2021届高三英语人教版一轮新高考复习课件:必修4 Unit 5 Theme parks

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1、必修4 Unit 5 Theme parks 2 课前三 诵读话题经典 言两语 3 Some others 4 The former the latter 5 基础知 构建知识体系 识梳理 6 theme central unique preserve 7 outing sunlight tourism deed 8 central to preserve tourism 9 themes deeds 10 various variety length lengthen settler settlement 11 translator translation advanced admissio

2、n 12 amusement attraction attractive minority majority 13 advanced advance amused amusement 14 various vary variety attractions attract attractive settlers settle settlement 15 漫画 动画片 幻想 怪念头 无论在什么地方 各处 秋千 摇摆 摇摆 摆动 16 纪念品 引擎 发动机 剑 锦标赛 联赛 中世纪 骑士比武 丛林 17 生物 动物 商标 牌子 作宣传或介绍用的 小册子 指南 18 使转变为 使转化为 19 景点 2

3、0 be famous for be familiar with as well as no wonder come to life in advance for in to No 21 have fun be modelled after face to face get close to come true take part in to after with 22 Whatever the result is 23 whether you win or not 24 not only shows paper cuts but also presents to us 25 重难考 突破思维

4、瓶颈 点探究 26 27 28 various variety in 29 various a variety of varieties of 30 31 32 to be preserved preserving being wasted 33 nature preserve well preserved preservation 34 35 36 advances advanced 37 whether you are available or not in advance 38 39 how where when 40 what a 41 wonder if whether you co

5、uld accept my invitation It is no wonder No wonder 42 43 44 45 Whatever Whichever whoever 46 whatever Whatever 47 However hard you try No matter how hard you try 48 49 50 51 52 but was likes 53 not only can reading classics improve our studying career but also it can enrich our everyday life 54 核心素

6、强化运用技能 养达标 55 be preserved variety 56 should be preserved admission are 57 in to No 58 whoever with 59 sailing being knocked 60 length attraction others 61 to amuse entertainment 62 variety is based oldest traditional where learning or a 63 took a tour 64 getting close to was modelled after well pre

7、served No admission in advance 65 is famous for got close to came to life Whatever we said and did felt greatly amused at 66 When getting close to the village we found it modelled after an ancient castle and well preserved No admission is charged It is no wonder that we had to make an appointment in

8、 advance 67 Last weekend my friend and I took a tour to a village in our neighboring county When getting close to the village we found it modelled after an ancient castle and well preserved Fortunately no admission is charged It is no wonder that we had to make an appointment in advance The village is famous for raising birds When we got close to them they came to life at once Whatever we said and did they weren t frightened At last we felt greatly amused at the birds performance 68 课时提能练 点击右图进入 Thank you for watching



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