:1)How old are you? Im 2)How old is ? Hes/Sh

15、es 3)Whats his/her name? His/Her name is 4)Whos this? Who are they?5) I have, He has 3Sound:字母O在开音节单词中的发音。二、人文教育:教育学生善于发现别人的优点。三、教学建议:1P24的对话中复习问候语如: How are you? Glad to see you . Nice to see you. Where are you going? Have a good day.2P26加入阅读材料 The Red Riding Hood,体会完整故事情节。3学习名词性的所有格 your sisters /brothers name。四、参考词汇:slim 苗条的 skinny 瘦



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