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1、大学英语读写译(三)期末测试题(2)Part IReading Comprehension (55%)Part I. Skimming and Scanning (10 %)Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on The Answer Sheet. For questions 1-7, markY ( for YES) if the statement agrees with the information give

2、n in the passage;N (for NO) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage;NG ( for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage.For questions 8-10, complete the sentences with information given in the passage.Are Language Skills Enough?There is so much more meaning t

3、o a message than what exists in the spoken or written words. For example, if a person says, “You know, Barbara, I really like you,” it has different meanings depending on whether it is said by a man or woman, in an office or a bar. Context, the tone of voice, the stress put on certain words, as well

4、 as the eye contact, physical distance, and the relationship between the speaker and listener are all factors which give meaning to whats being said. Sometimes, these factors can generate much more meaning than the words themselves. If a friend says to me, “Gee, I cant wait to see the result of the

5、upcoming election,” my interpretation of that message will be based upon my knowledge of my friends political views, the situation with the current campaign, and my ability to understand the meaning behind the tone of voice.Our ability to understand such cues is developed without us being aware of i

6、t through our process of socialization. Our interpretation of these cues just comes naturally. Every culture has its own set of cultural rues that each member of that culture understands. Its common how a person form Culture A and a person form Culture B interpret the very same words in totally diff

7、erent ways. Here are some examples.When “Sarcasm” Means “Sincerity”Marsha though things were gong well with her new French friends, particularly Bertrand. He often invited her to interesting and fun events, but he was often making fun of her. One day at an art exhibition, while looking at a particul

8、arly abstract piece, Marsha said that she couldnt understand what the artist was trying to express. Bertrand smiled and responded, “Yes, Im afraid French art is far too advanced for Americans to understand.” Marsha was upset; she really liked him and could not figure out what caused him to frequentl

9、y make fun of her. So, she asked her host mother about it. “My dear,” the host mother told her, “this means that he really likes you. In France, when someone feels comfortable enough to make fun of you, that means that you have been welcomed as a very close friend.”When “Now” Doesnt Mean “Now”Joshua

10、, an American student in Heredia, Costa Rica, called his Costa Rican partner to meet for coffee. When he asked what time they should meet, the response was “Nos encontranmos ahora en el paraque”. Ahora literally means now. So, he grabbed his jacket and headed straight to the park where they agreed t

11、o meet. Half an hour later, his friend arrived without the least sigh of regret for being late. After discussing the matter with his Spanish teacher, Joshua learned that in Costa Rica, ahora means sometime within the hour. And, if people decide to meet someplace like the park, it is no problem for o

12、ne or the other person to wait for a while because they will spend some nice time in the park, probably running into some other friends, or meeting someone friendly.When “Yes” Doesnt Mean “Yes”Many business people might have experienced this frustrating situation in Japan. Sarah, a young business wo

13、man form New York, was sent to Japan to close a big deal for her company. While giving her presentation, she became more and more certain of the sale because her Japanese business partners continually nodded their heads as she spoke. When she finished, she thought the deal was made and asked when th

14、ey would like to sigh the agreement. She was shocked when she was told that they were not yet sure if they wanted to make the deal or not. What Sarah did not know is that in Japan, nodding head does not necessarily mean “Yes” as it does in the U.S. It can also mean “Yes, I am listening and understan

15、ding what you are saying.”These stories provide just a few examples of how language skills are simply not enough to achieve effective communication in anther culture. To get the most of your international learning experience, focus on gaining cross-cultural skills as well as language skills. Cross-c

16、ultural skills will enable you to do the following: Understand how cultural affects communication; Deal with behavior that seems to you strange or offensive; Learn form your cultural adaption process; Communicate more effectively.These sills will also help you when you learn a new language. After all, language is a reflection of the culture from which it developed.Questions:1. This passage tells us that language skills alone


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