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1、2019 年高考浙江卷英语试题解析 第二部分阅读理解 共两节 满分35 分 A ZachariahFike has an unusual hobby Hefindsold military 军队的 medalsforsale inantiquestoresand on theInternet Butunlikemost collectors Zac tracksdown themedals rightfulowners and returnsthem His effortto reunitefamilieswithlostmedals began witha Christmasgiftfrom

2、 hismother a PurpleHeartwiththe name CorradoA G Piccoli foundinan antique shop Zac knows themeaning ofa PurpleHeart heearnedone himselfina war as a soldier So when hismothergave him themedal he knew rightaway what he had to do Through the Internet Zac trackeddownCorrado s sisterAdelineRockko But whe

3、n he finallyreachedher thewomanfloodedhim withquestions Who are you What antiqueshop However when she hung up she regrettedthe way she had handled the call So she calledZac back and apologized Soon she drove to meet Zac in Watertown N Y Atthatpoint Iknew she meant business Zac says To driveeighthour

4、s tocome tosee me The Piccolisgrew up thechildrenofItalianimmigrantsinWatertown Corrado a translatorfortheArmy duringWWII was killedinactioninEurope BeforehearingfromZac Adelinehadn t realizedthemedal was missing Like many militarymedals theone Zac s mother had foundwas a familytreasure This medal w

5、as very preciousto myparents Only on specialoccasions 场合 wouldthey take itoutand letus holditinourhands Adelinesays As a child Adelinecouldn tunderstandwhy the medal was so significant But as Igrew older Adelinesays and missed my brothermore and more Irealized thatwas the only thingwehad left Corrad

6、o Piccoli s PurpleHeart medal now hangs attheItalianAmericanCivicAssociationinWatertown Zac recentlyreturnedanotherlostmedal to a familyin Alabama Sincehe first reunitedCorrado s medal Zac says hisrecordisnow 5 for5 21 Where didZac geta PurpleHeartmedal forhimself A Inthearmy B Inan antiqueshop C Fr

7、om hismother D From AdelineRockko 22 What didZac realizewhen Adelinedrovetomeet him A She was veryimpolite B She was seriousaboutthemedal C She suspectedhishonesty D She came froma wealthyfamily 23 What made AdelinetreasurethePurpleHeart A Her parents advice B Her knowledgeofantiques C Her childhood

8、dream D Her memory ofher brother 21 A22 B23 D 这是一篇记叙文 ZachariahFike 有一个不同寻常的业余爱好 他在网上和古董店里寻找旧 的军队勋章 然后将这些勋章归还它们的合法主人 文章主要叙述了他这一爱好的起源 21 解析 细节理解题 根据第二段中的 Zacknows themeaning ofa PurpleHeart he earned one himselfina war as a soldier 可知 当Zac 还是一名士兵的时候 在一次战争中他获得 了一枚 PurpleHeart 故 A选项正确 22 解析 推理判断题 根据第三段

9、中的 Todriveeighthours to cometo see me 可以推知 Adeline 为了那枚PurpleHeart 开车八个小时来见Zac 由此可知 她对于这件事是认真地 因此 At thatpoint Iknew she meant business应该指的是Zac 意识到 Adeline对这枚勋章是 认真的 故B选项正确 23 解析 推理判断题 根据第四段中的 Corrado a translator was killedinactionin Europe 和倒数第三段中的 asI grew older and missed my brothermore and more

10、 I realized thatwas theonlythingwe had left 这枚勋章寄托了Adeline对于去世的哥哥Corrado 的回忆和思念 这是他们家留下的唯一关于哥哥的东西了 因此她很珍惜这枚勋章 故D选 项正确 B Money withno stringsattached It s notsomethingyou see everyday But at Union Stationin Los Angeleslastmonth a board went up withdollarbillsattached toitwithpinsand a signthatread Gi

11、veWhat You Can Take What You Need People quicklycaughton And whilemany tookdollars many otherspinned their own cash totheboard Peopleofallages races and socio economic 社会经济 的 backgroundsgave and took saidTylerBridgesof The Toolbox which createdthe project We even had a brideinherwedding dresscome up

12、 totheboardand takea few dollars Most of the billson the board were singles but a few people leftfives tensand even twenties The videoclip 片段 showsone manwho had found a 20 bill pinningittotheboard What I can say for the folksthat gave the most is thatthey were fullof smiles Bridgessaid There s a ce

13、rtainfeelingthatgivingcan do foryou and thatwas apparentin thosethatgave the most Most people who tookdollarstook onlya few butBridgessaida verysmallnumber tookas much as theycould While theclipmightlooklikepartof a new ad campaign Bridgessaidthe only goal was to show generosityand sympathy Headded

14、thathe hopes people in othercities mighttrysimilarprojectsand posttheirown videoson theInternet Afterall everyonehas bad days and good days he said Somedays you need a helpinghand and some days you can be theone givingthehelpinghand 24 What does theexpression money withno stringsattached inparagraph

15、1 mean A Money spentwithouthesitation B Money notlegallymade C Money offeredwithoutconditions D Money nottiedtogether 25 What didBridgeswant to show by mentioningthebride A Womentendedtobe more sociable B The activityattractedvariouspeople C Economic problemswere gettingworse D Young couplesneeded f

16、inancialassistance 26 Why didBridgescarryouttheproject A To do a teston people s morals B To raisemoney forhiscompany C To earnhimselfa good reputation D To promotekindnessand sympathy 24 C25 B26 D 这是一篇新闻报道 短文报道了上个月在洛杉矶的联合车站 一块牌子上别针别满了美元 上 面写着 给予你所能给与的 拿走你所需要的 这样的活动吸引了各种各样的人 组织者希 望通过这样的活动来提倡仁慈和同情 24 解析 词义猜测题 由第一段 Butat Union StationinLos Angeleslastmonth a board went up withdollarbillsattachedto itwithpinsand a signthatread GiveWhat You Can Take What You Need 可知 但是上个月在洛杉矶的联合车站 一块牌子上别针别满 了美元 上面写着


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