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1、阅读强化训练 四 学生用书P144 单独成册 建议用时 25 分钟 阅读理解 It s important to have difficult conversations so why do we avoid them We avoid difficult conversations for many reasons we don t want to make matters worse we fear we ll be attacked back we don t want to be mean and so on It s natural to dread difficult conver

2、sations However the truth is that when we treat each other with respect the conversations are rarely as difficult as we expect When we avoid difficult conversations the problem never has a chance to be solved Plus as we play the stories over and over in our mind they get louder and the people in the

3、 stories become bigger and bigger bad guys When we take part in difficult conversations we have an opportunity to build trust and respect We also learn we can challenge each other without fear which means our relationships with other people and organizations improve greatly When we take part in diff

4、icult conversations we show we care enough to bother and respect creativity and other people s opinions experiences education We realize we might have missed something if we had not discussed it with someone else two minds are better than one This can build confidence in ourselves and our relationsh

5、ips and create trust and respect So how to prepare for and have difficult conversations Overall stay positive listen carefully be kind don t attack and do not be defensive 自 卫 的 Difficult conversations are rarely bad situations unless we make them that way Get clear on your purpose make sure your pu

6、rpose is not about teaching others a lesson If you get emotional 情绪激动的 heated and off topic then it s likely that they will also get emotional Having difficult conversations is important to healthy relationships So don t avoid having difficult conversations And finally be comfortable being uncomfort

7、able Yes difficult conversations will be uncomfortable But your purposes are good and you are willing to be uncomfortable for the benefit of the person the relationship and or the company 解题导语 我们倾向于避免艰难对话 但是进行艰难对话有很多好处 我们不应该 逃避 1 Which of the following statements would the author agree with A Diffic

8、ult conversations often make things worse B Difficult conversations should be avoided at times C It s not that difficult to have difficult conversations D We often avoid difficult conversations for no reason C解析 推理判断题 根据第二段的 when we treat each other with respect the conversations are rarely as diffi

9、cult as we expect 可知 作者认为进行艰难对话其 实并没有那么难 2 What does the underlined word dread in Paragraph 2 mean A Fear B Start C Follow D Improve A解析 词义猜测题 根据第一段的we don t want to make matters worse and so on 可知 这里是指 害怕 艰难对话是很自然的事 3 According to the author what should we do when having a difficult conversation A

10、Get others emotional when necessary B Stop once we feel uncomfortable C Control our negative emotions D Try to be defensive C解析 细节理解题 根据第四段的If you get emotional 情绪激动的 heated and off topic then it s likely that they will also get emotional 可知 我们应该控 制好我们的情绪 4 What s the author s purpose in writing the

11、 text A To encourage us to have good purposes B To explain why difficult conversations are good C To encourage us not to avoid difficult conversations D To explain why people avoid difficult conversations C解析 写作意图题 根据末段的Having difficult conversations is important to healthy relationships So don t av

12、oid having difficult conversations 可知 作 者是想鼓励我们不要避免艰难对话 完形填空 When I was ten my parents felt proud of me when I received a good mark at school So I spent most of my time 1 and I always felt afraid that I wouldn t perform well which 2 my parents I had no friends and it seemed that I 3 to be a happy pe

13、rson When I grew up I thought a good salary and a better position were what I 4 I was a selfish person and I was lonely My life seemed to be a 5 One day an old man in 6 clothes knocked at my door and asked me to give him some food He was dirty 7 and thirsty and his eyes were filled with 8 So I helpe

14、d him I gave him some milk and bread These were all the things that I could 9 him that day But he showed me his gratitude 感谢 his 10 as well as his happiness His smile also made me happy and everything negative inside me 11 That feeling was 12 And that old homeless man taught me the 13 meaning of hap

15、piness and also changed me Happiness doesn t mean high marks or a good 14 Happiness means that you receive 15 and give it to someone who needs it Since I changed myself in a n 16 way many people were 17 to play with me I also took part in some charity acivities to help people 18 And I realize 19 som

16、eone s day is one of the most generous things we can do and making other people smile is the most 20 way that makes us happy 解题导语 本文是一篇记叙文 作者成绩好 工作好 但是作者不快乐 后来她明 白快乐的人不一定是有钱或有地位的人 而是能给别人带去快乐的人 1 A thinking B practising C studying D reading C解析 根据下文 and I always felt afraid that I wouldn t perform well 可知 作者花很多时间在学习上 2 A frightened B ignored C reminded D disappointed D解析 根据上文 I wouldn t perform well 可知 作者担心她不能得到好分 数 从而让父母失望 3 A failed B wanted C refused D asked A解析 根据上文I had no friends 可知 作者把大部分时


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